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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Not yet. We had a few games being tested over there a few days ago but there's nothing supposed to be happening right now.

Or so they say. I could see them silently testing the new servers with regular load.(alot of people only play for ranked, and in the window that they tested it a couple of days ago it probably wasnt sufficient data.)

Which I mean, its normal to test things involving something big like a server change.


It would be interesting if Riot would just fuse his Q and E - if you land a hook it ends in a knockup - together while giving him a whole new kit. Less reliability with gimmick flash punches into hook and no silence burst but he gets to keep his combo and gets 3 new toys to play with
yea i was thinking the same thing, there really is no skill involved in pulling e after q or after ult, so that's something that can be streamlined to leave room for some other spell. w isn't a very useful spell on a support, specially now with the self slow, but i guess it's needed for him to do what he does. ult i feel has to go entirely, nothing about that spell is good outside of how satisfying the vfx are heh

i feel the biggest problem with blitz is that hook is so insanely strong and game-changing that actually giving him a kit outside of it might just make him completely broken. so hook needs to get nerfed, and tbh i don't know how. it's long range but not exceedengly so and width isn't really too bullshitty imo, and hook costs a lot of mana and has a long cooldown.

i wonder if removing his post hook cc entirely would be that bad, considering he'd get an actual kit in exhange for it. like, you're really good at repositioning other ppl but you need your team to keep them there. he'd get some other type of cc/utility, but maybe not hard "you get hooked you're dead" cc. something like sion q that like, he hooks you, your teams stuns them and then you stun them back, but you need some setup and team participation or else they can just flash out

Or...and here my out on this one...you don't give one of the best basic abilities in the game 300 base damage at rank 5. Knock that down to 240 and shift that damage to his E. There, done.
that wouldn't fix much tho, would just be a nerf at best i guess, but since it's moved into e it's not like you made his dmg significaly lower


Mid Soraka in promos...

i give up
Not just picking on you here because others are saying it too but if blitz is so easy to counter and requires such skill to get the most out of his one dimensional kit, then why does he have the second highest support winrate (sorry zyra, 2% pick rate gets you excluded.) while also maintaining the highesr pick rate. He's in 1 of 5 ranked games across the board.

Fact is, he's easy to play and no matter how many hooks you miss, it only takes a couple key ones to win a game. He provides instant, strong CC and provides pretty risk free engage for your team.

I was just checking up on his win rate and was surprised by where he is. He did have a large downturn there for a while with the W nerf, but it looks like it has adjusted back up towards where he was. For me, I find it weird that I rarely see him in my games if his pick rate is so high, but that is probably purely coincidence.

I agree with your last paragraph there. It is incredibly frustrating to dodge his hooks all game just to have your ADC or Mid step forward and get hooked late game. He also is strong when his team gets way ahead, as he can assert dominance very well and zone out areas without vision easily. That said, I think he is in a fine state right now and doesn't really need any nerfs/changes in the current meta.


What if they got rid of his E and made it into another hook that can hook allies lol

i was thinking something like that, make his hook be able to grab pretty much everything including allied champions and allied and enemy wards lol

it'd be pretty funny but probably not the greatest of ideas lol


Enemy team has an Annie, mid, jungler and top don't build Magic resist boots.

Well our mid was a talon so I'll give him a pass but wu and panth could've handled this match better with magic resist boots.
Doesn't help that our Cait was pretty weak in team fights :/


Maaaaaan nerfs to garen's Q movement speed is some ole BS.

And the silence Nerf.

He should have just kept hiding in the brushes.

Rito pls ;__;
good luck tizoc, watching your game!

recurve bow vi top is really wrecking this ignite teleport cho'gath
I love games like that. When I was playing one of my provisionals the other team had an ad syndra mid that took smite. Also a garen that tower dived every time he got to lane. The worst part of the match was that they where getting kills. Then their jinx afked at like 6 minutes so it was a free match. I felt bad for the other team.


That said, I think he is in a fine state right now and doesn't really need any nerfs/changes in the current meta.

