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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Anyone else ever get real tired of this game sometimes? I'm on a pretty big losing streak which doesn't help things. Last two weeks just seem to either be playing poorley or paired up with poor matchups. Just getting tired of it all.

I've been playing for the last few years now. I started out in Bronze 3 and worked my way up to Silver 1. Then this season and nothing seems to be going right. I've slid back to silver 3.

Just don't seem to be making any progress and feeling tired of this game.

It goes in waves for me. For the last couple months or so I've been playing once maybe twice a week. Just recently I got bit by the bug and have been playing multiple matches a day. Just roll with it and fill your league time with some other games or whatever to decompress. The game will always be here when/if you come back.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Anyone else ever get real tired of this game sometimes? I'm on a pretty big losing streak which doesn't help things. Last two weeks just seem to either be playing poorley or paired up with poor matchups. Just getting tired of it all.

I've been playing for the last few years now. I started out in Bronze 3 and worked my way up to Silver 1. Then this season and nothing seems to be going right. I've slid back to silver 3.

Just don't seem to be making any progress and feeling tired of this game.

Yep. Forcing yourself to play is a very bad idea. I'm taking a break right now and just bingeing on modded Skyrim and other single player games.

Just come back when you feel the itch to play again.
Sona is an okay pick in Bronze if Blitz and Leona are banned.

I saw a Volibear support the other day. He does a lot of damage if he hits your ADC but he's pretty easy to kite if you have CC.
This stupid DJ Sona skin is directly responsible for losing me several matches. The "I'm only playing Sona because I paid for this skin and I am going to use it, dang it" crown still hasn't shrunk down yet, so there's a lot of terrible Sona supports ruining the bot lane right now.

The support mentality of attack and forget supporting is not exclusive to sona.


Anyone else ever get real tired of this game sometimes? I'm on a pretty big losing streak which doesn't help things. Last two weeks just seem to either be playing poorley or paired up with poor matchups. Just getting tired of it all.

I've been playing for the last few years now. I started out in Bronze 3 and worked my way up to Silver 1. Then this season and nothing seems to be going right. I've slid back to silver 3.

Just don't seem to be making any progress and feeling tired of this game.
My method is to just leave when you're not enjoying the game. Worked pretty well so far.


I know. I was just speaking generally for anyone who might still be using them.

Gotcha. Have your tried using a mix of attack speed and AD runes on Skarner? Saw a few pro builds use that and seeing as how I run that with Xin I figured there was an opportunity there to free up a rune page. I haven't tried it myself though and I'm hesitant because of the impact it could have on on-hit CD reduction for his Qs which carries over to how fast I can stack Q buffs and Crystal Venom.

you made an argument as to why naut wouldn't use ms quints compared to other champions, it was a bad argument.

the fact that champions' base MS range is small is entirely relevant to your argument that nautilus's low movement speed is why he shouldn't take them over a higher MS champion. a difference of 1-3ms is going to be irrelevant to 99.99999~ of gameplay situations, so it's foolish to pretend that high base ms champions benefit significantly more from them.

What? No, I put in some specific extra information, sure, but the point I was driving at is that the extra MS from quints is wasted on Nautilus not just because the amount is so small, not just because the extra MS doesn't help him with anything else either (unlike possibly Skarner per my last post), but also because champions who aren't taking MS quints - such as the examples I gave - likely still have more movement speed than he does.

Saying that I'm against MS quints on Nautilus "because he has bad base MS" isn't really a fair interpreration because what I'm trying to say is "because Nautilus' base MS is bad, taking MS quints to cover that weakness isn't going to help anyways because he's still slower, try different runes to cover another aspect of his jungling" and I don't see anything particular controversial there.

Evidently when I wrote the original blurb after midnight on a work night I didn't do a good enough job getting that across.

i specifically did not mention skarner so you wouldn't get your panties bunched up about it, but apparently you're fairly committed to that.

Whoa, where the hell did this come from?

You wrote 345ms which is Skarner's base movement speed and I mentioned him a few times in my last few posts, I figured that's who you were talking about. I get now why you mentioned it, to show that MS quint benefits aren't that different, but I was thinking a whole different thing because, again, that wasn't my whole argument.

