it means he likes you.good luck playing skarner vs gnar.
also wtf is this
it means he likes you.good luck playing skarner vs gnar.
also wtf is this
it means he likes you.
Academy skins.
Is this Cromartie high?
die.Idk why I put Ghost as green, gotta revise that in the next version.
that recall is amazing
I might be getting a new (read:better$$$) job than what I have now and I can't wait.
Kalista is obviously the Victorious skin this year
This makes me realize I hardly play anymore thanks to getting into CSGO and being busy. I haven't even felt motivated to try the new game mode and I've only gotten halfway to one of the new summoner icons.New and improved.
This makes me realize I hardly play anymore thanks to getting into CSGO and being busy. I haven't even felt motivated to try the new game mode and I've only gotten halfway to one of the new summoner icons.
It's kind of odd since both League and CSGO have the 5v5 system where one player can have a big impact, CSGO also has voice so people can literally scream at you, and both games have long matches in competitive mode...yet CSGO feels way less stressful to me most of the time. Maybe because it's so easy to mute screaming people, maybe because I kind of have fun working on achievements and practicing even if I'm not winning, who knows.
i really don't get that lizzy buff
it's literally useless as soon as you buy zhonyas
how about allowing lizzy to scale into midgame or just give her just a bit more early dmg to clear waves at the very least
what's the point of being able to survive a tiny bit more if you don't deal any damage
This makes me realize I hardly play anymore thanks to getting into CSGO and being busy. I haven't even felt motivated to try the new game mode and I've only gotten halfway to one of the new summoner icons.
It's kind of odd since both League and CSGO have the 5v5 system where one player can have a big impact, CSGO also has voice so people can literally scream at you, and both games have long matches in competitive mode...yet CSGO feels way less stressful to me most of the time. Maybe because it's so easy to mute screaming people, maybe because I kind of have fun working on achievements and practicing even if I'm not winning, who knows.
It allows her to initiate alot better. And the heal, if it's decent with high AP, won't be nothing to laugh at
it really doesn't since it only heals you if you self ult, which doesn't make any sense as the whole point of self ulting is to prevent damage
and your initiation is crap cos you just spent your strongest spell on healing yourself instead of cc'ing the enemy carries -__-
It does tho. Sure maybe you wanna keep ulting the enemy carry, but your team sucks if you're the one having to do that.
that's the whole point of the champion. she can get in from crazy angles and reliably cc enemy carries then turn invulnerable with zhonyas as her team cleans up
she never should be taking any damage cos she e's in and ults+zhonyas instantly
it's a "buff" that makes no sense
In theory she's supposed to do that. In game you never see that. Lissandras main skills are far too short range, and if she opens up with her ultimate, she's going to have a bad time. The best Lissandras use their ulti when they can effectively stun the enemy ADC/carry and be able to unload their full set of abilities on them.
In theory she should be able to do this from the start of the fight and then kill the adc with no qualms. Unfortunately in theory she doesn't @_@
you're still immobile for 2.5s and you just wasted your ultSo this buff is intended for her own survivability, in lane from ganks or from getting caught, or using it in a teamfight when she's aimed down to be a bad target to aim.
Kalista is obviously the Victorious skin this year
i feel like you've never played lissandra
literally all you do is ult adc, throw all your pretty much instant animation spells at them and zhonyas while your team cleans up
Liss isn't fun to play against. Keep her in the dumpster.
literally all you do is ult adc, throw all your pretty much instant animation spells at them and zhonyas while your team cleans up
i never said any of that so i duno wtf you're talking about lolI've played lissandra, and that doesn't always work
ulting an enemy adc doesn't guarantee a kill
so it's disingenuous to say it does(or else she'd be a top pick every pro match)
velkoz is pretty broken atmWe need Vel'Koz buffs. He's champ that's incredibly fun to play as and against. Plenty of counter-play, Riot's best balanced champ for ages now.
qss is cheaper than ever, lizzy with a reverted q nerf would still be pretty manageable right nowChecks out
We need Vel'Koz buffs. He's champ that's incredibly fun to play as and against. Plenty of counter-play, Riot's best balanced champ for ages now.
velkoz is pretty broken atm
if he's the best balanced champ why does he need buffs,
i never said any of that so i duno wtf you're talking about lol
riot bizarro nerfed her damage to the ground, that's why she's bad, not because it's inplausible to ult the adc. her whole kit is built around how awesome and reliable it is to do that, she has a crazy unstoppable extended range on her e and point and click hard cc.
but now you lose lane against everyone, deal very poor sustained damage and very poor burst damage. she can't poke either or waveclear like a real mage, they pretty much destroyed her.
you mean you want to buff the damage on the 54% winrate champion so he can compete against the 44% ones?Very balanced in terms of having counter-play to his abilities. Just dodge 'em. He needs slightly better AP scaling or base damages to make up for the increasing mid-lane mobility in recent champs.
stop pretending you understand the champion, just trust meplay her as support
problem solved
that seems to be the go to for every weak ap mid
stop pretending you understand the champion, just trust me
i bet some ppl will play her tanky with like roa now or whatever
Breezy and Ghost have been on the same wavelength several times today. What's going on here? Are we in the middle of a romantic comedy where they discover they have more in common than they originally thought?
if that's what it is then ghost is the tsun one
Time to gift them academy skins of the true otp.Breezy and Ghost have been on the same wavelength several times today. What's going on here? Are we in the middle of a romantic comedy where they discover they have more in common than they originally thought?
what does standing behind minions against lissandra do besides avoid some shitty slow
i'll forever hold the opinion that ppl that whine about lissandra are shitters that can't learn to not stand behind minions
the extended q doesn't slowwhat does standing behind minions against lissandra do besides avoid some shitty slow
im always cutezkylon you're cute when you're flustered
dont use hard drugs lolwait i totally misread this god damn double negative
wait no i didnt
wtf you on about
wait yes i did?
i dont know whats going on anymore this sentence is too confusing
fuck point and click 2 second stuns.i'll forever hold the opinion that ppl that whine about lissandra are shitters that can't learn to not stand behind minions