Champions with 54% win rates, 16% pick rates, are not in a fine state. A support without a single losing match up (except Trundle for some fucked up reason) are not in a fine state.

A good Morgana/Sivir player can almost entirely nullify the effectiveness of Blitz

League isn't DotA. The core concept of champion balance in LoL is that there are no hard counters to champions, that as much as possible match-ups aren't won and lost at champion select.

So saying you have to pick two champions out the dozens and dozens that can be played in the duo lane just because the other team picks Blitz, ignoring either team's composition...well, that's just about as useful as saying just engage when his hook is down. It's a suggestion that in practice is much more difficult to implement than in a perfect bubble of thought.

that wouldn't fix much tho, would just be a nerf at best i guess, but since it's moved into e it's not like you made his dmg significaly lower

It would fix a ton. Less damage during laning phase which means trades not going so easily in his favour. That's the entirety of Blitz's schtick - forcing very favorable short duration 2v1 situations. Shifting some of that missing damage to E instead pushes that damage to the mid game. No change late game because he's relying on his teammates damage at that point when he manages a pick and not his own.

Barring a rework Blitz's kit doesn't offer that much room for non-numbers, impactful nerfs. If we're talking rework, than make Blitz Q charge up like Varus, Vi, etc. and adjust it's power accordingly.

Bacon said:
The thing about blitz is even though his w got nerfed, coin got buffed so that basically gave his w back to him.

Fun fact: his win rate with FotM is higher than with Talisman. The nerf didn't hurt him much at all once people adjusted. Similar thing happened to Talon with everyone flying off the handle about the removal of his silence.


good luck tizoc, watching your game!

recurve bow vi top is really wrecking this ignite teleport cho'gath

lol that match was so tryhard to me tbh
I kept telling them to upgrade yellow trinket but nada :/
Mid game was a struggle but we caught them at one point then rushed them, thank goodness that's over, let's see if I can win this next match.
Either way that'd be my last ranked game for the day XoX
Champions with 54% win rates, 16% pick rates, are not in a fine state. A support without a single losing match up (except Trundle for some fucked up reason) are not in a fine state.

Eh I guess the stats don't lie. A small damage nerf might take that down, and they should tweak his passive on his ult. He still isn't that much higher than Leona (who has a higher 21% play rate), Sona (9%), Taric (2%), or Braum (12%) really though. All of them range from 51.5% to 52.5% win rates it seems, with Blitz ranging from (53%-54%)
League isn't DotA. The core concept of champion balance in LoL is that there are no hard counters to champions, that as much as possible match-ups aren't won and lost at champion select.
yeah see that's where you're wrong

it's been scientifically proven that yasuo hard counters winning games.


Now that's more like it

props to Tryndamere for holding his own against Teemo at top.

Though if he had gotten M. Scimitar it would've been a lot better since he would cancel teemo's blind but all in all we did good.


Just started a match with me as a Morgana supp against Nautlus and Vayne duo....

RIP this game!

Beat them heavy handedly. Vayne was rubbish and I couldn't believe how much of lane presence Morgana has on Naut. There was a point when 4 of the came to gank bot only to get me dead and had 3 of them run with low health.

Our jungle just had his easiest triple kill one he came on later on to help.
...couldn't believe how much of lane presence Morgana has on Naut...

Honestly it's true for a lot of champs against Morg - especially lower down the ladder. Her E negates all of his kit except the actual Q grab. Her Q is extremely strong and easy to land, W is a strong skill and easy to proc the Spellthief.

Assuming your faridmon in the EUW chat, you'd probably be even better if you went more utility focused.

Mikael's is always a strong pick-up on mana heavy supports and the active lets you bring a free heal and cleanse to the fight - can be an absolute game changer.


