hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
What is going on on Reddit
"Waah Riot doesn't do X"
*Riot does X*
"Waah Riot didn't do Y and/or messed up X"
What is going on on Reddit
You ever went on Facebook and looked at the comment section of a picture someone took off their newborn baby?I've never visited but I've heard the league sites forum is pretty bad too
why does riot nerf sivir instead of buffing every other adc
why does riot not add pd passive as a boots enchantment
why does riot nerf eve and not nidalee (next pbe nidalee is nerfed, no one says anything)
reddit's the very definition of entitlement
The Volley stacking change really fucking hurtI haven't seen ashe since her nerf a couple of patches ago
Surely it didn't hurt her that bad did it?
How do you compute for your MMR?
She takes a few games to iron out the kinks for sure
Also the proper rune page makes a world of difference. If you haven't already, set up an ap quints and blues, armor yellows, and ad reds page with masteries giving scaling and flat ad and ap as well. Her damage becomes outrageous early that way if you have even a slight idea what you're doing
She's just too squishy for my liking
I'm pretty sure some people even run 28/2 masteries on her. I know catsexual did when nid jumgle first came about
So I guess no one knows how to spectate ongoing ranked games in this new UI shell anymore? Guess its gone now
Yup she benefits immensely from a proper rune page. I made one for her exclusively and it made a huge difference. Early clears become so much easier.
Delete this god damn champ.
Add to that the fact that she has a no cd manaless dash and can fuck around in your jungle all day with 0 repercussions. She also transitions so well into late game because she can just focus on poke. I'm so glad people at my elo don't play her much
Reksai actually
I just realized there hasn't been an energy resourced champ since before i started playing whats up with that?
Need moar heat champs
Half of those things aren't resources though.
Of all the resources, heat is the best. Most strategic and most interactive. Also very readable for both opponents and yourself.
How to do it:
After getting Devourer, buy an item (Longsword, and Amplifying tome worked best, Brawler's Glove, Dagger, Ruby Crystal, Consumables, Faerie Charm, Rejuv Bead, and Sapphire Crystal do not work.) sit in your fountain and then a new wolf will pop up. There's no consistent way to do it other than this. Also works with Statikk Shiv.
Keep in mind: When the wolves swarm, they WILL creep block you.
coolZkylon, I really have to thank you for your vid suggestion regarding runes and masteries. Although I haven't bought a rune page yet, I heavily altered my mastery pages and it made a huge difference.
tbh it's not gonna like have that big of an impact, specially if you already have a decent ap page, but it'll be a nice bump, specially for tankier supports like leona or braum or whatever, tho it's good to have armor quints on everyone even lulu and nami and stuffTried a few rank games and we won all. I was support in all games and sometimes I even had more gold than my mid laner and the laning phase was super easy. I shudder to think what would happen once I get a real support rune page.
yea but there's no league stuff so it's pretty lameEdit-Huh! I didn't know RiotZeronis drew lewd art and had a patreon. Christ they're making bank
lol that's hilariousEdit-Edit-
Reading into that answer wrong, more saying that whatever gender/sex people think foxy is doesn't matter.I dunno when riot started using, but some of them do dodge the questions expertly. And the foxy answer is hilarious, he derails into how hes never acted like a girl or whatever and spends a good paragraph on that fact
Now that elise is banned... I have no other good jungler pick this patch other than reksai now that eve is nerfed
I might have to learn rengar jungle or something.
Reading into that answer wrong, more saying that whatever gender/sex people think foxy is doesn't matter.
only cool new fiora fanart i could find
i mean, if you're a sexist scumbag it doespeople say it shouldn't matter
but it always matters
only cool new fiora fanart i could find
i mean, if you're a sexist scumbag it does
how is that person's gender relevant in any way to the league client or their work or whatever?No it really does matter
like in video games
if it's a dude main character, everyone goes 'oh wow generic dude #1030'
if it's a girl, everyone goes 'how progressive!'
real life is the same
Being blind to sex is well..ignorant.. It's like if you said 'I don't see color' when talking about race, it's there whether you like it or not.
how is that person's gender relevant in any way to the league client or their work or whatever?
only cool new fiora fanart i could find
You just picked the one that looks the most anime....
you're the one calling it hilarious and blowing it out of proportion. you're the one saying it mattersask foxy he decided to talk about it
you're the one calling it hilarious and blowing it out of proportion
Breezy wtf are you even talking about anymore
All the hatred has like short circuited you or something
your sense of humor is as bad as your biasit's early in the morning(night)
I'm tired
so many things are funny to me
but you're the one that's talking about it
is he not supposed to say anything while people spread rumors about him?
what's hilarious about that