Most gold on my team, most kills on my team, secured first dragon, no deaths, yet I get blamed for the loss by my 1/5 graves and 0/6 gangplank. Games like this make me hate jungle so much.
What's the most broken basic ability in the game? I think playful/trickster and poppy's passive are prob rhe most annoying
Most gold on my team, most kills on my team, secured first dragon, no deaths, yet I get blamed for the loss by my 1/5 graves and 0/6 gangplank. Games like this make me hate jungle so much.
guess they expected you to carry them all the way across finish.
I can't play Lee Sin. I can't gank for the life of me. I have no idea why I bought him a year ago.
what's impossible to balance about wind wall?Broken as in near impossible to balance? Wind Wall.
I'm worse off. I even bought his pool party skin and just played him once. Realized how difficult he was to play and never played him again.I can't play Lee Sin. I can't gank for the life of me. I have no idea why I bought him a year ago.
lee sin is useless 95 percent of the time unless a D4+ player is playing him
what's impossible to balance about wind wall?
braum's wall was actually a bigger deal than yasuo's and that one actually doesn't really block everything (as in braum eats all the reduced dmg and cc)
Some games are just unwinnable, and that's ok. It was a normal game anyway so no huge loss. I just felt like sharing.
What level are you at this point btw? Let me know your in game name and we can play whenever. I'm basically only playing normals at this point anyway so whatever
imo windwall was never the issue about yasuo?The gist of it is that it's an amazingly powerful basic ability when used correctly since it can negate other champions strongest spells. Increase cooldowns, reduce the duration, the width, etc. there's little that can change the fact it's an excellent basic ability. Riot could put the rank 5 CD of Wind Wall on a 1 minute timer and it'd still be pretty damn good. How many basic abilities could suffer that sort of nerf and still be useful? It consumes a considerable amount of Yasuo's power budget as a result, more than most players realize.
Because any sensible nerfs to it are going to have a neglible effect, the end result is that Riot had to repeatedly nerf other aspects of Yasuo. And that's why I think it's the most broken basic ability. It's a single ability that breaks an otherwise healthy kit. For the most part in this game kits tend be broken because of how the abilities mesh together (good example is what we're witnessing right now with Elise) and not because of one single aspect. Replacing Wind Wall with something that still helps Yasuo to prevent damage, CC, etc. would go a long way to putting him in a better spot even if the functionality of the rest of his kit was completely unchanged.
You're the first person I've ever read that thinks Braum's wall was a "bigger deal"...I'm not even sure what you're getting at to be honest.
windwall was never the issue about yasuo?
champions like thresh have similarly "broken" spells that were nerfed because of how strong they were and how much invisible power they gave (like shields)
yasuo windwall was never nerfed cos the other parts of his kits were obnoxious, i don't think it has anything to do with windwall
almost same spell exists in braum and it's not an issue there
lee sin is useless 95 percent of the time unless a D4+ player is playing him
You're the first person I've ever read that thinks Braum's wall was a "bigger deal"...I'm not even sure what you're getting at to be honest.
Braum's wall can be broken unlike Yasuo's
Yes Braum's wall eats up a lot of stuff but it eventually breaks, but Yasuo's would still stay up even after blocking Varus' Ult, Ez' Ult, Seju's Ult, Ashe's Ult, Lee's first Q and Jinx's Ult combined.
However seeeing as most of you peeps haven't sene many good Yasuo's, the wind wall is all about positiong so it blocks the most attacks from enemies, you can always just walk around it and kite yasuo still.
Can you imagine a yasuo/xerath comp where yasuo has 40% cdr and a 10 second windwall cd.
They could drag out a game for over an hour if the enemy team completely relies on sieging or engaging.
people that complain about new lebonk didn't experience how dumb old lebonk was lol
rex where are you, i need somebody to watch
dunno if ridiculously op but xin zhao and shyvanna are afk farming and oneshotting everyone which sounds like something that shouldn't be really happening? i feel like devourer is not a big deal but i also really don't enjoy playing against shyvana and xin zhaoSo is devourer ridiculously OP now or what? All I'm seeing is completely unkillable Xin Zhaos and Udyrs that win 1v4 fights.
Feels like every change they're doing to jungle this season makes the game more and more obnoxious to play.
i really don't like the azir nerf
directly makes you want to avoid doing those shurima insec plays and that was the coolest thing about him
i'd rather they nerfed everything else about him other than that, i didn't realize how shit this change makes him feel for me
i might just drop him entirely, there's just very little fun in playing a poke champion
hasn't this season been kind of the same tho?
everyone built warrior, then everyone built cinderhulk, now you're seeing devourer on vi and stuff
and similarly to elder lizard both cinderhulk and runeglaive have been abused in lane
i dunno, maybe it's cos i don't jungle so i don't really know if it's gotten any more fun to play now but i feel barely anything's changed thanks to the new items, and junglers are just desperately looking for the one that's op to abuse like always and we had to endure cinderhulk fizz and hecarim and runeglaive ezreal and diana for that
can't fault riot for trying i guess
tbh they shouldn't have removed either, they should've just nerfed his q damage imoThey should have removed the shield, not the knockup. It's annoying being baited by a low health Azir who proceeds to tank a million dmg with E shield plus barrier.
