I feel like I'm having the most fun in this game when I'm playing Kalista. I just love the q-max playstyle.
Edit: Seems like Elise is back.
Edit: Seems like Elise is back.
Seemed really strong to me, especially with Kalista/Janna, since Kalista doesn't crit norally.How you like zekes?
i mean i guess i wouldn't be like against buying waifu trophees u know
but i still wish i could like buy them glasses and silly hats and stuff and more glasses
Ooo that survey seems interesting! Hopefully they do add all of those to the game in some form or another. I would really love to see champion addons gained through mastery such as hats, weapon skins or clothing.
As for the last hit animations and stuff I think that all looks cool and is something they should put on the store. I personally wouldn't buy it but I buy like 1 skin a year. But it would make an awesome item to gift to someone or randomly giveaway for good behaviour etc.
I tried out MF last night and she feels nice to play but I didn't really do all that much damage I also didn't to get to try her out properly as it ended up being a 10-0 game after 10 minutes from the other lanes/jungle -.- I handily won bot lane though but didn't really have much kill pressure as I hadn't a clue what I was doing![]()
I think it's high time for a Nasus rework...
got rekt?
You can have 2~6 barrels, you're supposed to set them up out of range and surprise people with chain reactions.E is like impossible to use in a real match. People just auto them straight away and it's incredibly frustrating. Seems like way more effort than it's worth.
His QAside from autos what can destroy GP barrels?
No I'm watching trick2g play as Nasus and just watching how that match went made me feel like this doge needs to stop being about hugging 1 lane and stacking that q.
No I'm watching trick2g play as Nasus and just watching how that match went made me feel like this doge needs to stop being about hugging 1 lane and stacking that q.
No one should use Renek.I hate him. He's a ticking time bomb just like Vladimir. Also, it's pretty hard to win against him as Renek who I use a lot.
His Q
No, enemies need to auto it. Maybe ranged abilities that apply on hits like MF Q work? I dunno.Sorry I should've been more specific: If the enemy team intends to break his barrels they must auto it, but can any ability break the barrels also?
Sorry I should've been more specific: If the enemy team intends to break his barrels they must auto it, but can any ability break the barrels also?
No one should use Renek.
Shir early game. Shit late game. Shit Nasus substitite.
You can have 2~6 barrels, you're supposed to set them up out of range and surprise people with chain reactions.
It's not much being a supermodel as it is being different from what her face was supposed to be. I dunno about you but this is a supermodel to me.The community reaction to the fiora vu is just sad
It's like people can't handle a female champ that's not their ideal image of a supermodel. We really do deserve our reputation
It's not telegraphed, you put barrels out of sight in Q range then immediatly put one down then explode the first one. In the middle of teamfights you can also put barrels down while dueling someone to refresh your passive and gain more damage.I know, but that's what I'm saying. More effort than it's worth. You're never realistically gonna do anything with them in team fights. Outside of brush cheese it's too telegraphed to ever be effective.
Idk he's pretty unique and delaying his power spike and managing him is kinda like a game in itself. When he gets big and I'm jungling i always feel lile late game is more dealing with the consequences of not keeping tabs on him than "this champ is bs".
Focus too much on Nasus and you risk not helping your other lanes as Jungler.
I dunno, she does look like a chubby harry potter now in game. They seriously did *ruin* her. I'm surprised XiaoWeiXiao is suspended, I thought he was one of the good ones after the whole drama with his group being held hostage by their last owner or something.
I feel like I'm having the most fun in this game when I'm playing Kalista. I just love the q-max playstyle.
Edit: Seems like Elise is back.
Yeah, I don't know how Elise is going to stay in this state for more than 2 patches.
Might be quite early to really back that statement up but holy hell, I've never felt this powerful in the jungle with a champ before.
An ap assassin with good clear and sustain against a tank meta is insane.
And rylai on her is sooo good.
one really has to wonder how "it doesn't work"
do they fail to deliver patches every few weeks? do they not regularly create awesome champions and skins? isn't the game bit by bit better than before? and is it not like super popular and succesful?
cos, like, aside from the usual balancing woes that lead to competitive being kind of crazy predictable and unexciting (which i guess it's not 100% riot's fault, but it sure is in a big part), i'd say it works pretty fucking well
ikr?Are you me?
Def want them. I'm a sucker for cute things. Glasses are cute as fock.
Make a cute skin for a champ that I don't have on top of me being absolutely horrible at playing her. I'd buy that. Happened to me with sg lux.
Some good, some bad.
I'm not saying Riot isn't getting anything done. They are making steps towards making the game better, a little bit at a time, and that's good. However, we're still waiting for them to make these big leaps in quality like we've been promised so many times. Lots of big features promised, then nothing.
We're about to do the "replay tango" again aren't we
I'm sure the replay system is just about finished.
Had time for 3 games today, didn't get to jungle in any, 0-3 :-(
I can almost understand why laners rage in this game. If your lane just goes even it's so hard to not be able to do anything while the rest of your team just falls apart. I even won lane and got multiple successful ganks off in other lanes in one game and it still wasn't even close.
Doesn't help that i blow ass at every role but jungle
If competitive play doesn't require people to be good at more than one role then why should one of the entry points do so?Idk about that ranked teambuilder
Not getting your role kind of just seems like part of the deal to mei say immediately after bitching about not getting my role
I see what your saying,but I think team builder would make it more competitive cause who ever you are leaning against usually mains that role.If competitive play doesn't require people to be good at more than one role then why should one of the entry points do so?
If competitive play doesn't require people to be good at more than one role then why should one of the entry points do so?
People naturally gravitate to certain roles and champions. Not getting your role just gets you bot laners not playing bot lane or worse, solo laners playing bot lane.
Who said anything about duos?Wut? Since duo bot is an expression straight out of hell, I do not get this point..