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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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What characters is it good on?
Everyone you can imagine it'd be good on

RoA is ok on Annie. I mean, you do lose out on damage but the hp synergises well with her E, if you need that kind of thing. And her range is a little short so she could benefit from being a little thicker


roa not that good on annie

just build her glass cannon with morellos/deathcap

Their Riven got so big that I knew I needed a bit more health. It actually saved me couple of times where I survived with just a tiny bit of health left. I actually do like the Morellonomicon/Deathcap build though.

Best part of the match was when their Blitz hooked me and I had stun/Tibbers ready to go. Grabbed 4 of them in the stun, walked out after my W/Q finished their ADC, and then we aced them.


Their Riven got so big that I knew I needed a bit more health. It actually saved me couple of times where I survived with just a tiny bit of health left. I actually do like the Morellonomicon/Deathcap build though.

Best part of the match was when their Blitz hooked me and I had stun/Tibbers ready to go. Grabbed 4 of them in the stun, walked out after my W/Q finished their ADC, and then we aced them.
yea i mostly don't like roa cos you used to rush dfg on her so you could one shot people before a teamfight even started, cos if you can't camp brushes and one shot people you're pretty useless without flash, so you need as much damage as possible as quickly as possible

but yea if it was useful go for it i guess. might want to try rylais or zhonyas against riven tho

im pretty sure rylais is super bad but who cares it's a fun item on annie


Their Riven got so big that I knew I needed a bit more health. It actually saved me couple of times where I survived with just a tiny bit of health left. I actually do like the Morellonomicon/Deathcap build though.

Best part of the match was when their Blitz hooked me and I had stun/Tibbers ready to go. Grabbed 4 of them in the stun, walked out after my W/Q finished their ADC, and then we aced them.

Annie's W is really odd for me; does the very last endtail range of the ability still deal damage or is it for anyone within the cone area?


Annie's W is really odd for me; does the very last endtail range of the ability still deal damage or is it for anyone within the cone area?

she deals damage in the cone in the skillshot thingie?

why would it not deal damage in the end of the cone?

also have some ahri


so many good ahris lately
RoA is fine on Annie.
It's an item that gives next to no lane presence on a strong laner with high ratios that isn't really mana constrained early on.

It's not like it's a bad item for Annie per se, but after the last set of nerfs that shaved off her based damage rushing that thing on mid Annie is pretty damn mediocre.


Must say I really like Cho top just now. Played about 4 games top with him over the weekend and have yet to lose lane. Think people just don't really know how to play vs him in lane. Gave away first blood a few times but still doesn't stop me from becoming big. one of the games last night I was walking about with 5.4K health and could still one shot their adc with a Q - W - R combo.


Neo Member
Must say I really like Cho top just now. Played about 4 games top with him over the weekend and have yet to lose lane. Think people just don't really know how to play vs him in lane. Gave away first blood a few times but still doesn't stop me from becoming big. one of the games last night I was walking about with 5.4K health and could still one shot their adc with a Q - W - R combo.

I feel like people seriously underestimate Cho's damage. They don't notice his activated E whittling away at their HP and his burst is obviously pretty high.


Must say I really like Cho top just now. Played about 4 games top with him over the weekend and have yet to lose lane. Think people just don't really know how to play vs him in lane. Gave away first blood a few times but still doesn't stop me from becoming big. one of the games last night I was walking about with 5.4K health and could still one shot their adc with a Q - W - R combo.

Yeah I picked cho into a malphite a week or two ago and it went really well for me.

Top lane is so weird, such a variety of picks up there. I think I like tanks up there the best though, whether I'm playing top or not.


Neo Member
Yeah I picked cho into a malphite a week or two ago and it went really well for me.

Top lane is so weird, such a variety of picks up there. I think I like tanks up there the best though, whether I'm playing top or not.

That's also what I like about Top Lane... not only can your champion picks vary so much, but your build paths can as well. Top lane builds are so much more flexible than say ADC or jungle and it's something I really like about it. I feel like I can outplay my laner in even another way, if that makes sense.
Top lane to me is that like scene in The Dark Knight where the Joker breaks a stick in half and tells two guys to decide who will work for him

I want nothing to do with that


I don't play Cho, so I try not to talk about him. He's ridiculously good right now and since I don't play him, I'm fine with that secret staying under wraps. Same goes for Trundle with the new buff. He's pretty stupid right now.


I don't play Cho, so I try not to talk about him. He's ridiculously good right now and since I don't play him, I'm fine with that secret staying under wraps. Same goes for Trundle with the new buff. He's pretty stupid right now.

I once won a game where our Top Trundle carried, he was against Fiora but managed to hold his ground real well and got lots of kills.
Sejuani is kind of silly. Like how is it even possible to lose a teamfight with her on your side? You just stand in the middle of everyone and watch them melt away.



Sejuani is kind of silly. Like how is it even possible to lose a teamfight with her on your side? You just stand in the middle of everyone and watch them melt away.


She is pretty strong right now. Although I don't have a problem fighting her as voli. With some resist and my passive I win any fights against her 90% of the time.

Fizz is pretty much the only jungler I don't like to fight.


I hate champs that have a targeted spell that instantly dashes to your position.

