It's a legendary skin, so most likely not.
Hmm I feel like dropping 2k RP and just getting it now...
It's a legendary skin, so most likely not.
Why do that when Bandit Sivir is 520 RP.Hmm I feel like dropping 2k RP and just getting it now...
Why do that when Bandit Sivir is 520 RP.
Wow thanks guys. I'll definitely follow the advice.
Wolf Akela. Unfortunately, I don't think I can look up your masteries and rune pages because PH's lol client is so garbo that it only shows the mastery and rune page that you used last. I haven't checked if friends can see all of them though.
There's also no 3rd party websites that I can use because Garena, the company who manages lol locally,doesn't allow them.
It's also the reason I can't share replays and show my super awesome plays.
About the defensive tree, tenacious is always preferred right?
yea why spend money on shitty sivir skins when snowstorm sivir aka the only good sivir skin will be on sale any day now
this video from phreak is pretty long but really comprehensive if u want to take the time to watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_hzCsh2RZQ
might help
i think with a few more runepages you'll be good to go for a long while, basically i have this many cos i don't know what to spend my ip on these days
Almost positive I'm playing against a Yasuo with scripts as Varus lol
Very annoying.
i always liked this picture of sivir
i think it's the bangs that do it for me
some ppl are dicks and/or childish/dumbHow do you even get good at the game if you use scripts? I don't see the logic in it. Ultimately, you still suck and you lose the satisfaction of winning with your own skills. I always play league with the intention to improve. I get that some people want to win badly and pubstomp their enemy laner but nothing beats winning with your real skills.
You should be about on par with bot lane, but the solo lanes should be about level ahead.
Refunding and rebuying Varus fixed the problem.. weird.
huh I wonder how refunds work. grats
huh I wonder how refunds work. grats
you only got three refunds and that's it tho, so think before refunding
i actually refunded riven twice and still bought her a third time lol
my third refund was karma which i also bought
so yeah
don't be an idiot lik eme
That's a huge bummer though refunds are really limited. I refunded singed after playing one custom game with him :-(
It was an ip purchase and he's so cheap.
I was new. Bought him again within a couple of months
they don't regenerate
Why do that when Bandit Sivir is 520 RP.
Why do that when Bandit Sivir is 520 RP.
Who's ready for Trist Vs Corki every fucking competitive game? I am!
I don't like that Skin, and I already have the best Sivir skin :V
Bandit Sivir is shite
I cant find that skin in the shop for sivir? That looks great
yeah, that would be nice, specially since it's not like u get your money back, just the rplol youguys crack me up. I will heed your advice though and avoid that refund button. Man I'd think they'd regenerate within a year. Like regen 1 refund after a year is up.
These picked out Ask.fm responses and how they are worded.
At least astralfoxy said there's a real client coming soon
Nah the league reddit is shit whenever I go there for a laugh. They just pile on hilariously enough, theyre kinda mindless.Place is a shitshow.
I'd love to say it isn't representative of the community but...