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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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So laugh a few times and it bugs out the character. Wow Rito. Spaghetti in full effect.

Thanks for the link btw.

Sorry, if you hit the barrel with your Q when it has 2 HP then your Q bonus gold persists until the barrel goes away

I think what happened is that the coding for Q and barrell aren't clean and maybe the way the Q works is a while loop that while the Q particle exists, all kill bounty is increased by +x (this way you can splash ur Q)

The way the barrel calculates its explosion damage probably holds the last attack in memory and so keeping that instance of Q open and hence the constant bonus gold

so tl;dr not really spaghetti code but bad coding
How much atk spd does Azir get at max W now? I assumed it'd cover for his attack speed when he attacks with soldiers :p
60%, 10 more than before with max CDR. The attack speed nerf was meaningless, to be honest. He lost like 15% attack speed mid game but now he gets way stronger late without having to heavily invest in CDR.


wtf is this a bug? Started promos for plat. Lost once and the series ends? I have 89 lp now.

Did it say you're unsuccessful or does your profile just read 89? When you're in a series your profile keeps a weird running total kinda. I think it is a bug yeah but unless you got the failed series message you're still in it


Gold Member
Did it say you're unsuccessful or does your profile just read 89? When you're in a series your profile keeps a weird running total kinda. I think it is a bug yeah but unless you got the failed series message you're still in it

Didn't say anything failed though so that's nice.
Just played with Sona first time a normal match.
Things went horribly

Got dessimated easily against a Thresh!

Fuck his hooks!

Sona doesn't do well against hard engage in lane. I still pull her out as a pocket pick if someone goes Janna, Soraka, or Morg against me in lane because she can zone them out pretty effectively. I think you are kind of looking at how to play support wrong. I have been maining support most of the summer and what I've realized is matchups are very important and you have to have good judgement of your personal skills in some matchups. If I pick Sona into a Thresh, I have to go in focusing on not getting hooked, because Sona will not survive a hook 75% of the time. Learning lane dynamics will help you at support a lot. Having flexible picks also does.

I have a fairly large roster of supports I can pull out depending on who the enemy duo is and who my ADC is. Figure out the matchups and even look at who your jungler is/who their jungler is. I never go into a game thinking, "no matter what, I'm playing ___", the first step of supporting your team is by properly picking a support.

Thresh is overloaded, but his design is so well done that his effectiveness scales 1:1 with the player's skill. I've never once been hooked/dunked on by a thresh and thought "Wow, this dude is broken". Instead I'm impressed by a sweet flash flay or something.

I agree. His skills are flashy and functional. There is a bare-minimum you can do on Thresh and still be useful, but to get really good on him and carry games you have to learn the ins and outs. I got really good at him when I started maxing my Q and W before my E, the E isn't needed outside of utility as Thresh isn't meant to do damage. Max CDR and you can use your Hook/Lantern way more often.

For strategy on him, after laning phase vision control is key on him. Constantly switch lanes so you can force pick offs, Thresh is one of the best allies to have for small skirmishes in the game, a quick 3v2 fight in Mid, Top, or the enemy jungle can quickly lead to towers or dragons.

I'm honestly looking for some veteran feedback here....why am I laughed at for picking a "bronze" champ when I choose Blitzcrank, but Thresh is pro-level? I know they are far from the same champ, but their specialty seems kind of the same. People tell me you don't see Blitz in pro-level because the only time he is useful is for chumps who have bad positioning. But isn't the same of Thresh? I dunno...It's really making me re-think my life since Blitz is my support I'm great it. It makes me think I need to upgrade to the higher level and work on some other supports.

Blitz takes a lot of skill to be good at right now due to the huge nerf to his W. I used to main him, but now he really is just a last pick counter. Morgana isn't commonly banned and makes him fairly useless, and Sivir is being picked more often. It is also hard to land a hook against Ezreal, Vayne (though I love predicting Vayne tumbles), and others. Other people have said it, but he is very one dimensional. When I pick him I try to go for an intimidation build. Just build lots of speed and cdr on him, Talisman is so good. Just pop your W and Talisman and run as fast as you can at someone and force them to react. You will force a lot of flashes without even hooking, and sometimes you will make a pick.

I don't like the type of Blitz that just hides and waits somewhere, it is much harder to hit a hook while stationary.


Oh my god tahm is so fun

Kinda garbage in general but really fucks over assassins. Just played against a team with fizz, rengar, and nidalee and it was just baiting them in then eating the carries


Gold Member
Holy shit this game. It's do or die now but I'm kinda tired so I'll leave it for tomorrow.

If Gangplank Q's a barrel with two health, he gains the Q effect (increased gold from minions and silver serpent drops) on his normal autoattacks until the barrel he q'd breaks. This gives him ridiculous gold income
I really wonder how things like this happen

Coding must be a nightmare


Broke my own plan last night and played some more ADC. Did not go well at all.

