hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Riven mains truly are the most putrid thing in the game.

Riven mains truly are the most putrid thing in the game.
I can understand that, and that there are many people who feel that way. The new system should allow people with both types of preferences to get what they want at least.Ya that's definitely true. I just think it's a boring way to play.
On most nights, I rarely play the same champion or even role twice in a row. Unless i'm in the mood to play Bard.[img]
Ya that's definitely true. I just think it's a boring way to play.
On most nights, I rarely play the same champion or even role twice in a row. Unless i'm in the mood to play Bard. mains truly are the most putrid thing in the game.
Queue up as a role. Queuing up as two roles gets you 10% more IP. Three, 15%. Four, 20%.
Why this hasn't been implemented yet is beyond me.
Or choose "fill" and get 25% bonus IP. Come on, Riot. This isn't hard and saves a lot of toxicity.
that rule comes exactly from ppl not being able to play what they want, not because solo queue is about playing multiple you might as well just solo queue as it is. If you don't know more than one role, you shouldn't be ranking, is the rule of thumb.
i mean, riot can't really fix ppl throwing tantrums cos they can't handle losing, so they focus on what they can fix from a systems perspectiveThe issue with ranked isn't with people not getting their role, it's people with bad attitudes. Either you picked incorrectly, or they're having a bad day that they'll go 'Yolo360queue', or they're on tilt and feel the need to inform everyone, usually causing people to complain at them, or they'll go afk because someone on your team died first, or they'll just be complete dicks in game because they have a need to tell you how to play, etc.
People not getting their role is the least of the problems with the community.
So if I'm reading that right teemo in a brush goes stealthed in .75 seconds and stays stealthed until he attacks or leaves the brush?
So if I'm reading that right teemo in a brush goes stealthed in .75 seconds and stays stealthed until he attacks or leaves the brush?
teemo support
teemo support with smite. Counter the enemy jungler for the level 2 and run away laughing.
reduce duration on shrooms is pretty big tho
not sure if him being able to move while invisible in a brush is that big of a deal tbh
Wut? Since duo bot is an expression straight out of hell, I do not get this point..
They made her whiter? lel![]()
happy with ur waifu face now?
happy with ur waifu face now?
happy with ur waifu face now?
Did someone say Teemo buffs?
Is Elise free rotation atm?
How exactly am I supposed to deal damage using her? I can never get my ahead around these 2 forms ish @_@
Also where is Captain Fortune Rito?
really digging the story stuff as usual
lots of personality injected into tf, graves, gp and mf
these events are always awesome
not sure if it's buffs, sounds like they're trying a gameplay shift by making him less about filling the map with shrooms and more about being annoying in a more immediate distance, by throwing mushrooms around and turning invisible and stuff.
Just play nasus to last hit towers, or 2 shot towers.Yikes for the 2nd Graves icon I have to actually last hit the tower? :/
I already had an ARAM game fucked thanks to a Maokai in my team who wanted all cs and flamed everyone who took farm and only used the ultimate to farm -_-
I like having rewards for achievements in these events but some people just take it too far.
I still think they need to address Teemo's on hit. It doesn't make sense to me how he is allowed to do so much damage magic while not having any sort of mana problems.
Though maybe I'm salty because whenever I play against a Teemo the top laner on my team feeds the shit out of him early unless I'm top since I play Quinn 9/10 times. Also I'm salty because his point and click blind is longer than Quinn's.
Okay, I'm a salty Quinn player and I'm annoyed that I can't completely shit on Teemo in lane like other top laners.
Build attack speed and hope your teammates aren't it really 10 last hits on ARAM towers? theres not a lot of those to go around
is it really 10 last hits on ARAM towers? theres not a lot of those to go around