zeronis amazing concept for arcade riven
Better remove that key-chain on the end of Riven's sword. Disney would sue for copyright. They're that protective of their IP. Looks cool tho, even if I hate Riven with a passion.
Riven is like the animeugh
that inward pointed knee anime pose
get out
that inward pointed knee anime pose
get out
zeronis amazing concept for arcade riven
This is a more general question than Tahm, but: The chart is only for the current week? I thought that winrate by games played chart was the OVERALL win rate. That's what I'm kind of wondering about, whether anyone has mained Tahm long enough to hit some arbitrary large number of games (like 50) and still been around 50% wins overall. I'm assuming the chart only looks at ranked game stats also.Regarding how his win rate drops at 125+, that's actually misleading. I'm pretty sure it's actually caused mainly by low play rates and not enough 125+ players to go around. As an extreme example, imagine only one player with 125+ Tahm games and he went 4-6 last week. So 40% win rate for Tahm, right? No, not really; the player just had a bad week and that gets reflected in the plot.
My ping has actually gotten worse the last month or two. I think it's normally 103-108 these days for me on the east coast.drawkcaB said:I think we're pretty safe, yeah. Even if shit hit the fan we're not going back to the days of 100+ ping.
Been on the west coast and my wifi ping is unplayable for the past month.My ping has actually gotten worse the last month or two. I think it's normally 103-108 these days for me on the east coast.
I get a lot of 4v5s recently. What's going on?
Is it sadistic to leave a game because you didn't like what someone picked in champ select, and then spectate that game on another account and watch their feeble attempts to win 4v5?
Theoretically of course.
Is it sadistic to leave a game because you didn't like what someone picked in champ select, and then spectate that game on another account and watch their feeble attempts to win 4v5?
Theoretically of course.
Is it sadistic to leave a game because you didn't like what someone picked in champ select, and then spectate that game on another account and watch their feeble attempts to win 4v5?
Theoretically of course.
Farming creeps isn't fun. As support you actually get to do stuff in lane.So was playing support Karma earlier with the the adc rat dude (Twitch) in the bottom lane and he reveals too me that Support not supposed to kill any creeps?! I'm supposed to let Adc take all the creeps and just watch him have fun. Even though I outscored, outperformed, and died less I let him have the creeps
So was playing support Karma earlier with the the adc rat dude (Twitch) in the bottom lane and he reveals too me that Support not supposed to kill any creeps?! I'm supposed to let Adc take all the creeps and just watch him have fun. Even though I outscored, outperformed, and died less I let him have the creeps
So was playing support Karma earlier with the the adc rat dude (Twitch) in the bottom lane and he reveals too me that Support not supposed to kill any creeps?! I'm supposed to let Adc take all the creeps and just watch him have fun. Even though I outscored, outperformed, and died less I let him have the creeps
Is it sadistic to leave a game because you didn't like what someone picked in champ select, and then spectate that game on another account and watch their feeble attempts to win 4v5?
Theoretically of course.
Surging Tides (Passive) movement speed bonus for allies when hit by a spell increased to 60 from 40
Tidal Wave (R) [new effect] "allies hit by the wave gain double the effect of Surging Tides"
Ahh yeah Nami buffs. I really like having Nami supports on my pbe patch
lots of small armor buffs to many tanks
elise q is now a dot and apparently has 1s cd? that might be a bug tho
nami buffsssssssss
this sounds really nice actually
Farming creeps isn't fun. As support you actually get to do stuff in lane.
You're not suppose to take creeps as support unless you are targoning it. ADC are the strongest DPS (Damage per second) in the late game. However for that trade off they suck donkey balls early game. You are there to hold their hand until they get big fat and strong and of course forget about you and don't thank you at all.
Yeah, you have to give him the cs unless you have a relic shield to heal him.
So was playing support Karma earlier with the the adc rat dude (Twitch) in the bottom lane and he reveals too me that Support not supposed to kill any creeps?! I'm supposed to let Adc take all the creeps and just watch him have fun. Even though I outscored, outperformed, and died less I let him have the creeps
Farming creeps isn't fun. As support you actually get to do stuff in lane.
This is a more general question than Tahm, but: The chart is only for the current week? I thought that winrate by games played chart was the OVERALL win rate. That's what I'm kind of wondering about, whether anyone has mained Tahm long enough to hit some arbitrary large number of games (like 50) and still been around 50% wins overall. I'm assuming the chart only looks at ranked game stats also.
Neurotoxin (Q)
[ EFFECT Change - Here's the updated tooltip: "Posions an enemy for 3 seconds dealing 20/30/40/50/60(+.15 AP) magic damage each second. Neurotoxin lasts 6 second when applied to monsters.]
Cooldown lowered to 1 second from 6
Up to 45ms ping increase in the Pacific Northwest...
fucking great
yeah so i'm going to have anywhere from 80-100 ping now.
great. 70 is unbearable for me.
Moderate latency increases (up to ~45 ms) in the Pacific Northwest and outlying regions (Hawaii, other Pacific Islands, Japan, etc)
Minor latency increases (up to ~30 ms) across the rest of the west coast of North America.
Generally neutral effects across a broad strip of the Mountain States and Saskatchewan
Moderate to major latency reductions (up to ~50 ms for much of the East Coast) across the entire eastern half of North America