My support Lulu died level 1 because of some of the worst positioning I've seen in a long time. Happens. We're on the backfoot now but our jungle Hecarim got fed and helped us recover bot the point that I was ahead of the Draven come mid-game but then did the thing Hecarim's usually do which is ignore how their 20% damage heal works, rush at the opposing team much, much faster than our team can engage and they get blown up. I don't understand the how any player can start the game 7/1/x or whatever, end up 9/7/x and jump straight to the conclusion that it must be the rest of the team that's fucking up.

Second game I just lost my shit. Again paired with a Lulu who just stood there level 1 as Blitz grabbed her out in the open away from the minion wave line and she got chunked to about 10% health. Literally did not move as Blitz made a straight line for her. When I saw what was about to happen I immediately assumed she was AFK, it was that odd. Hey, shit happens, right? But immediately after she got pulled she fired off a Glitterlance and flashed out. Ok, she's not paying attention. That gets me miffed a bit, players sleeping at the wheel and all, again shit happens. Welcome to Team Builder. Just when they hit level 2 she just runs to the minion line and just stands there with about 20% health remaining. Blitz again moves right towards her, a good 1/3 of the screen's worth of distance. She's not doing anything, just keeps standing there. Knocked up and bursted down, but not before she got a glitter lance blast and and auto off.

That broke me. I'm 100% confident she was doing it on purpose. I just went to the bush between the inner and outer turret and left the game.

Blitz takes a lot of skill to be good at right now due to the huge nerf to his W.

Absolute bullshit.

Among supports he's 3rd in play rate while being 2nd in win rate. His win rate with 1-5 games played starts at ~53% and climbs from there and goes to about ~54.5% with 125+ games. That's actually among the flatter win rate vs. games played plots in the entire game, let alone for supports. Fucking Janna has a steeper curve than that. Janna. Blitz does not conform to whichever metric, actual data, that can be used to determine whether or not a champion requires skill.

Contrast that to Thresh, who players almost universally regard as requiring lots of skills - his win rate vs. games played shows a ~8% upwards trend, among the biggest for supports.


I really wonder how things like this happen

Coding must be a nightmare

i really wonder so too

i'm guessing they have a scripting language and designers just patch together something up so they can get spells working and when the scripting depends on a base code that's as wonky as league's things go wrong often

but yeah it's really weird, specially when absolutely unrelated things break down


The amount of dc's and afks I've had lately is unreal. I know its just a string of bad luck but its gotta be some kind of statistical wonder
Absolute bullshit.

It all comes down to the hook for Blitz, if you don't hit it on the right target or miss it, he becomes rather useless for 12 seconds. So while there may not be a lot of mechanical finesse needed to play him, you really need to hit the hook. The W nerf almost entirely takes out the option of running straight at someone and popping them up with his E before the hook.
Blitz being punished for not hitting his shit isn't exactly adding more skill requirement to actually landing his combo.

Whenever his hook's hitbox width gets reduced then we can talk about Blitz requiring skill.


blitz just needs to be more than his hook, keep it as his signature move but just reduce its width, and redo everything except it on his kit
Blitz being punished for not hitting his shit isn't exactly adding more skill requirement to actually landing his combo.

Whenever his hook's hitbox width gets reduced then we can talk about Blitz requiring skill.

The hitbox is a blessing and a curse in lane. Most smart laners will stay behind minion waves and you have to try and thread good hooks. Late game it definitely is nicer having the wider hitbox.

I guess what I was getting at is that in higher ELO it becomes much harder to use Blitz because of improved reaction times and better positioning by enemies. So you have to be even smarter on him to be effective.
The hitbox is a blessing and a curse in lane. Most smart laners will stay behind minion waves and you have to try and thread good hooks. Late game it definitely is nicer having the wider hitbox.

I guess what I was getting at is that in higher ELO it becomes much harder to use Blitz because of improved reaction times and better positioning by enemies. So you have to be even smarter on him to be effective.

Yup, this is what I do when I lane against Blitz. Don't leave myself open to hooks from him is priority number one.

In that regard ... Blitz paired with Fortune or Lucian isn't fun to lane against because they can poke through minions.
blitz just needs to be more than his hook, keep it as his signature move but just reduce its width, and redo everything except it on his kit
It would be interesting if Riot would just fuse his Q and E - if you land a hook it ends in a knockup - together while giving him a whole new kit. Less reliability with gimmick flash punches into hook and no silence burst but he gets to keep his combo and gets 3 new toys to play with
New Fiora is really fun to play but her passive is wonky as fuck to use in teamfights.
I like to view her passive as a sort of stepping stone as far as teamfights go. Use it to dance around enemies to get to their backline without wasting your ult


oh my GOD

Srsly though 3 of the 4 games that I played today one of my teammates has dc'd for at least 10 mintues. I'd be tilting so hard right now if we hadn't managed to win one of them so I could at least break even


blitz just needs to be more than his hook, keep it as his signature move but just reduce its width, and redo everything except it on his kit

Or...and here my out on this one...you don't give one of the best basic abilities in the game 300 base damage at rank 5. Knock that down to 240 and shift that damage to his E. There, done.