Xin & Irelia are tough for me as Gnar because they can be on my nuts immediately.


I've tried Kalista about 4 times now. She seems like a tough one to get a hang of for myself. My damage output seems miniscule from the backline if I rush Ruunans, and she doesn't seem to be effective going BF first. Idk, she is kind of lost on me. Something I'd love to figure out but haven't yet. Laning doesn't seem too bad assuming my support realizes I cant two button burst anyone down like graves at lvl2.
I've tried Kalista about 4 times now. She seems like a tough one to get a hang of for myself. My damage output seems miniscule from the backline if I rush Ruunans, and she doesn't seem to be effective going BF first. Idk, she is kind of lost on me. Something I'd love to figure out but haven't yet. Laning doesn't seem too bad assuming my support realizes I cant two button burst anyone down like graves at lvl2.
The biggest part of Runaan Kalista is getting a grasp on how many Rend stacks you want to get before triggering her E so you can actually do damage. Her damage is pretty silly once you get that down.


I've tried Kalista about 4 times now. She seems like a tough one to get a hang of for myself. My damage output seems miniscule from the backline if I rush Ruunans, and she doesn't seem to be effective going BF first. Idk, she is kind of lost on me. Something I'd love to figure out but haven't yet. Laning doesn't seem too bad assuming my support realizes I cant two button burst anyone down like graves at lvl2.
You need a good amount of stacks to do anything. That's why her late game is pretty meh.


I have a ton of fun playing Kalista but I know that I'm not skilled enough to use her.

Still a really cool champion, just one that I will never have enough confidence using to take to ranked.


Neglecting to dodge Bard on my team is all that stands between me and a 10-game ranked win streak. I can't remember a time when a champion was released that was so weak. Azir was confusing, but people figured him out. I don't think anything but a buff of sorts will cure Bard's current woes. He's just awful.
Neglecting to dodge Bard on my team is all that stands between me and a 10-game ranked win streak. I can't remember a time when a champion was released that was so weak. Azir was confusing, but people figured him out. I don't think anything but a buff of sorts will cure Bard's current woes. He's just awful.

For what I have seen, the bard is too squishy to wander alone in the jungle and leaving the lane early is awful for him too so until he reachs lv 6 the bard is just a Morgana stunning people


Neo Member
I haven't really seen much out of Bard yet. Sure, he can create some safety with objectives (creating exit for team from Baron/Dragon pit for example), but not much more than that.

I did however see a 5 man Bard ult at Baron, followed up by a Gragas Q then R turn wombo turn into an ace, Baron, and comeback win in Ranked yesterday.


I had a Bard ult the enemy team that was sieging our inhib tower. They were all low on health and I used my ult as Jinx from the fountain only to see it fly harmlessly by. It could have totally changed the game if I had landed it.


Bard takre more skill and understanding than most people have from just picking him up. He's incredibly strong, however people (it seems like) try to roam and just collect all the chimes.

I stay in lane and only go to collect when we super push pur lane, kill an enemy or if they spawn just south of dragon.

His Q is windrunner's shackle. Its so good.

He's not an easy champ to play at all, I think he is crazy good.
I don't play Cho, so I try not to talk about him. He's ridiculously good right now and since I don't play him, I'm fine with that secret staying under wraps. Same goes for Trundle with the new buff. He's pretty stupid right now.
Trundle's been strong against the popular melee picks for quite a while now, just not necessarily in top lane. He's still quite vulnerable there, whereas he rarely has to worry about the opposing jungler should he run into them by themselves or during a gank, much less the likes of Jarvan or Vi. Gives him a lot of legroom to establish map control through deep warding or to start counter-jungling (when applicable) if you can trust your laners to prevent outside interference. Not sure if I like Cinderhulk on him though, but I suppose it's better than the old Juggernaut enchantment.

And Cho is my go-to pick for role flexibility. Great against mid assassins like Katarina, competent in the jungle and so long as the enemy isn't a ranged laner, perfectly able to hold down the fort in top lane if you steer clear from ranking / maxing Q first as well as buying Rod of Ages.


yea he might need a bit of a buff but sounds like he'll take some getting used to, for the bard player and his team

it's only been one weak you guys, give it some time


Is twitch down or something? No streams or video are loading up only the Twitch logo >_>;
EDIT: Secret Agent Xin get! Time to get back to owning top lane with this sucka~
The slight delay for the champions that have blinks as abilities (ez, kass) is by design, right? Flash is near instant but Kass R and Ez E are a little clunky.
Yeah. Some are better than others. Tristana's W is probably the worst one. The delay is huge.

Well Trist's jump isn't really a blink, is it? Since you can be flayed out of it.

Edit: I'm thinking specifically of the bunny fufu play but he may have cancelled the jump before its cast rather than stopping it short.


Lux is so much fun. Her ult and her laugh are too powerful,

you are beautiful

The slight delay for the champions that have blinks as abilities (ez, kass) is by design, right? Flash is near instant but Kass R and Ez E are a little clunky.
zed's shadow swap also got added a bit of a delay so yea, i'd say they want some movement abilities to be a bit more telegraphed than, say, shunpo or distortion, tho i got madlife hooked during a distortion the other day so it might be just me being bad at predicting lebonk dashes
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