It's not nearly as bad as the Leblanc nerf though. How many times I get W, R instead of W, Q, R because I'm stuck in distortion animation for eternity now. Nerfs that make champs clunky/less fun are the worst kind.
i've seen a few already and it does sound bad (whole point of vi is bursting ppl down as soon as you get 6 but w/e) but ppl also built cinderhulk on her and lee sin so i guess ppl will try anything as long as they consider it opFor the majority of the season yeah but I'm talking right now. I haven't seen a vi build devourer but that uh sounds bad
i mean, i think if we're basing off solo q there's always been variety in junglers, amumu and fiddle and rammus and nunu used to be super strong (as in high winrate) in s4 too, even if they weren't considered "super top tier" like lee sin or j4 or whateverAs far as top tier solo q junglers go reksai and rengar are building warrior and you could make an argument for vi being top tier and she still builds it, gragas is still super strong with ch, elise is amazing right now and builds runeglaive, and kayle and shyv build devourer
The variety in jungle is cool but the whole role just feels overtuned at the moment. Devourer starts at 150% gold efficiency and caps at over 200%. That's insane.
Fought a Nunu top lane with Irelia...
That's probably the most frustrating lane I ever fought in. He's such a lane bully. We won but only because the their jungle dc'd.
I never want to experience that again.
There was a time when his Q would heal for a lot more, and his E can perma slow you.
Plus some BS like soloing Baron as soon as it spawns and requiring only like 4k worth of items.
You and your jungler would want to rush him early on, I had to go against a top Nunu once and my jungler Fizz was helping other lanes which were getting ahead. I was Garen and tried to survive as best as I can. We still one but a tanky Nunu is tough to take out 1v1 @_@
I think I'm gonna start banning Heimer. Obnoxious.
You're talking like the rest of the item is completely useless. And yes, sated devourer with 200+% (could be way more depending how valuable you consider phantom hit to be) is more the issue here. But even if you completely ignored everything the machete does, and included its cost, devourer would still be 120% (edit: that's actually sated, the regular one is 93%) gold efficient. Warrior doesn't come even close and CH requires a lot of health stacking to be remotely comparable. Something about being the most gold efficient to begin with, and then stacking a lot on top of that doesn't sound right to me.That's SUPER deceptive because that 150% doesn't take into account the fact that you have to build a 1000 gold item that gives you basically no combat stats before you can build devourer. 150 is the efficiency for the enchant alone without the actual jungle item ( ie hunters machete, stalkers, etc)
I mean if it is overtuned it's definitely not based on its gold efficiency. The numbers you're talking about are only about 5% higher than before sated came out and it was garbo then. Any op-ness of that item comes from sated, not the raw numbers.
Besides even at 150+ it's really comparable to runeglaive and warrior.
You're talking like the rest of the item is completely useless. And yes, sated devourer with 200+% (could be way more depending how valuable you consider phantom hit to be) is more the issue here. But even if you completely ignored everything the machete does, and included its cost, devourer would still be 120% gold efficient. Warrior doesn't come even close and CH requires a lot of health stacking to be remotely comparable. Something about being the most gold efficient to begin with, and then stacking a lot on top of that doesn't sound right to me.
I'm not. Having my face smashed in by WW, Xin Zhao, Udyr & co. is what made me question the item and look up the gold efficiency in the first place.I'm not saying it's not good, but you can't just look at gold efficiency and say it's stupid broken.
Whenever I want to play a "fuck you" game I alternate between Nunu and Teeto top.Fought a Nunu top lane with Irelia...
That's probably the most frustrating lane I ever fought in. He's such a lane bully. We won but only because the their jungle dc'd.
I never want to experience that again.
I think I'm gonna start banning Heimer. Obnoxious.
this is an interesting stat but i wish we had the same numbers from s4 to compare
This is legitimately awesome to me. In the top 20 jungle win rates we have 5 devourer users, 6 runeglaive users, 6 ch users, and 3 warrior users unless i counted wrong
Fought a Nunu top lane with Irelia...
That's probably the most frustrating lane I ever fought in. He's such a lane bully. We won but only because the their jungle dc'd.
I never want to experience that again.
I think I'm gonna start banning Heimer. Obnoxious.
champions like thresh have similarly "broken" spells that were nerfed because of how strong they were and how much invisible power they gave (like shields)
almost same spell exists in braum and it's not an issue there