It all comes down to the hook for Blitz, if you don't hit it on the right target or miss it, he becomes rather useless for 12 seconds. So while there may not be a lot of mechanical finesse needed to play him, you really need to hit the hook. The W nerf almost entirely takes out the option of running straight at someone and popping them up with his E before the hook.

Again, absolute bullshit not backed by any data (see my expanded post).

I love how players always bring this nonsense up. "He's useless when his hook is down tho". Awesome! Lemme just run into the opposing minions here at level 2 to put a bit of poke damage on him here as he and his ADC back off for some reason and... wuuuut, I lost the trade?! Wut happened? You think they know to back off my duo's aggression when his hook is down and lure us in the favorable position? Nah, can't be.

Man o' man do I ever love hearing just do X and/or Y from you guys when a quick glance to the countless pro player videos and streams - all of whom are at least a hundred fold better than any of us - show that even pros routinely fuck up such easy, easy tips and aren't able to capitalize. What a bunch of noobs, amirite?!

I'll concede that a good portion of Blitz comes from players not knowing how to play against him and they worry themselves right into his game plan. But fuck me, Blitz requires skill? Get the fuck out of here! The biggest Blitz "skill" isn't even landing the fucking hooks! It's properly positioning for the threat to land one.


Man look at all these hipsters hating on poor blitz

And it's not just about poking him, he practically cannot do anything for 20s once he misses it. The pressure is just gone

It's like laning with a support that doesn't do anything
He cannot do anything while his Q is down because when he lands it you'll at the very least blow a flash most of the time.

If you want a binary champion to not be binary then he needs a rework. Saying "oh he's useless when his hook is down" means jack shit when Blitz has always had this flaw and it didn't stop him from being an absolute terror when the meta favors him.
Or...and here my out on this one...you don't give one of the best basic abilities in the game 300 base damage at rank 5. Knock that down to 240 and shift that damage to his E. There, done.

Again, absolute bullshit not backed by any data (see my expanded post).

I love how players always bring this nonsense up. "He's useless when his hook is down tho". Awesome! Lemme just run into the opposing minions here at level 2 to put a bit of poke damage on him here as he and his ADC back off for some reason and... wuuuut, I lost the trade?! Wut happened? You think they know to back off my duo's aggression when his hook is down? And lure us in the favorable position? Nah, can't be.

Man o' man do I ever love hearing just do X and/or Y from you guys when a quick glance to the countless pro player videos and streams - all of whom are at least a hundred fold better than any of us - show that even pros routinely fuck up such easy, easy tips and aren't able to capitalize. What a bunch of noobs, amirite?!

Hey man no need to be a salty asshole here. I am just saying how I deal with Blitz. I find it works for me typically. I think your first suggestion is reasonable, though I don't think Blitz's damage is too outrageous or anything.

One last point, since Blitz is very one-dimensional it makes him easy to counter. A good Morgana/Sivir player can almost entirely nullify the effectiveness of Blitz.

Edit: As for his "skill level" that is entirely what I was getting at in the first place. It requires very good positioning once you are at a level where people know how to properly deal with him.


Just played with a Nasus who ended with 370 stacks....

In a 50 minute game. I don't even understand. He had 243 cs too.


Gold Member
I don't think I'm gonna use Leona anymore. She's not that good at my elo anymore. All of my recent losses were played as Leona. Her laning phase is quite alright as well as her team fights but one wrong engage and your team loses because you can't disengage.


Hey man no need to be a salty asshole here. I am just saying how I deal with Blitz. I find it works for me typically. I think your first suggestion is reasonable, though I don't think Blitz's damage is too outrageous or anything.

One last point, since Blitz is very one-dimensional it makes him easy to counter. A good Morgana/Sivir player can almost entirely nullify the effectiveness of Blitz.

Edit: As for his "skill level" that is entirely what I was getting at in the first place. It requires very good positioning once you are at a level where people know how to properly deal with him.

Not just picking on you here because others are saying it too but if blitz is so easy to counter and requires such skill to get the most out of his one dimensional kit, then why does he have the second highest support winrate (sorry zyra, 2% pick rate gets you excluded.) while also maintaining the highesr pick rate. He's in 1 of 5 ranked games across the board.

Fact is, he's easy to play and no matter how many hooks you miss, it only takes a couple key ones to win a game. He provides instant, strong CC and provides pretty risk free engage for your team.
oh my GOD

Srsly though 3 of the 4 games that I played today one of my teammates has dc'd for at least 10 mintues. I'd be tilting so hard right now if we hadn't managed to win one of them so I could at least break even

Weird. That happened to a heimer in my team yesterday, he was constantly dcing. I blame the server move.


Have the servers officially moved now? I did have 90 ping last night which is an improvement over my 120 but not nearly what I would expect from a Chicago server. I used to play CS:S pretty competitively and my team server was in Chicago. I'd get around 40-50 ping tops.
Have the servers officially moved now? I did have 90 ping last night which is an improvement over my 120 but not nearly what I would expect from a Chicago server. I used to play CS:S pretty competitively and my team server was in Chicago. I'd get around 40-50 ping tops.
Not yet. We had a few games being tested over there a few days ago but there's nothing supposed to be happening right now.
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