Support or feed. They soon find out I wasn't joking.
You could say the joke's on them
Support or feed. They soon find out I wasn't joking.
I hope you make fun of him and tell him if he wants more chromas to just change the contrast on his monitor
Don't suppose if anyone know what 'grade' +1198 points is? Was wondering if I just got S rank. I was silly and left the summary page before looking![]()
support or afkSupport or feed. They soon find out I wasn't joking.
I made fun of him a lot and he eventually claimed it was gifted to him.
what is this new Fiora like to play? Isn't that a bit silly how you have to run around the target to hit those "vital points"? Or is that a lot of fun?
man, saying your preference in ranked is fucking pointless. nobody ever gives a shit and it'll always just come down to pick order. no one wants to converse on it or anything, either give me what I want or fuck you. so damn annoying.
I bet he was crying wearing his patented Lucian "Keep on trying, kid!" tshirt and his 'My wife still loves me' hat and his child who he takes care of because he's a single parent who named his kid Lucian crying softly comforting him.
Funny you should say that, the general complaint is that after Xin E's in he's easily kittable (he isn't).
I bought the Zac chroma no ragrets
Have any rioters given subsequent responses to that server switching post? Need dat timetable
dont know if what he said was true or not, but i think as a general rule u should never follow tizoc's advice lolThanks
I think Tizoc's advice is generally sound for an average adc champ. There are some champions that needs Blade of the Ruined king much earlier or have Bloodthirster as the defensive item(barrier and lifesteal). There are some unconventional champs like Corki that build Trinity and such. There's such a variety of build paths on adcs but it's all it is, build paths. I think Riot should diversify adc items such that it's not always staple to have Infinity Edge.
I think Tizoc's advice is generally sound for an average adc champ. There are some champions that needs Blade of the Ruined king much earlier or have Bloodthirster as the defensive item(barrier and lifesteal). There are some unconventional champs like Corki that build Trinity and such. There's such a variety of build paths on adcs but it's all it is, build paths. I think Riot should diversify adc items such that it's not always staple to have Infinity Edge.
So is PBE Morde a support champ now?
"Duo lane carry" i think is what they called him
dat damage. dat stun. dem legsWow jungle is elise is retarded what the hell...
The boy wonder himself. Voyboywho is the funnest streamer to watch (that's streaming currently)?
who is the funnest streamer to watch (that's streaming currently)?
huh looks like Warwick and Xin zhao are 2 champs I need to look into sometime yo
I got warwick with the starter pack but never even used him yet
Ww is really good if you want to play a game of league but also have shit to do. Played him today and spent the majority of the first 20 minutes looking at my other monitor.
the second i walked into botlane at level 2 with red buff to gank, windows update rebooted my machine. was gone for 5 minutes.
team somehow managed to only die once in that time and we snowballed back into it and unlike my last xin game, the rotations were on point for this team.
vi camped hard for the yorick for some reason, and i have no idea why.
Thank god they removed the slow from Garen's judgement.
i have him on ignore so didn't read what he said, but he tends to do unconventional stuff that i wouldn't suggest most ppl tried besides him heh
didn't mean it as a jab at him or anything, sorry if it came up like that
That's one ham ass xin build
Hey man let me enjoy the Crit of Demacia while it lasts!