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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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The problem with players that build new BC is that they think they're building it for armor pen @_@ Yes BC is good for the HP, Atk dmg and cooldown, plus it's movement passive helps certain champs as well. But don't go building it on Panth and Lee thinking you can one shot people :V

That's one shitty Panth.

Well there was that too, his build was so odd to the point that the only reason I didn't solo him 1v1 is because of the minions he push :V


I love playing Pantheon top, but you have to win fairly quickly because he's so garbage in the late game if he doesn't super snowball and end things quickly. All you have to do is survive him in lane and you'll eventually be fine.


new cleaver is shit

I mean who seriously gets it, it's an item that you need to 'build up' in a teamfight against a target in order to maximize damage.

If that's what the new bruiser items will be, something that you have to get stacks on in order to maximize output, then that'll be awful

Like on Gnar and Reksai Black Cleaver is great because they're both tanky and able to get in without being immediately killed. This in contrast to say, Wukong who is relatively squishier than Rek and Gnar, even J4 is a fair squishier. It's a good item for bruisers that can stay in a battle, but that's about it. I imagine the new fighter items will take that path, as in they'll reach max efficiency the longer you're in a fight.

I just don't understand you sometimes :(
I just don't understand you sometimes :(

I don't like bruiser items
New Cleaver is shit because it's a bruiser item
At the same time I recognize that new cleaver is great on bruisers
I still don't think the new cleaver is great(In general)
because I don't like bruiser items
(logic how does it work)

I only like bruiser items when they're hilariously broken and any champion can use them


Looking forward to seeing what they do with Skarner, and the other reworks, really. I was apprehensive before but he's keeping the spammy Q, the stun, his shield, and his ultimate (which is unchanged). He can "skitter" more was the word I think they used. I assume that his E is going to be different. That always seemed like the thing to hit if you really wanted to change Skarner. His passive is different too supposedly, but I don't see how they can do that can keep his stun.
I remember seeing the vf playerbase go from "go play other games, scrub" to " please play this game" to "please make another vf, sega", just take it as sign of how "healthy" the LoL scene is.

Yeah and using HotS as an insult is funny because HotS can be
alot more fun
at times.
ill balance every tank item in the game.

frozen heart: new active: gives you and all allies around you in a 1000 radius a 50% attack speed buff, 100 mana. new stats: 100 armor, 40% attack speed, 400 mana, 15 on hit magic damage. new recipe: warden's mail, glacial shroud, recurve bow. new cost: 3200 gold.

thornmail: new active: all damage you take during this period of time is reflected back to the enemy that attacked you. 100 mana. new passive: no passive.

randuin's omen: new active: all enemies in a 600 radius take 150 magic damage and are slowed by 50% for 3 seconds. 100 mana.

banshee's veil: new active: the target of this active will block the first spell hit. new passive: all spells have a 50% chance of being blocked.

spirit visage: new active: all allies in a 750 radius block 55 damage from all damage sources for 5 seconds. 100 mana.

sunfire cape: new stats: +40 ad, +45 armor, +450 hp. new recipe: pickaxe, chain vest, bami's cinder. new passive: damages nearby enemies for 25 x 1 per level and also has a 10% chance of blinding an enemy within damage range.
ill balance every ap item in the game.

zanya's pizzaglass: new stats: 120 AP, 50 armor, 10% cdr. new recipe: NLR+Fiendish Codex+Seeker's Armguard. new cost: 3500 gold. new active: for 5 seconds reflect all spells back towards their caster.

deathcap: new stats: 150 AP, 15 magic pen. new passive: upgrades your ultimate ability to become even stronger. you get 35% more ap from all ap items. new cost: 4000 gold. new recipe: NLR+blasting wand+haunting guise

luden's echo: new stats: 120 AP, 10% movespeed. new active: silence your target and cause them to receive 20% more damage for 5 seconds.

athene's: new active: restores all spell cooldowns instantly. 180 seconds cooldown. 200 mana.

morellonomicon new active: summons 3 demon minions to do your bidding. 150 second cooldown. 150 mana.


I just realized this fighter item rework might be an opportunity for them to mess with Maw a bit. I hope they do that.

