And apparently I used to be a dirty Zyra main.
I knew i liked you for a reason.
deep in your heart there's a plant lady waiting for her time to shine.
And apparently I used to be a dirty Zyra main.
He still has his healing. The true damage thing is in his ult passiveWhile I think the new passive is cool, garen's regen has helped me stay in lane and end up winning top so much especially pre 6.
Not writing it off as the new one looks great to just go ham all day which is pretty much how I play.
There's nothing in there about Skarner getting vision. When an enemy captures a crystal they get a "short burst of vision". Again, Skarner doesn't get that, he only gets movement and attack speed.
Don't forget this should massively increase the speed of Skarner's first clear for good old double buff ganks on a level 2 top laner.
Skarner starts with his jungle crystals pre-activated. Crystals in the enemy jungler cannot be captured by the enemy until Skarner has captured them once.
Only CertainlyT would give a champion a pet Drake
Also Skarner basically gets free protection against jungle invades? Not bad at all, you can even just start Sweeper trinket for guaranteed early ganks
Skarner starts with his jungle crystals pre-activated. Crystals in the enemy jungler cannot be captured by the enemy until Skarner has captured them once.
Morde Sona sounds like a fucking terrifying lane
Symphony of Destruction
The fact that he's a melee champ with no CC is -exactly- why he was a good candidate for the bot lane. CertainlyT has been doing a ton of work to make sure that a lot of the things that push characters like Morde out of bot lane (split XP, no resilience to ranged harass, needs to push towers) are all addressed in their own way. Morde is definitely the craziest change of all of these but after playing with it for quite a bit in tests now I can say from experience that it works
CertainlyT probably buffed the duration then. It seems like the ghost duration now increases based on R Rank (45/60/75 seconds).
with a limit of like 30Holy shit that Garen W. It's like Nasus Q only its a passive.
did stuff go well?what a day
new ahri skin
riven skin
darius skin
bunch of other champions that don't need new skins
I don't know why I'm surprised that school girl ahri is a thing now
the overall nerfs into skarner and garen make me worried about mordekaiser now
but it's certainlyt
I have hope
with a limit of like 30
not good
that was his old w passive I'm pretty sure too
You can now show your mastery lvl 4 or 5 taunts to enemy team
Oh too excited to notice the limit. I'm still reading the changes. This is too much hype.
Also Arcade Riven?! Jdjxjdndhdjsnsjsns
Wait ekko is already getting a new skin? Before Kalista?