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Leaked trailer for The Acolyte (Star Wars High Republic series)

Will The Acolyte be...

  • Good

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Bad

    Votes: 28 80.0%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
I had my reservations about the showrunner since she has only ever really worked on romantic comedies, and to further add to injury she has decided this will be a predominately female-centric cast. I have no qualms with female leads, in fact I want more of them, but I don't like creative decisions like this being made to fill a quota at the expense of a beloved franchise. The trailer looks awful thematically, mind you, it would really help if it wasn't off-screen capture footage.



(I don’t know if he’s in the show or not)
Here, Yoda looks like he's from south Philly.

So, Trinity is in this, doing her Matrix kung fu?
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Gold Member
This is 200 years before Dooku was a padawan.
Says who though?

Or at least there are Dooku's, Sheev's, and Skywalkers running around. You KNOW they want those name drops.

Heroic lead heroine stops at gas station. She man...err womanhandles 5 obnoxious biker types. A little girl child is mopping the floor.

"I'm sorry about the mess",says the heroic lead heroine, "tell me your name, little girlchild".

"It's, it's, Amadalia Skywalker, and one day I hope my children will be as heroic as you, lead heroine!"

Camera pans to heroic lead heroines face as she gets a premonition.....cue music BAW BAW BAAAAAAWWWWWWW!!!!!


Gold Member
We’ve already seen Dooku with Qui-Gon as his padawan. He’s not ancient.
It's fiction. Qui-gon could have been his 50th padawan.

And before you keep going, just remember this is the series that had "The Emporer lives!" as the plot to the most recent film. Clones man, whodathunkit?
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ידע זה כוח
Does Disney have some sort of timeline where I can see where all these shows fit? I am so confused with the Republic, Empire, Rebels, I have lost the plot on when all this shit is happening.


Its obvious several people went in to this topic to whine without even watching the trailer

Pretty much what I expect from most star wars discussion as of the last 15 years.

Complain first ask questions later is functionally no different than consume first and ask questions later.
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It's fiction. Qui-gon could have been his 50th padawan.

And before you keep going, just remember this is the series that had "The Emporer lives!" as the plot to the most recent film. Clones man, whodathunkit?

Yep, I'm starting to care less and less. Who even cares anymore? It's not like the original creator is even involved. It's just a bunch of hack nerds who got lucky with good connections and try to cobble something together that will keep the executives happy so they have a job next week. The writers don't actually care about this dumb story, why should I?


It's fiction. Qui-gon could have been his 50th padawan.

And before you keep going, just remember this is the series that had "The Emporer lives!" as the plot to the most recent film. Clones man, whodathunkit?

Youre wrong. Qui Gon was born 92 BBY. He was not alive during the high republic era. You can find out the canon birth dates of most characters with a 30 second Google search.

You guys are literally just making up things to complain about at this point.


Gold Member
Youre wrong. Qui Gon was born 92 BBY. He was not alive during the high republic era. You can find out the canon birth dates of most characters with a 30 second Google search.

You guys are literally just making up things to complain about at this point.
Dude, it's ALL MADE UP!

There is no staunch defender of "canon" in Star Wars anymore. If whoever is writing this gets a note from the studio that says "put in a name we can use for a promo shot, my kid likes saying 'Dooku' so use that one" then guess what, Duke Dooku is created, either the same guy or an earlier clone/ancestor of him, makes no difference, the fans will wank it into something, and we will get a "I am Dooku, prepare thyself for death!" line as requested.

This is what we are lamenting. Star Wars is in the hands of folks more than happy to be "present in the moment" at the expense of any story before. I've little doubt that this show will be FILLED with precursor versions of characters we already know.


Dude, it's ALL MADE UP!
It always has been bud.

There is no staunch defender of "canon" in Star Wars anymore. If whoever is writing this gets a note from the studio that says "put in a name we can use for a promo shot, my kid likes saying 'Dooku' so use that one" then guess what, Duke Dooku is created, either the same guy or an earlier clone/ancestor of him, makes no difference, the fans will wank it into something, and we will get a "I am Dooku, prepare thyself for death!" line as requested.
What is your basis for this exactly? When has Disney star wars inserted a new character whos a parent of a PT character or OT character? That hasn't happened lol. Most characters they've introduced have been brand new with no relation to any established one from pre disney.

At a time that was a point of complaint for some, but now you say that if they were to insert a character with a connection to an established one, that would be a bad thing?

This is what we are lamenting. Star Wars is in the hands of folks more than happy to be "present in the moment" at the expense of any story before. I've little doubt that this show will be FILLED with precursor versions of characters we already know.

You have no pretext from which to draw this conclusion. Its quite literally manufactured outrage. Of all the new characters we've gotten, only maybe 2 or 3 have any "blood" connection to an established character, and one of those if one of the better characters they introduced, Ben solo. Everyone else has been an original character, or related to an original character they have introduced.
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Gold Member
Dude, my dude.

Rey, the rando orphan on a desert planet, is the SECRET LOVECHILD OF A CLONE OF THE EMPEROR. They just can't help but tie anyone with force powers into just 2-3 bloodlines. I've virtually 100% confidence that most of the jedi types we see in this trailer are gonna be direct ancestors of the Jedi we already know. And if they can stretch some ages out a bit for a cameo, like Yoda and probably baby Chewie and yes, Dooku, Grevious, and who knows who else (R2D2?), then they will.


Perpetually Offended
Does everyone know when all these timelines are?

I'm a fan of Star Wars and sometimes i have to think about when these shows are set.

This is set 100 or so years before the prequel trilogy. High Republic era.

And it's following a Sith apprentice. Not Jedi.


