NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
None because slows don't stack anymore.How much extra slow % will Rylai apply on Swain's Q?
None because slows don't stack anymore.How much extra slow % will Rylai apply on Swain's Q?
i almost wish they didn't add any new fancy stuff to the bilgewater mode and just tried those items out in regular sr for a few weeks
i bet somehow it'll turn up to be a buff to corki since worlds is just around the corner
How much extra slow % will Rylai apply on Swain's Q?
How much extra slow % will Rylai apply on Swain's Q?
they should just add all the new items in. Shake up the game for once.
How do you Elo boost.XWX suspended indefinitely for elo boosting
rip TIP
XWX suspended indefinitely for elo boosting
rip TIP
people be dumbXWX suspended indefinitely for elo boosting
rip TIP
How do you Elo boost.
Sounds different than CoD boosting.Not sure if serious....
but if you are, elo boosting by logging into someone's account and playing ranked for them.
Does Swain's Q slow more than 40%? Then it will not add anything.
Less than 40%? Then it will slow 40%.
Unless it counts in the 20% category, then you can replace the above numbers with 20%.
edit: Swain's Q has 20% slow at rank 1 and 40% at rank 5. So Rylai is definitely useless on rank 5, but might be useless on all levels.
Personally dying for that Kalista q change.
XWX suspended indefinitely for elo boosting
rip TIP
no support, no midlaner
RIP indeed
Jeez, the way people complain about the ingame face of the Fiora model on Reddit. I would think those guys fap at the actual game.
Jeez, the way people complain about the ingame face of the Fiora model on Reddit. I would think those guys fap at the actual game.
Jeez, the way people complain about the ingame face of the Fiora model on Reddit. I would think those guys fap at the actual game.
that's an incredibly handwavy dismissive approach to real concerns that people have with the new hud
it's extremely hard to parse what's a legitimate issue with design and what's "well I'm used to glancing here and now I have to glance somewhere else so it takes longer"
i'm taking most complaints with a grain of salt for now.
Jeez, the way people complain about the ingame face of the Fiora model on Reddit. I would think those guys fap at the actual game.
[zkylon]rotate the model up a little bit pls[/zkylon]
Her waist actually looks thinner doe
I dunno, she does look like a chubby harry potter now in game. They seriously did *ruin* her. I'm surprised XiaoWeiXiao is suspended, I thought he was one of the good ones after the whole drama with his group being held hostage by their last owner or something.
excuuuse me[zkylon]rotate the model up a little bit pls[/zkylon]
Jeez, the way people complain about the ingame face of the Fiora model on Reddit. I would think those guys fap at the actual game.