It would fix a ton. Less damage during laning phase which means trades not going so easily in his favour. That's the entirety of Blitz's schtick - forcing very favorable short duration 2v1 situations. Shifting some of that missing damage to E instead pushes that damage to the mid game. No change late game because he's relying on his teammates damage at that point when he manages a pick and not his own.
i guess this is true, for some reason i wasn't quite making sense in my head of what you were saying, but yeah, makes sense

Barring a rework Blitz's kit doesn't offer that much room for non-numbers, impactful nerfs. If we're talking rework, than make Blitz Q charge up like Varus, Vi, etc. and adjust it's power accordingly.
i just think he needs a rework 100%, but i duno about the varus charge up unless it doesn't do the self slow

but i think his character is woefully underdeveloped, his kit is just built to support his hook and that's just silly

i think i'd for the most part try to leave the hook alone and just scrap everything else and start over. it's his most iconic feature and i feel like quick reaction times and fakeouts and all of that are something worth keeping

for the rest of his kit, i think all the hard cc and damage has to go if he's gonna keep his hook, specially since all of those things come from his solo laning days or whatever. and i feel there are really cool abilities riot could come up out of like a steampunk-ish junk robot.

i don't necessarily hate blitz or think he's like crazy overpowered, but in general i like champions to have depth and stuff and he has like one of the silliest kits imo
Morgana hardly has a presence in lane. She has no follow up to her binding unless you have a poke/burst ADC (Corki) or a jungler who is actively applying pressure. Her offensive strength lies in roaming and how she can make ganks more effective.


Morgana hardly has a presence in lane. She has no follow up to her binding unless you have a poke/burst ADC (Corki) or a jungler who is actively applying pressure. Her offensive strength lies in roaming and how she can make ganks more effective.

I dunno, the bind + pool combo is mana intensive and they removed some of the power, but it's still pretty solid CC/poke and not a whole lot of supports can harass through minions like her. Plus she shrugs off a fair amount of retaliation safety while picking up those spelltheif procs, it's nice for building her stuff later..

She definitely can't spam her stuff like some supports but she's pretty dangerous to most tanky supports and quite a few of those are pretty popular atm..She's my go to vs Naut and Leona and Blitz and is pretty good against quite a few more.


it would be cool if they gave Blitz a skill that did a "fake out" hook, where he would do his full animation and sound effect but no arm would go out to grab you. could make for some interesting mind games
I dunno, the bind + pool combo is mana intensive and they removed some of the power, but it's still pretty solid CC/poke and not a whole lot of supports can harass through minions like her. Plus she shrugs off a fair amount of retaliation safety while picking up those spelltheif procs, it's nice for building her stuff later..

She definitely can't spam her stuff like some supports but she's pretty dangerous to most tanky supports and quite a few of those are pretty popular atm..She's my go to vs Naut and Leona and Blitz and is pretty good against quite a few more.

W only kinda hurts at around Lv1-3 though. The last nerf to W damage made it worse.

In fact, poke/non-cc aggressive supports are her worst matchups. Janna, Nami, Sona, Soraka, Lulu give her a hard time. Sustain supports remove her kill potential in lane.


As a new player, I'm finding Annie to be a fun hero to play as, since I've managed to gain a few nice kill streaks.

The pacing seems to be better than DOTA2, but I'll definitely have to play a few more rounds to assess that.


Yo what the fuck did they do to Viegar?

Why is he terrorizing my pub experiences and 1-shotting carries with targeted abilities.

he was always like that :T

As a new player, I'm finding Annie to be a fun hero to play as, since I've managed to gain a few nice kill streaks.

The pacing seems to be better than DOTA2, but I'll definitely have to play a few more rounds to assess that.
yeah annie's pretty good if you're starting out

and she's fun


W only kinda hurts at around Lv1-3 though. The last nerf to W damage made it worse.

In fact, poke/non-cc aggressive supports are her worst matchups. Janna, Nami, Sona, Soraka, Lulu give her a hard time. Sustain supports remove her kill potential in lane.

Yea I wouldn't go against sustain supports with her, they can recover from her harass way better than she can recover from theirs due to them generally having better mana efficiency early.

If I want to give the sustain supports a hard time I pick Karma.
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