Is it not possible to have a conversation with anyone on these boards without them assuming I'm trying to smash their nuts? Apparently I'm doing something wrong, so time to take a break.


does anyone have real advice against a blitzcrank lane ? i mostly play draven when i have to adc and a blitzcrank lane means an autolose for me. i cant for the life of me lane against the adc when i have to focus on cs,harass,axes,minimap AND blitz on top of everything.

what the hell do i do when he straight up walks to me when i pushed the wave and punches me up > grabs me > silence. that gives the adc enough time to burst me down hard + blitzs whole combo fucking hurts. yes i get a few AA off when he tries that but thats kinda pointless when i die anyways

any tips other than "dont let him grab you" ?


does anyone have real advice against a blitzcrank lane ? i mostly play draven when i have to adc and a blitzcrank lane means an autolose for me. i cant for the life of me lane against the adc when i have to focus on cs,harass,axes,minimap AND blitz on top of everything.

what the hell do i do when he straight up walks to me when i pushed the wave and punches me up > grabs me > silence. that gives the adc enough time to burst me down hard + blitzs whole combo fucking hurts. yes i get a few AA off when he tries that but thats kinda pointless when i die anyways

any tips other than "dont let him grab you" ?
Only option is dropping your axes at times. If he misses his hook, go super aggro on him. Don't play Draven into Blitz. Ban Blitz if you have to Draven.

If you're playing something like Draven, use your E to peel him off you
Don't do this. E won't stop him from hooking. Save it for after you're hooked.
Blitzcrank is the highest win rate support in the game currently (and has been for a while, certainly top 2/3 with Leona and Annie since the Janna nerfs). Approach with extreme caution.


Also, when you get hooked by Blitz, instead of attacking him, go after the other ADC and hope that your support does the same. Yeah, you're already behind in the trade because you got hooked, but sometimes you can lay enough damage down on their ADC to make them back off and you can flash or escape. It's hard not to attack Blitz out of reflex, but if you can get their ADC to bail out, you should get away.

When I'm supporting with Zyra or Morgana and I see my ADC get hooked, I immediately go after their ADC with all I have and it generally buys and escape. It might not be bad telling your support to do that as well.

Edit: Don't go all in INSTEAD of escaping, only to buy an escape chance.
What is with people getting extra salty when they get cancelled by a Rengar? When I kill a carry with the other assassins I play, every now and then I'll get a "OMG" or "FFS!!!", but with Rengar, it seems as if I get cussed out 90% of the time after the 18 min mark.

I love it.


Fck it, I shouldn't have brought up movement speed Quints. >_> I just like to keep up with the other champs using the Quints, since I don't have any trouble clearing the jungle. It's all about the playstyle, really. That's why u see people using AP Quints, AS Quints or like I prefer, movement speed Quints on Naut.

does anyone have real advice against a blitzcrank lane ? i mostly play draven when i have to adc and a blitzcrank lane means an autolose for me. i cant for the life of me lane against the adc when i have to focus on cs,harass,axes,minimap AND blitz on top of everything.

any tips other than "dont let him grab you" ?

Don't play immobile champs against Blitz. Hard engages are a counter for these kind of champs. Also ask for a Morgana support if she's open. Need to survive until she got her shield, but then the lane is a walk in the park, since Blitz has hardly any lane pressence without his hook.

Ezreal is a hard counter for Blitz, as an ADC pick, since he can get hooked, but still cancel the hook with his E during the animation. Sivir also works really well, because of her spellshield.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Gotcha. Have your tried using a mix of attack speed and AD runes on Skarner? Saw a few pro builds use that and seeing as how I run that with Xin I figured there was an opportunity there to free up a rune page. I haven't tried it myself though and I'm hesitant because of the impact it could have on on-hit CD reduction for his Qs which carries over to how fast I can stack Q buffs and Crystal Venom.
I don't have a specific Skarner page but I can see the value in running a mix with flat AD. Attack speed is considerably less valuable on Skarner with autos only reducing the cooldown of Q. I don't think you'd see much of a change in how quickly Crystal Venom stacks. In most situations the speed at which the stun goes off is not extremely relevant.
You will generally see one stun on a target you're dueling/fighting.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I always figured Skarner would just go with AS reds / AD quints - or the other way around - like most other fighters.
if you want to do something like this you go attack speed quints and ad reds for something that's more well rounded.
if you want to do something like this you go attack speed quints and ad reds for something that's more well rounded.
I've been running the former for some time, never really felt the need to swap them up. Is the extra AS negligible? I always felt that the extra 2 AD I could live without and some extra AS later on was nice.



