I think she's going to be harder to play post re-work. Her Riposte takes way more timing, and it's directional rather than automatic return damage. Her ult is way more difficult to use, and her Q only goes once. She actually has less escape now, which is rough. She can no longer split push.
That said, she seems to be better as far as a 1v1 laner and will actually be useful in a teamfight from a utility standpoint.
In reference to the bolded, I don't think those are correct. She has an escape move as well as Flash now that she can use, even if the range isn't huge. Before if you committed to a fight you were fully committed. You had to go in, get the kill or you died.
As for her in a 1 v 1 scenario, I don't think she's better now honestly. Previously you would use your dashes, your untargetability and your huge burst damage to beat almost anyone 1 v 1. Now it's about outplaying your opponent to an extent? Look for your opportunity, hit the week spot and use Riposte to push back damage and disengage. Then when you are low and your big opportunity comes, you can ult and go all in.
There's more interaction with her now both playing as and against her. She'll be rewarded for outplaying her opponents but she won't automatically be better than everyone in a 1 v 1 now.