What's the reason behind new champion updates (Maokai, GP, MF) not having recall animations? Actually I don't care nor I'm surprised taking into account the amount of absurd, illogical and stupid decisions this company makes. It's just one more I guess. I swear they couldn't come up with more obtuse choices even if they tried to.
wouldn't have ever thought i'd miss u, but welcome back lol
also reasoning for recalls is that they only change the models but keep the old rigs and most of the animations.
but yeah, it's kind of weird, i guess they want to at one point redo all the animations for these characters so they don't want to have like a cool looking recall that looks really good comnpared to the other animations, maybe
like having really high res textures next to really blurry low res ones, something like that
Anybody know where I can find some good League wallpapers?
pick one, i'll resize it (as long as it makes sense)
Nobody even sees the recall animation everyone just opens the store immediately when they hit b anyway. Can hardly think of something I care less about in the game.
u cray
did u see pool party lulu's recall animation?
did u see madoka lux recall?
did u see kpop ahri recall?
u can't help but stare at them works of art
I honestly don't get what's so hard about making the champion do a half-assed pose but eh.
actually the problem is that making a half assed animation vs a more complicated one still takes testing time and discussion and whatever
like, they have to come up with the idea, sketch it out, discuss it, implement it, test it with like enhanced recall and baron buff and whatever, test the crossfade when cancelling it, etc.
that's the thing with videogames, everything you do has to go thru a ton of testing, so i'm guessing they'd rather not go through that for a low priority thing as u say. running animation is more worth it cos it's something that's on screen like 90% of the time, which is why they redid mf's (and i think mao's too?)