If you were Riot how are you gonna fix that?
Early game itemization used in specific instances with the intent to be sold later (as in they don't upgrade to anything, or only to mid-tier at best).
If you were Riot how are you gonna fix that?
Early game itemization used in specific instances with the intent to be sold later (as in they don't upgrade to anything, or only to mid-tier at best).
now I feel bad
I went for Lux
i thought about something similar to this but i'm not sure i want to deal with like a ton of champions suddenly turning into zed thanks to itemizationEarly game itemization used in specific instances with the intent to be sold later (as in they don't upgrade to anything, or only to mid-tier at best).
made this pretety quick
also this with a bit of white space at the bottom part so it's not blocked by the windows start bar
duno if that's ok
don't expect anything fancy cos photoshop is being dumb on this installation of windows
This is great! Thanks!
i thought about something similar to this but i'm not sure i want to deal with like a ton of champions suddenly turning into zed thanks to itemization
Zed? Nah, I was thinking of stuff like this:
Active: Creates a X hp shield based on health when fully charged. This item gains charges when standing in proximity of an allied tower.
Passive: Gain Xg and Xhp for each minions destroyed by an allied tower.
Doesn't upgrade. Like..Doran's Hammock. Just something to negate some of the effects on being in a bad 1v2 lane.
My idea was do both. Make early drag really important but also make it so Drag hits like fucking Baron so you need at least 3 people to do it early on.i feel like maybe the game needs to buff early dragons so that you want to put your duo lane bot or you'll be in a bad spot for losing dragon control. and make dragon stronger so you can't really solo it or whatever
Early game itemization used in specific instances with the intent to be sold later (as in they don't upgrade to anything, or only to mid-tier at best).
We had those but no one bought them. Chalice, Guise and Cloak & Dagger were strong early/mid game items that no one bought because they didn't build into anything. I mean SotD was extremely strong too but was unused except for a snowball Rengar or a gimmick Vayne.
i feel like maybe the game needs to buff early dragons so that you want to put your duo lane bot or you'll be in a bad spot for losing dragon control. and make dragon stronger so you can't really solo it or whatever
i'm not sure of how that item would work but it feels like it would just make the champions that are decent at 1v2ing even better?
Riot can't win on this one because now they're forcing a duo bot meta.
what if each team is allied to one of baron or dragon
at set intervals they both leave their caves and fight in the river for game advantage
Goofy hijinx like those in HotS are fun in their own environment but you'd have a really hard time fitting them into a game that tries its best to be a "serious esport"
To me it would be kinda like the NBA adding in a trampoline in the key because that's a fun thing in slamball
God this shit is fucking ridiculous
Edit: Actually that's kind of an apt comparison. League is NBA/NFL, Dota is MLB, and HotS is... idk fucking Wipeout or something
I would say swap the position of dragon with Baron, but that would just make duo go top.
So what if they just removed dragon. Problem solved @_@
like dorans early or like haunting guise early?Early game itemization used in specific instances with the intent to be sold later (as in they don't upgrade to anything, or only to mid-tier at best).
assymetrical lanes.If you were Riot how are you gonna fix that?
A new item or two, plus some small (mainly) adjustments to defensive items (in general Armor items are getting slight nerfs, MR items slight buffs).
1000 employees? Almost at 2000 now![]()
Also remove trinkets, FUCK VISION. 4 WARDS PER TEAM.
I got Lee Sin. Wonder why.
I think the series are just polls for age group likes or some shit.
Shame the names are all treshy tho
Yessssin general Armor items are getting slight nerfs
Hopefully some Locket buffs to keep stuff like Viktor in checkMR buffs is gonna be so good.
Hopefully some Locket buffs to keep stuff like Viktor in check
I think blind pick will give you a random champ if you don't select any?Wonder if I can quit of a blind pick lobby? I got a bad vibe soon as Zed picks top lane and sure enough our team lost. I think all I gotta do is not pick a hero?
Wonder if I can quit of a blind pick lobby? I got a bad vibe soon as Zed picks top lane and sure enough our team lost. I think all I gotta do is not pick a hero?
I think blind pick will give you a random champ if you don't select any?
A question for those who know. How can you change the pic on your profile? Not the Icon but the summoner pic.
Thanks.certain summoner icons, I think only ultimate skins icons, change your pic as well.