Sure if you ignore her average win rate increased by roughly 7% getting close to 50% just from the usability buffs alone
xwx tried to sell an account riot gives to lcs players (everything unlocked)
xwx tried to sell an account riot gives to lcs players (everything unlocked)
I have never had this much fun with top lane likeI love the new Fiora rework.
I'm pretty sure she was basically untouched through the PBE testing besides moving some base stats aroundWin rates on new champs pretty much exclusively increase over time assuming no nerfs iirc
Besides I'm pretty sure the hotfix buffs were basically just reversions of nerfs that they gave her on pbe right?
Riot unlocked accounts are disabled once the player stops being a pro player anyway so why
Win rates on new champs pretty much exclusively increase over time assuming no nerfs iirc
Besides I'm pretty sure the hotfix buffs were basically just reversions of nerfs that they gave her on pbe right?
I have never had this much fun with top lane like
It's like the stars aligned and a bunch of drooling idiots basically became the best LCS team for like two weeks.I wish I was playing league when the old dignitas team was around. They look like they just where goofing around the whole time.
HEYIt's like the stars aligned and a bunch of drooling idiots basically became the best LCS team for like two weeks.
It's like the stars aligned and a bunch of drooling idiots basically became the best LCS team for like two weeks.
Lol fuck Yusui. He's losing against freaking mancloud atm hope that kills his carreer.
EDIT: Fixed the links
The LCS studio is still in the west coast, but they're likely moving that too eventually.I get that they feel like they're more important bc they're some of the best players but at the same time catering specifically to 200 or so players when over a million people play on na would be pretty silly and they're being entitled dumbasses for expecting it. Besides won't most gaming houses just move to Chicago as soon as possible?
I get that they feel like they're more important bc they're some of the best players but at the same time catering specifically to 200 or so players when over a million people play on na would be pretty silly and they're being entitled dumbasses for expecting it. Besides won't most gaming houses just move to Chicago as soon as possible?
nah all the lcs dudes are gonna switch to dota/hots
yeah basically the talk in Korea/China is that alot of pros are looking to play DotA because of the huuuge fuck TI. even the tourney they had in China that EG won had a 6 million dollar prize pool. Alot more money in dota atm.
I get that they feel like they're more important bc they're some of the best players but at the same time catering specifically to 200 or so players when over a million people play on na would be pretty silly and they're being entitled dumbasses for expecting it. Besides won't most gaming houses just move to Chicago as soon as possible?
nah all the lcs dudes are gonna switch to dota/hots
Why not have multiple servers up? Then you just have players select whichever one is closest. If you really wanna play with your friends, you can hop onto their server.
I's not a foreign concept, having multiple server centers set up. DotA does it and it allows their pros to play in different scenes to get a feel for different metas.
Mostly because valve crowd funds the prize pool. Idk about a large amount of pros jumping ship to a harder more complex game when they're already established in LoL. It's not so easy to jump to between these high level competitive games. I do agree that rito needs to step their shit up badly.
Being able to choose is no different than splitting the community. People will have no reason to play on a server with higher ping unless ranked is down or they want to dick around
Dodge Udyr.
I mean, the ping between east coast and west coast isn't completely impossible to play in. It's still a better solution than fucking everyone over on the west coast.
I mean, the ping between east coast and west coast isn't completely impossible to play in. It's still a better solution than fucking everyone over on the west coast.
Im amazed how I haven't played in like a week.Shit has been annoying as fuck for me the last few weeks and now with these change I already have one foot at the door. It was nice while it lasted =(
*goes on to play Valykira Chronicles*
Man thanks guys for introducing me to Voyboy! This guy gets me pumped!
Im amazed how I haven't played in like a week.
Man LoL is some Anime Bullshit.