hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
yea america sucks
It's okay, not every country can be #1 and the leader of the free world.

Are you even trying rest of the world?

yea america sucks
But we're the dominant superpower for next couple of years.yea america sucks
Just you wait till China gets as good as their LoL scene
i was gonna say xin zhao but i'd put him a step above them and i don't really pretend i understand how xin zhao works lol
xin is interesting
Yep. One match when I was playing jungle and it just become a battle of the junglers. Me as shyv vs an on hit kalye. We both had more than 25 kills, It was insane.Shyv + Devourer is silly.
Hey guys, I think you need to read this super IMPORTANT video about how hard Riot has to work to make their chroma packs. Even though it may look easy when done on person's computer, Riot has to make chromas for 67 million+ people and it takes a lot of man hours for translations and to pass business checks. Maybe after watching this video I think you'll have a new understanding and respect for how hard the skin team at Riot works to improve the customization options and enhance your league experience thank you
link to the video IMPORTANT
Post invalidated.
All normals don't count![]()
..All normals don't count![]()
yasuo is disabled
sign from gods?
i hate you too.I hate all of you.
Splitting servers means west coast gets a shite server with half as much features because 80% of the playerbase would very likely bail to the Chicago server since it would be better.
i just dontlike melees that i feel you dont have much of a way to get away from once they get close to youIt's your lucky day, sit your ass down buddy let's have a talk!
Actually, Devourer+BotRK as strong as the combo is are his more boring offensive item. BotRK in general is boring on him. An offensive build for Xin Zhao is more enjoyable when he's building AD & Crit which generally means Ghostblade + IE and tank from there on out.
I pinged Riot's server in Portland from work and got ~65ms. When I pinged the IP address in Chicago I got ~82ms. Now, consider that when I actually play the game I have a ping of 45-50ms and that whatever routing changes Riot will be doing with Telus haven't been done yet, and I'm probably looking at a ~15ms increase to about 60-65ms.
Seeing as how they've cited Saskatchewan as having no noticeable changes to ping and the west coast as being low with +30ms, Alberta should be smack in the middle with a +15ms and it certainly looks like that's what we'll be seeing.
So yeah, <65ms is fine for me if that let's all the east coasters have decent ping
ahri passive pretty much gutted on pbe: Essence Theft (Passive) healing changed to [3/5/9/18 at level 1/6/11/16] from [2 + (1x Level)*
pretty fair tbh, ahri's kind of too safe, tho i bet like it'll feel really bad since the healing is so poor
man, saying your preference in ranked is fucking pointless. nobody ever gives a shit and it'll always just come down to pick order.
man, saying your preference in ranked is fucking pointless. nobody ever gives a shit and it'll always just come down to pick order. no one wants to converse on it or anything, either give me what I want or fuck you. so damn annoying.
i just dontlike melees that i feel you dont have much of a way to get away from once they get close to you
Pretty sure Telus and Riot already are partnered, it says so on their server move roadmap, I've always gotten ~20ms when playing on Telus internet in BC, and ~30ms on Shaw.
Switching back to Telus next month
What I'm saying is that until the servers are live on Chicago they can't get work with Telus, Shaw, etc. so even though I'm getting ~82ms to Chicago right now it'll be lower after all routing work is done.
personally i didnt mind much the w nerf, adding counterplay is nice and it didnt feel that slow to me when playing herAlso the Leblanc nerf (bit of a) revert (i think it was 1600 before?) is nice, it's pretty ridiculous just how much slower her w is on live.
the ratio's pretty worthless during laning which is the only point her passive matters so i dunoand zky remember there's still an AP ratio on the ahri passive.
yea thats why i didnt like specially talk about xin but more like someone like shyvanaFunny you should say that, the general complaint is that after Xin E's in he's easily kittable (he isn't).
I'd be down for more skill shots on melee, but at least they're trying to make melee AAs more interesting like in the Fiora rework.
Asking for a role politely is your best bet at getting said role. Pick order is still king but as long as you make it clear what you want you'll still get said role 60% of the time even in low, saying your preference in ranked is fucking pointless. nobody ever gives a shit and it'll always just come down to pick order. no one wants to converse on it or anything, either give me what I want or fuck you. so damn annoying.
People that call support in ranked usually don't stay in the same division for longWho calls support in ranked? Finding true supports in ranked is like finding a golden idol in a bad Indiana Jones knock off. Just get last pick to do it.
Honestly I think Ahri's passive is boring as shit. Sure it's useful and thematically coherent but conditional spell vamp is just bleargh
Plus needing to have the fucking green ruins her skin ideas and that's unnaceptable
Yuck I'm supporting a Lucian who bought a chroma pack
BT= Bloodthirster
IE= INf. edge
On Varus you should take into consideration just how useful your Q is, this thing does slick damage.
Generally you'll wanna go-
Inf. Edge>Phanton Dancer>Last Whisper/Bloodthirster
Final item can be defensive item or you can get like Blade of ruined king or something, up to you~
Keep in mind that most Recommended items aren't worth it. Hurricane is best mainly on Kalista.
Had a ranked match where our top was Riven. Our Lee ganks for him and nets him 3 kills through consecutive ganks.
We lose 1 clash and all hell breaks loose. Riven goes: GG ff at 20. My team mate suck braaahh. He was super aggressive and constantly dives and would have died if not for me and my team mates saving his ass and giving him three barriers (Lux,Lee and my Face of the Mountain).Then we teach him a thing or two about team work he starts cooperating and we win.
and he is plat 4 for fucks sake. I guess toxicity never goes away no matter what rank. Or is it just because Riven mains are stupid as fuck? Damn I'm ashamed to be a Riven main.
Good news is that as a Gold 3, it's quite good that all that I've been playing with are either Gold 1 or low plats except for my Gold 2 duo. This should make my climb go faster.
Edit: Xin Zhao is op as fuck. He can literally dive and delete champs if he's not cc'd
I guess they were too confident? Riven is very much vulnerable to ranged pokes and she has no sustain too. Looking at her support, it seems that they can't really engage unless Riven herself engages where Tristana would just jump away.
Honestly I think Ahri's passive is boring as shit. Sure it's useful and thematically coherent but conditional spell vamp is just bleargh
Plus needing to have the fucking green ruins her skin ideas and that's unnaceptable
Asking for a role politely is your best bet at getting said role. Pick order is still king but as long as you make it clear what you want you'll still get said role 60% of the time even in low ELOs.
Unless you want to play mid, in which case pray you are high in the pick order.
People that call support in ranked usually don't stay in the same division for long