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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Woot woot, I made it back up Diamond 3 thanks to the OP-ness of Lissandra and Chogath.

Chogath's my new favorite champ this season, he's a really safe pick and he wrecks a lot of the popular stuff right now like Irelia/Zed/Fizz/Fiora etc.
I'm not salty at all that my only Lissandra loss was in a ranked 5's GAF game.



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Aphromoo just played the greatest game of league of legends yolo queue I've ever seen.



Woot woot, I made it back up Diamond 3 thanks to the OP-ness of Lissandra and Chogath.

Chogath's my new favorite champ this season, he's a really safe pick and he wrecks a lot of the popular stuff right now like Irelia/Zed/Fizz/Fiora etc.
I'm not salty at all that my only Lissandra loss was in a ranked 5's GAF game.

Cho is a sleeper, man. He's so powerful and that stupid feast of his seems to always manage to catch someone off guard. Silence/feast combo is brutal.


Botlane in sync.

Ice Ice baby

To add to the topic. In this particular match, would you have gone Youmuu's second item at some point? I've seen QT go Youmuu's on Sivir and I guess it's because armor pen and her being an AD caster (kinda?) but I'd love for you to clarify that for me! ty


Ice Ice baby

To add to the topic. In this particular match, would you have gone Youmuu's second item at some point? I've seen QT go Youmuu's on Sivir and I guess it's because armor pen and her being an AD caster (kinda?) but I'd love for you to clarify that for me! ty
Yomuu's gives you an earlier powerspike in exchange for lategame damage. It also increases Sivir's burst, but reduces her consistent damage. I would never go Yomuu's if I'm that ahead though, and usually if I'm behind I just roll with a static shiv. Yomuus is also more of a split pushing item, which I do like maybe 1/5 games at most in solo q.

Overall though, not a bad item to build. Nowadays I build it everygame on Draven.

somehow i ended up playing kayle and sivir tonight

what are you doing to me noot
That Rito Kayle.


Sometimes I feel like support Annie is cheating when they play a low range ADC. You can build up so much gold and keep them zoned so hard when your stun is up. I don't feel bad about picking her though, and I never will.

I'm still surprised at how low Tibbers' cooldown is. Even if you use him for picks in the jungle, he always seems to be up for team fights.


I barely play anymore. It's just such a commitment. Winning is great, and fun. Close games are great, and fun. But sometimes you can just spend 40 minutes losing. And the thought of it is brutal.

I still like the game. I think about it a lot. I watch streams all the time. My playtime is just nearly 0.

Edit: oh shit battlecast velkoz sale looks like i'm back in business baby
Well that was easy.

And Nah, I don't get tired of lol. There are times where I don't feel any lanes but the way the game is going is that you can beat people pretty hard now that most things are skillshots
And I love shitten on people

The speed of play of champs like lb, Ezreal, Lucian, graves, Fizz, ahri, Zed, Lee sin, kha zix, Katarina, kassadin etc
where you can beat anybody if you're fast enough is too fun


Yomuu's gives you an earlier powerspike in exchange for lategame damage. It also increases Sivir's burst, but reduces her consistent damage. I would never go Yomuu's if I'm that ahead though, and usually if I'm behind I just roll with a static shiv. Yomuus is also more of a split pushing item, which I do like maybe 1/5 games at most in solo q.

Overall though, not a bad item to build. Nowadays I build it everygame on Draven.

Thanks! I very rarely play ADCs that would consider Youmuu's (or at list not as a usual alternative) so it was nice of you to help me find the spot when yo build it. :3
My method is to just leave when you're not enjoying the game. Worked pretty well so far.

How? I mean I've had games where people just feed 20 kills in the first 15 mins and people have just refused to surrender. No I've had worse games. I've had games where that has happened, but the enemy team refuse to finish and I'm stuck for 40 mins trying to help a team that has gotten 8 kills in that time. I've try to avoid leaving because if I do I get stuck with a 20 mins wait on my next 5 games.

What can I do?
Whenever LoL gets boring I just play sporadically and play other stuff while waiting for the next patch. It always works

Can't stay away from a game with Jinx in it for too long


I might have seen an Annie work well against Blitzcrank once or twice, but maybe it was just a bad Blitzcrank team. She can be surprisingly hard to kill with the shield, and if she gets grabbed then the ADC can eat a lot of burst damage. The stun might even let one or both of you get away.
I might have seen an Annie work well against Blitzcrank once or twice, but maybe it was just a bad Blitzcrank team. She can be surprisingly hard to kill with the shield, and if she gets grabbed then the ADC can eat a lot of burst damage. The stun might even let one or both of you get away.
Annie is like a ranged Leona so yes, as long as she has her stun primed hooking her is just as bad an idea as it is hooking Leona.
my League time has been curtailed recently by my FFXIV commitments (raiding etc.) which has actually worked out really well. I'll play League in the afternoon when I have some friends online that I regularly play with and even sometimes in the evening if I don't have FFXIV stuff to grind.

I haven't touched ranked yet so I'm dreading having to do that at some point, probably during the summer.

