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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Yeah I'm not sure about this new hud. Feels like they just shook shit up for the sake of it. Could also be that I'm just not used to it yet i guess.


Ranked. S-


whats mf built in this patch

i heard something about building hurricane or her but that sounded silly
Maybe I should make a guide.


I hate giving away easy wins.

I just lost 20lp in Gold V. This is not boding well. I went from promos to tanking lol. I think I'm going to be silver before long at this rate.
I hate giving away easy wins.

I just lost 20lp in Gold V. This is not boding well. I went from promos to tanking lol. I think I'm going to be silver before long at this rate.

Breezy protip #62:Ranking on the weekends during summertime increases the chances of getting a worse team. Always rank late at night or during the weekday!


I hate giving away easy wins.

I just lost 20lp in Gold V. This is not boding well. I went from promos to tanking lol. I think I'm going to be silver before long at this rate.

It's damn near impossible to drop from Gold V, your MMR would have to tank to Silver V.
Duelist's Dance (Passive)

Fiora identifies Vitals on nearby enemy champions. Fiora will reveal a new Vital afte striking the last one, or after 15 seconds.

When Fiora strikes a Vital, she deals 3 (+.028 - .045 AD )% of the target's maximum health in true damage, receives [20% base, increases to 30/40/50% based on R rank ] increased movement speed that decays over 1.75 seconds, and recovers [20 + 5.9 per level] health.

Grand Challenge (R)
100 Mana
110/90/70 sec Cooldown
Range: [500]

Fiora reveals all four Vitals on the target champion, for a potential [4x damage of passive] % max health true damage. In addition, Fiora gains Duelist Dances's movement speed bonus (30/40/50%) while near the target.

If Fiora hits all 4 Vitals in 8 seconds or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora and her allies in the area are healed for 80/110/140 (+.6 AD) each second for 5 seconds.

It scales with her passive.
i've been pretty obsessed with league lately but I'm not anywhere near good enough to start playing ranked lol

I've been playing casual 5v5 and aram a lot lately and been having a lot of fun, not really focusing on any one champion in particular but I like playing top and mid a lot so any tips would be cool for those lanes.

I'm a huge fan of playing as Sona too, best support I've used she's so good.


so cruel of them to put Zed on sale but since I've at least been playing he was never on free rotation. sigh... I have the feeling I'd really dig him but dont want to waste RP.

Not to mention I barely have enough time to play with the chars I got. Probably need to switch to only buying new heroes with IP. Spend RP only on the occasional vanity item.


Gold Member
i've been pretty obsessed with league lately but I'm not anywhere near good enough to start playing ranked lol

I've been playing casual 5v5 and aram a lot lately and been having a lot of fun, not really focusing on any one champion in particular but I like playing top and mid a lot so any tips would be cool for those lanes.

I'm a huge fan of playing as Sona too, best support I've used she's so good.

Here are some tips for top lane.

I always make it a point to buy pink so I can ward the bush near my tower with it and the other bush with my free trinket.

buying the upgraded trinket is probably the most cost efficient thing you will ever buy in league. I cannot stress enough how important wards are. They are the difference between you winning the lane and being ganked to death.

90% of the time, you take teleport so you can get back in lane easily or tp gank other lanes for presence. I only ever use ignite on a certain champs like tryndamyr. You take it also if you're not confident with dealing with your enemy laner otherwise teleport is always preferred.

That's just general tips because I find that there are certain nuances with different champions on top so you have to rely on experience or by watching guides and stream to gain knowledge for a specific champ/


The crazy thing is that, statistically, Ez has the second highest damage output of any ADC. But I'm with you. Numbers be damned Ez hits like a wet noodle come late game.

As far as why people play Ez, it's simple. His end game stats feeds their cognitive dissonance. I went 7/2/6, I can't carry these scrubs when the truth is - as you pointed out - he doomed his team by picking Ez into his comp.

Exhaust isn't something you pick vs. double AD. It's the summoner you take when there's a high burst opponent on the other team (e.g. an assassin) that concerns you. It's 2.5 seconds in duration, the damage reduction is going to impact a champion who's trying to get all their damage out in that time more than a champion who deals their damage over a longer stretch of time.

For the most part enemy bot lane champions don't have the sort of burst during laning phase that would make exhaust necessary, nor does your own ADC have the sort of damage output to take advantage of the armor and MR reduction. Even when the ADC does have burst (Graves, Draven) it's more about the lane being bursty. Graves/Leona might call for Exhaust but Graves/Braum doesn't.

And who gives a fuck if the support gets the kills. Try your best to let him take them, by all means, but don't hold back especially early. If the ADC bitches just put that dumbass on ignore. Fact is that he's still getting gold, he's still getting XP, and the duo is still winning your lane.

Don't take my word for it though. Head on down to champion.gg and check out the support champions win rate differences between exhaust and ignite. Ignite will generally increase win rates by ~1-2%, which is actually more impactful than those small numbers would make you initial think.

Honestly, yeah. There's tons of unexplored design space there.

And back to the permaban list she goes!

I knew she was definitely strong again having spectated about ~6 high MMR matches and not counting the stuff I've seen on twitch and youtube, but I still didn't expect 54%. What's really caught my eye isn't the stun buff which you can definitely feel, don't get me wrong, but it's the changes and buffs to her spiderlings and her passive. In a late game dive her chip damage after landing her burst is really good. I don't recall Elise being to eat away at HP bars like that.