Now that brutalizer is weird it's the only mid level item you just buy and sit on on a lot of champs that I can think of
ill balance maw of malmortius

maw of shit: new active: turns yourself invisible for 30 seconds. if you break invis by attacking, you deal 2x more damage. new cost: 4000
I just realized this fighter item rework might be an opportunity for them to mess with Maw a bit. I hope they do that.

Now that brutalizer is weird it's the only mid level item you just buy and sit on on a lot of champs that I can think of

Gain 20 MR per 100 damage taken
stacks up to 3 times

stacks up to 3 times
each stack adds 5 ArmPen
half effective on ranged


Rito™ balancing
Banshee's being sort of a BKB could be cool

Active: Makes you immune to spell damage for a few seconds, you're still affected by crowd control effects at 50% effectiveness, does not stack with Tenacity
ur garbage at this.

thats why its rito balancing and not dota balancing

if it was dota balancing

Maw-activate to gain immunity to CC for 10 seconds, costs 4500
void staff-activate again to put champion in stasis for 5 seconds, new cost 3000

Knife of the Fluttering Eye

Teleport your champion 400 units.

also I still don't know why they haven't made flash just a basic spell for every champion like Recall

it's such a damn false choice keeping it as a summoner spell


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
also I still don't know why they haven't made flash just a basic spell for every champion like Recall

it's such a damn false choice keeping it as a summoner spell

They should rework it into a boot enchantment along with an improved version of ghost.

Adding it as a basic spell like recall sounds good on paper but quickly turns into a balancing nightmare.
They should rework it into a boot enchantment along with an improved version of ghost.

Adding it as a basic spell like recall sounds good on paper but quickly turns into a balancing nightmare.

It'll only be a temporary balancing nightmare, because eventually instead of having to balance fringe cases, they can start making new champions that take into account of flash. Like, it's no surprise that the majority of new champions have a damn dash in order to compensate for the fact that everyone carries flash.

Granted that'd create the issue of the power creep that the champions that do have a dash will be naturally more powerful because of the double dash compared to those without it, but in order to solve that they'd need to comparatively buff the strengths of champions without a dash.

Flash is a plague in this game as it currently is, a false choice.(Also as a boot enchantment, again it would be a false choice because you'd go for that first over anything else. In this game something like flash is far too powerful because of their refusal to remove it or make it standard.)


Gain 20 MR per 100 damage taken
stacks up to 3 times

stacks up to 3 times
each stack adds 5 ArmPen
half effective on ranged


Rito™ balancing

that's not even creative

They should rework it into a boot enchantment along with an improved version of ghost.

Adding it as a basic spell like recall sounds good on paper but quickly turns into a balancing nightmare.
i duno, i feel like making it so you can only have one summoner spell+flash might be ok

yeah it hurts some champions' ability to not go flash but those champions are obnoxious anyways (tank fizz, hecarim, shaco, tp smite yi)

the champions that used ghost instead of flash like olaf or whatever can just be rebalanced around that

i feel it would be worth the trouble
i mean, at least try to be funny or something

that's like the laziest jab at riot ever

it's actually pretty meta

you see, the joke is that by you calling me lazy is ironic because riot is lazy with their 3 hit gating on like a bunch of their champions

so by you calling me lazy

you're really calling riot lazy, because I'm only doing what Riot would do @_@


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Yea but the waifu stuff is sometimes kinda funny if a little strange. Balance whining can only go on for so long before it just becomes annoying. Besides we all come to this thread to watch Rex and Newt's descent into ranked madness anyways.

You either stop playing at diamond or keep playing and become a toxic troll. Soon Rex, sooooon.

EU Challenger series is on

Denial (Wickd's team) vs Dignitas EU

Dig EU just picked new GP.

EU Challenger
...ahh fuck it I need my (semi)professional league fix anyway.



I mean............it's either that or a bunch of waifu stuff. I try to bring the Yang to the Yin, the moon to the sun yo. I take this thread by the horns and steer it sometimes.

no you legit spend 95% of your time shitting on riot with no reason and 5% shitting on them for good reason.

knock it the fuck off. the act is tired.


it doesn't matter what we're talking about

you have a shitty opinion for everything, and it always inevitably leads to "lol riot sucks play hots instead"

and it would be fine if your opinions weren't also incredibly stupid trollbait
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