But yeah my time has been cut back it also stops me from getting tired of the game.


How? I mean I've had games where people just feed 20 kills in the first 15 mins and people have just refused to surrender. No I've had worse games. I've had games where that has happened, but the enemy team refuse to finish and I'm stuck for 40 mins trying to help a team that has gotten 8 kills in that time. I've try to avoid leaving because if I do I get stuck with a 20 mins wait on my next 5 games.

What can I do?
If your team fails to surrender and you leave usually your team will surrender in the next 5 minutes, or the enemy will end. You will not get any leave penalties if this happens. Yesterday some dude was all like "it's not over until I say it's over". I left and the game ended within the next 3 minutes.
If your team fails to surrender and you leave usually your team will surrender in the next 5 minutes, or the enemy will end. You will not get any leave penalties if this happens. Yesterday some dude was all like "it's not over until I say it's over". I left and the game ended within the next 3 minutes.
I can understand the feeling of "its not over til it's over" but some times it is crazy.
Another note kinda relevant: I really dislike when a game comes down to who ever can get an ace then push. When you just have to turtle in your base for 20 minutes til they get too greedy and you get an ace or your get too greedy and they get an ace and push your nexus.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Is FFXIV good? I played it at launch, liked it, but didn't love it. The latest patch looks neat.

It's been gaining steam lately as people are either getting tired of WoW or waiting for the GW2 expansion. My friends who play it seem to enjoy the content (I only played WoW and GW2)
Is FFXIV good? I played it at launch, liked it, but didn't love it. The latest patch looks neat.
It's great. I wish I could still play it, but this strong dollar means I absolutely can't afford paying 50 BRL per month to play, Heavensward close to release doesn't help either.


It's been gaining steam lately as people are either getting tired of WoW or waiting for the GW2 expansion. My friends who play it seem to enjoy the content (I only played WoW and GW2)

It's great. I wish I could still play it, but this strong dollar means I absolutely can't afford paying 50 BRL per month to play, Heavensward close to release doesn't help either.

Is Heavensward gonna reset things like WoW expansions do? That might be a good point to jump in.
Is Heavensward gonna reset things like WoW expansions do? That might be a good point to jump in.
I dunno, but it'll have higher level caps and lots of other stuff so I guess?

Any new content patch is good to jump back in because they add new stuff while making older stuff easier so players can catch up.
FFXIV is fantastic. Having a boatload of fun playing it, especially since I found a static and we're doing all the high level raids.

We're not entirely sure yet how Heavensward will handle gear stuff, but I'm going to guess that the level 60 gear will make the current gear obsolete.

Honestly now is a really good time to jump back in. They just released Gold Saucer and with the expansion being three months away you'll have enough time to make your way through a lot of the content and have some high level jobs in time for Heavensward. Or you could try one of the three new jobs they're adding.

It's half off on PS4 right now too for anyone who wants to start playing!


Are you telling me that you never had a Blitzcrank opponent who walked behind minions?

You walk all the way back to your tower in that instance. It sucks, but you just do it. You let them push you as far back as the tower and wait for your jungler to come and help you murder their ADC.


You walk all the way back to your tower in that instance. It sucks, but you just do it. You let them push you as far back as the tower and wait for your jungler to come and help you murder their ADC.

Ah, so Blitz is not hard, you just need teamwork, coordiation, and a glue to your own tower! Gotcha. That will surely work in random rankeds where Junglers are so on top of the game all the time :D
(Edit: not to mention, if Blizz times his agression right, he CAN hook you when you are moving backwards, in case he times this between two minion waves so you cant even retreat safely.)

Not to mention your support who needs to understand what is happening too, if you leave her/him behind, support is guaranteed to be picked off the moment she gets behind.


These people who start to troll because they didn't get their premade bot. I can't imagine how much they would suck in bot lane had they gotten what they wanted.

At least they trolled in champ select so they or someone else dodged.


I'm starting to hate the "have to play X number of normal games before I can go back to ranked" stuff. Seems like every other game I play is littered with these guys. They don't give a crap about how they play, just want to play their quota.

My last game had an Azir and Udyr bot :/ Worst part is we were winning mid and top hard but those guys just threw the game.


I'm starting to hate the "have to play X number of normal games before I can go back to ranked" stuff. Seems like every other game I play is littered with these guys. They don't give a crap about how they play, just want to play their quota.

My last game had an Azir and Udyr bot :/ Worst part is we were winning mid and top hard but those guys just threw the game.

I'm pretty sure they have to win for those games to count towards getting back into ranked. At least that's how it worked for one of my friends.


I'm pretty sure they have to win for those games to count towards getting back into ranked. At least that's how it worked for one of my friends.

Hmm.. that makes sense. The one guy did say he had to win. Maybe that's what brought the other trolls out. Purposefully throwing for him. Either way, it has not improved normals in the slightest :(


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Hmm.. that makes sense. The one guy did say he had to win. Maybe that's what brought the other trolls out. Purposefully throwing for him. Either way, it has not improved normals in the slightest :(

Retreat to the safety of teambuilder. Normal drafts have gotten so weirdly serious lately.
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