Definitely trying her out this weekend. I was going to anyways, but now I feel I have to before she gets nerfed back again.

That surprises me. I thought exhaust was almost universally supposed to be a good support choice, at least up until platinum/diamond.


forgot to mention, i played summoner sweetheart (the league vn) a whole bunch

tbh it's a weird game. it's like, the characters in the game aren't really league characters but like their real life counterparts, or something? like there's a girl called ami that looks just like ahri and plays with ahri but has like real life problems like her parents being jerks or something like that. or like the soraka girl is like super shy and rengar girl (yeah rengar is a girl <3) wants to be like a pro-gamer but she thinks no one respects her cos she's a girl or something like that. you can also play as leona and "date" jayce, rumble and viktor but i didn't play much of that route

and it's like super weird cos they don't even play regular league. in the game league is like a vr mmo thing that ppl log into and like create their own characters that they roleplay as. or something like that. and there's also some evil hacker guy that's trying to destroy runeterra (the one in the videogame) and so they have to stop him? or something like that? i dunno, i only got the hold hands with rengar girl ending so no idea what the hell that hacker guy was about. there's like a minigame about mashing buttons and killing monsters with surprisingly good pixelart that is just super boring to play and crashes all the time but apparently there's that to the game too

overall i'd say it pretty much misses the mark completely on what i would want out of a league vn, which is like just give me league characters, not like real people, wth is up with that lol. would be nice to be able to date actual ahri instead of the bitchy real life girl that's playing ahri, sort of

random pictures time:

they're mostly from rengar girl side cos she was the most fun to tease i guess

ahri was like super bitchy so i dumped her mid-way through

was planning on doing a leona run to hook up with viktor since his dialogue is kind of hilarious but game's super buggy and kept crashing on me

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
forgot to mention, i played summoner sweetheart (the league vn) a whole bunch

tbh it's a weird game. it's like, the characters in the game aren't really league characters but like their real life counterparts, or something? like there's a girl called ami that looks just like ahri and plays with ahri but has like real life problems like her parents being jerks or something like that. or like the soraka girl is like super shy and rengar girl (yeah rengar is a girl <3) wants to be like a pro-gamer but she thinks no one respects her cos she's a girl or something like that. you can also play as leona and "date" jayce, rumble and viktor but i didn't play much of that route

and it's like super weird cos they don't even play regular league. in the game league is like a vr mmo thing that ppl log into and like create their own characters that they roleplay as. or something like that. and there's also some evil hacker guy that's trying to destroy runeterra (the one in the videogame) and so they have to stop him? or something like that? i dunno, i only got the hold hands with rengar girl ending so no idea what the hell that hacker guy was about. there's like a minigame about mashing buttons and killing monsters with surprisingly good pixelart that is just super boring to play and crashes all the time but apparently there's that to the game too

overall i'd say it pretty much misses the mark completely on what i would want out of a league vn, which is like just give me league characters, not like real people, wth is up with that lol. would be nice to be able to date actual ahri instead of the bitchy real life girl that's playing ahri, sort of

random pictures time:

they're mostly from rengar girl side cos she was the most fun to tease i guess

ahri was like super bitchy so i dumped her mid-way through

was planning on doing a leona run to hook up with viktor since his dialogue is kind of hilarious but game's super buggy and kept crashing on me
If you want something right, you gotta make it yourself.
Like that League fighting game.


If you want something right, you gotta make it yourself.
Like that League fighting game.
it's not like awful or anything, but it's so weirdly different from what you'd expect

like, you'd think they could've just done like a japanese highschool where all the champions attend to train for the league or whatever and there's your excuse to put champions in cute sailor uniforms and have them do dumb animu stuff

it's a million dollar idea, someone needs to make it


tfw when you're in elo hell
but deep down know you suck

I keep playing ADC and I have a bad habit of not leaving lane early enough and all our other lanes get dumpstered and I can't help them and I have a jungler that didn't finish a jungle item and I'm the only one buying wards when I'm the fucking ADC and ahhhhhhh

edit: our jungle shyvana was down 100 cs to their CHOGATH jungle

this can't be real


planned upgrades for the gui on next patch
* Clearer, larger fonts
* Text colors and styling (as well as darker bgs for contrast)
* Full square ability cooldowns with a more readable color
* Pulled way back on animation length and noise
* A lot less blue
* More negative space between elements
* Larger team frames and meters
* More readable stats
* More readable spell pips



shrooms still take 1.5s to arm so it's a lot less annoying than it sounds

half duration for shrooms is huge, these changes sound awesome for me


they sound anti-fun to me

rip teemo minefield

everything sounds anti-fun to you

riot listens to player feedback and changes fiora so that everyone's happy: "that stealing scum stole x redditor's 5 minutes work!"

riot makes like the most annoying champion ever essentially like half as annoying "that's anti-fun!"

wth dood
everything sounds anti-fun to you

riot listens to player feedback and changes fiora so that everyone's happy: "that stealing scum stole x redditor's 5 minutes work!"

riot makes like the most annoying champion ever essentially like half as annoying "that's anti-fun!"

wth dood

teemo is a weak character as is, so so what if he's annoying, it's not like these changes are going to make him more viable

and you always have to scrutinize a company like riot. you give them an inch they'll take a mile and try to make a buck off it.
But you can throw 'em like grenades!

get the heimer out of my teemo


mushroom missiles
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