The new lines definitely did not turn out so hot. It's too bad. Sion was the peak of recent voice stuff but I haven't been too impressed with most of the other rework/new champ voices.Ah yes, the great waiting game
Edit-Old GP actor is sad. I am sad with him.
Tahm also has a lot of flavor with his taunt sweet talking allies. It's pretty fun, but I feel like there's a missing authenticity to its southern origin. It's still the strongest voice on a new champion in a very long time.Sion's is fucking perfect
I haven't listened to GP's and don't pay attention when I'm playing Tahm but his voice changes when you get 3 stacks on someone I think? which is pretty cool
"Everything sucks and Riot is worst company na"
- Breezy
"Everything sucks and Riot is worst company na"
- Breezy
I have to chime in and say that in my time lurking this thread although the good gentleman Breezy likes to bitch about nearly everything, the new Gangplank voice although less goofy, is really dull and uninteresting compared to the original one.
Tahm also has a lot of flavor with his taunt sweet talking allies. It's pretty fun, but I feel like there's a missing authenticity to its southern origin. It's still the strongest voice on a new champion in a very long time.
That's cute.
Yeah being full build as any adc is so fun. I love being late game kog. You can just melt anyone.
for the record i have tried to get breezy to switch to dota like 30 times now
No, she'll be weak, you read her kit, remember?She'll probably be a decent character built tanky. The downside is that if she's up against a sustain top, she might have a hard time unlike irelia who can sustain.
dota doesn't have Swain
sorry Steve
No, she'll be weak, you read her kit, remember?
Closest I could think of is actually one of my fave heroes.
Leshrac The Tormented.
Just go bloodstone, aga, black king bar, blademail and you're killing everybody just by standing.
Do you prefer lol because of your complain tendencies?![]()
Personally dying for that Kalista q change.The new patch just added a whole loads of... nothing.
ah well, thank god for that Runegleive nerf at least.
The black market brawlers will probably be online in a couple of days or after the weekend or similar.The new Fiora looks like a lot of fun and will probably be my worst nightmare playing adc in low elo normal games
Maybe I'll have to give her a go but I've always sucked at squishy melee characters I play too defensive and have no idea how much damage potential I actually have. I bet she will be similar to Riven in playstyle and competitiveness. If the person knows how to play them then they will dominate the game if they don't they may win lane but then instantly die in the mid-late game.
As for the patch I can't wait to check out the new UI and give MF a quick go even though I've always been pretty poor with her. Also the new ARAM match should be interesting to check out but the gameplay is exactly the same?
What was the stuff on PBE where you could buy minions? I thought that was part of this event but I'm guessing it must be for the next one?
E - Cocoon
STUN DURATION 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds ⇒ 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2 seconds
Yup playin elise this patch.
Don't know if she's god tier but that buff is insane.
I view it as a sort of teabaggingI think the only thing I really don't like on Fiora's new kit is the big AoE heal, for thematic reasons. I don't care massively about her gameplay since I never play top, but for Riot to spend so much time focusing on making her fit a fencer/ duelist persona slapping a big ol' heal pad on her because team utility or whatever just seems bizarre.
Isn't she considered bad right now?
She can cheese early but she becomes a stun bot at late game because she doesn't scale well.
Sometimes when I carelessly wander alone and ganked by 3 people I get reminded that I'm horribly fed.
they did? isnt it still the same, 6% per stack x6/7/8?Oh, they basically doubled MF's magic AD ratio on the ult. That's kinda nice?
She does a stack worth of bonus magic damage for each stack already applied before you ult.they did? isnt it still the same, 6% per stack x6/7/8?
Nope, name just comes from a town in Ragnarok Online.not for nothing but are you an actual German
Just wondering
(I'm studying the language and am looking at how 'ch' is pronounced, so I saw your name and gave it a try.)
have German Swain VO
She does a stack worth of bonus magic damage for each stack already applied before you ult.
EDIT - Wait, there's nothing about it on the patch notes, could it be some really weird wording on her ult tooltip? God damn it Riot
I was thinking it would do double the stack damage depending on how many stacks you already hadshe already did that though? if you autoed someone to max stacks then ulted them, each wave did max stacks of damage. so (0.06x8)8
edit: apparently if you shield damage she doesnt lose her strut, so BT passive will be a good way to not get poked by a random tf wild card and lose your passive.
Nope, name just comes from a town in Ragnarok Online.
I'm a fatty 'murican.
I always thought you were European due to your tag.