finally won a game, 4 more to go for that damn icon lol
tried the current azir build of rushing nashors and q>w>e but it basically makes azir into a boring champion, so whatever, all that time learning him is gonna go to waste, unfortunately
noot might like him, he's kinda like kayle now
no such thing
just varying degrees of elo hell
you're in the waifu hell tier
like i very rarely complain about normals anymore
not like ppl don't play like shit or yell at each other but the racism that was in the server early on is pretty much gone gone and i very rarely run into ragequitters or feeders
it's the beauty of premades, you only have to worry about the enemy team
Thanks that makes sense. yeah I need to acquire some more pages
btw the runepages you were thinking of aren't bad, specially the one with flat mr
i think u should probably get that one first since it's cheap and useful also for support and ap top laners and some ap junglers (elise/diana/nidalee)
the scaling runes (specially cdr/lvl) are really expensive, so if ur just starting out better to keep with flat runes like mr
i personally never liked flat ap blues cos i don't think they make that much of a difference while scaling ap is useful for the extra bit of waveclear that you get at the point it matters. you might want flat ap against someone like heimer tho
but flat mr you can't go wrong, even champions like zed have some magic dmg stuck in their kits so it helps somewhat and it's a really good starting point