I panicked and tried building a whole lotta shit, I'm still figuring out Fiora's itemization but yeah Tiamat feels like a must since she can't push otherwise, but she really needs some mana solution right now, maybe Tiamat into Triforce then full tank? I dunno
i dunno, i'm only thinking about mid so i'm probably gonna go hydra like i did with j4 since sustain and waveclear are really good against mages.
i think trinity force second might be kind of bad, it'll make all your powerspikes all wonky and stuff
One thing is for certain, glass cannon feels pretty bad. You don't need that much damage anyways since her passive ratio scales with levels so lategame you're doing like 8-10% per vital without going full offense. Also right now she needs some CDR but once that Q buff is live she will be fine without it
i still don't know which kind of champion fiora is, i think idea is she's a "light fighter" thing but to me light fighter is kind of a dumb word. like yasuo and yi and riven are assassins, weird assassins but they have mobility and one shot people, that's an assassin to me lol
so i'm guessing fiora is pretty much the same as riven, so hydra and lw every game or something like that makes sense to me. hexdrinker is also gonna be pretty good midlane. i dunno so much about black cleaver, doesn't sound like she got good ways of stacking it
but yeah at least hydra and lw i think are gonna be core every game, after that maybe bt, youmuus, hexdrinker, maybe black cleaver and maybe some of the new items.
if she's actually more the bruisery type then i dunno, but i won't play her then
(i talk as if she wasn't released cos my computer is dead and can't play right now :<)
20% play rate
54% win rate
Ahri is just silly right now. Good thing the nerfs are coming with the Schoolgirl skin. Going to be a lot of horny teenagers playing = free wins
cos it's been proven that grown men with jobs are better at videogames than kids with nothing else to do in their lives