shilin the goddess (i have no idea what is happening but look at em pretty colors)


shilin made a patreon too: https://www.patreon.com/shilin

she's an amazing artist that's made the new sona splash and some great fanart and her non-league stuff is pretty beast too

also these are the upcoming sales according to mysterious reddit dude

3/13: Bioforge Darius, Midnight Ahri, Ruthless Pantheon
3/17: Dreadknight Garen, Glacial Malphite, Giant Enemy Crabgot
3/20: Jurassic Cho'Gath, Bandit Sivir, Sorceress Lux
3/24: Lord Mordekaiser, Redeemed Riven, Shadow Evelynn
3/27: Amethyst Ashe, Dragon Slayer Jarvan IV, Tundar Hunter Warwick
3/31: Sandscourge Skarner, Battlecast Vel'Koz, Prestigious LeBlanc

guess i'll get sorceress lux


There's nothing more painful then playing against a fed poppy as a a mid laner/adc. I never want to experience that again. Can't damage her and she just 3 shots me.
Anyone else ever get real tired of this game sometimes? I'm on a pretty big losing streak which doesn't help things. Last two weeks just seem to either be playing poorley or paired up with poor matchups. Just getting tired of it all.

I've been playing for the last few years now. I started out in Bronze 3 and worked my way up to Silver 1. Then this season and nothing seems to be going right. I've slid back to silver 3.

Just don't seem to be making any progress and feeling tired of this game.
play dota

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
play dota

I know a lot of people are gonna brush over this as a troll post but I'll have to agree.
I got real fed up with the state of League towards the end of season 3 (took a 10 month break) and jumping into Dota felt like a breath of fresh air. At first it was intimidating but I really started to enjoy learning a different style of gameplay and all the new heroes. It felt like freedom. League's in a much healthier state now so I have no qualms with it but experiencing the other side feels so good.

Edit: I'd also say that this goes both ways in the case of someone getting tired of Dota.


cute ahri


There's nothing more painful then playing against a fed poppy as a a mid laner/adc. I never want to experience that again. Can't damage her and she just 3 shots me.
yup, poppy's the worst lol

I know a lot of people are gonna brush over this as a troll post but I'll have to agree.
I got real fed up with the state of League towards the end of season 3 (took a 10 month break) and jumping into Dota felt like a breath of fresh air. At first it was intimidating but I really started to enjoy learning a different style of gameplay and all the new heroes. It felt like freedom. League's in a much healthier state now so I have no qualms with it but experiencing the other side feels so good.

Edit: I'd also say that this goes both ways in the case of someone getting tired of Dota.
eh, i would say just do something else if you're tired of the game, not necessarily doto

i play indie games or watch a lot of anime when league gets annoying, one moba is enough for my life
Anyone else ever get real tired of this game sometimes? I'm on a pretty big losing streak which doesn't help things. Last two weeks just seem to either be playing poorley or paired up with poor matchups. Just getting tired of it all.

I've been playing for the last few years now. I started out in Bronze 3 and worked my way up to Silver 1. Then this season and nothing seems to be going right. I've slid back to silver 3.

Just don't seem to be making any progress and feeling tired of this game.

I barely play anymore. It's just such a commitment. Winning is great, and fun. Close games are great, and fun. But sometimes you can just spend 40 minutes losing. And the thought of it is brutal.

I still like the game. I think about it a lot. I watch streams all the time. My playtime is just nearly 0.

Edit: oh shit battlecast velkoz sale looks like i'm back in business baby
I know a lot of people are gonna brush over this as a troll post but I'll have to agree.
I got real fed up with the state of League towards the end of season 3 (took a 10 month break) and jumping into Dota felt like a breath of fresh air. At first it was intimidating but I really started to enjoy learning a different style of gameplay and all the new heroes. It felt like freedom. League's in a much healthier state now so I have no qualms with it but experiencing the other side feels so good.

Edit: I'd also say that this goes both ways in the case of someone getting tired of Dota.

i dont troll man

ive played with the leeg breakers

they have fun
I barely play anymore. It's just such a commitment. Winning is great, and fun. Close games are great, and fun. But sometimes you can just spend 40 minutes losing. And the thought of it is brutal.

I still like the game. I think about it a lot. I watch streams all the time. My playtime is just nearly 0.

Edit: oh shit battlecast velkoz sale looks like i'm back in business baby

You talking about the one on 3/31?
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