Biggest Trails Stan
Its obvious several people went in to this topic to whine without even watching the trailer

Pretty much what I expect from most star wars discussion as of the last 15 years.

Complain first ask questions later is functionally no different than consume first and ask questions later.

I'm waiting for the trailer to be released officially since than I can make a better judgement on whether I want to watch the show

It does have a great lead actress in that girl who played X-23 in Logan though


I'm waiting for the trailer to be released officially since than I can make a better judgement on whether I want to watch the show

It does have a great lead actress in that girl who played X-23 in Logan though

Yeah I mean I wasted the first 30 seconds and it was mostly expository. I generally avoid trailers beyond the first these days so I'll wait for a full release.


Dude, my dude.

Rey, the rando orphan on a desert planet, is the SECRET LOVECHILD OF A CLONE OF THE EMPEROR. They just can't help but tie anyone with force powers into just 2-3 bloodlines.

She's not a random orphan, we knew from the star she was brought there by her parents lol. Thats revealed in the first movie.

How is this any different than Luke Skywalker being the son of the most powerful dude in the galaxy??

I've virtually 100% confidence that most of the jedi types we see in this trailer are gonna be direct ancestors of the Jedi we already know. And if they can stretch some ages out a bit for a cameo, like Yoda and probably baby Chewie and yes, Dooku, Grevious, and who knows who else (R2D2?), then they will.
Like I said. You're making things up. Disney hasn't done this since they bought the franchise.

In fact the one example that you brought tup was a half asset reaction to a fanbase enraged that rey was actually, related to NO ONE. That was the best possible direction to take her character and yet the "fans" complained so much that Disney went back on it.

So let's not pretend that a bunch of people don't actively ask for that sort of storytelling in these things because they do, and when the franchise goes another direction they complain, but also when they actually do establish connections they complain.

High republic content has been going on for 2 years in comics and books, several installments and series. To date, Yoda is the ONLY established character to have appeared in any of it.

You just donr have a concrete basis for any of this. You are treating this like a trend when it's actually the opposite.


Biggest Trails Stan
She's not a random orphan, we knew from the star she was brought there by her parents lol. Thats revealed in the first movie.

How is this any different than Luke Skywalker being the son of the most powerful dude in the galaxy??

Like I said. You're making things up. Disney hasn't done this since they bought the franchise.

In fact the one example that you brought tup was a half asset reaction to a fanbase enraged that rey was actually, related to NO ONE. That was the best possible direction to take her character and yet the "fans" complained so much that Disney went back on it.

So let's not pretend that a bunch of people don't actively ask for that sort of storytelling in these things because they do, and when the franchise goes another direction they complain, but also when they actually do establish connections they complain.

High republic content has been going on for 2 years in comics and books, several installments and series. To date, Yoda is the ONLY established character to have appeared in any of it.

You just donr have a concrete basis for any of this. You are treating this like a trend when it's actually the opposite.

I would have been fine if she ended up being Obi-Wan daughter

You know he got some from Satine 😏


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I'm shocked they didn't use Duel of Fates in that trailer. They seem to roll that one out whenever they want to get the rabid Star Wars fans throbbing/dripping wet.


Biggest Trails Stan
I'm shocked they didn't use Duel of Fates in that trailer. They seem to roll that one out whenever they want to get the rabid Star Wars fans throbbing/dripping wet.

You mean try to court us Prequel Fans after shitting on us during the whole Shitquel Trilogy? :p

So happy JJ is gone. I hated that prick so much lol

I'm petty as fuck I know
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
You mean try to court us Prequel Fans after shitting on us during the whole Shitquel Trilogy? :p

So happy JJ is gone. I hated that prick so much lol

I'm petty as fuck I know

It's not just PT fans that love Duel of Fates. A vast majority of Star Wars fans fap to it and think it's the music of the second coming.

I know a guy who even has that piece of music on his "love making" playlist (that's a story for another thread). He literally rags his wife raw to Duel of Fates and isn't even ashamed of it.

Disney know this. This is why they'll put out that piece of music every chance they get. Expect to hear it in this show or in a future trailer.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
What's the problem with this particular show? I figure it'd be interesting to find out what daily life at a Jedi academy is like.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand the woman behind the show is a feminist and she was also going to inject modern-day politics into it.


Gold Member
In fact the one example that you brought tup was a half asset reaction to a fanbase enraged that rey was actually, related to NO ONE. That was the best possible direction to take her character and yet the "fans" complained so much that Disney went back on it.
Rey Nobody was from the Lucas outline. George’s whole idea for the sequel trilogy was for it to be an orphan girl who learns to become a Jedi from Luke (who still died in his version) and takes on the Skywalker name as adopted kids do. The whole inspiration was him raising two daughters for 20 years and the theme was that the Force is stronger than a bloodline.

But like you said, fans complained about her not being related while demanding George come back to make the sequels without realizing they hated his ideas (Rey Nobody and TLJ were his).


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I have a feeling Darth Plagueis is going to have a major role in this or at the very least show up at the end or something.


Aki Sf6 GIF by GIPHY Gaming

Disney forcing more Star Wars upon us. At this point I know the trailer isn't showing enough to determine whether it's worth my time or not.


Says who though?

Or at least there are Dooku's, Sheev's, and Skywalkers running around. You KNOW they want those name drops.

Heroic lead heroine stops at gas station. She man...err womanhandles 5 obnoxious biker types. A little girl child is mopping the floor.

"I'm sorry about the mess",says the heroic lead heroine, "tell me your name, little girlchild".

"It's, it's, Amadalia Skywalker, and one day I hope my children will be as heroic as you, lead heroine!"

Camera pans to heroic lead heroines face as she gets a premonition.....cue music BAW BAW BAAAAAAWWWWWWW!!!!!
Even Disney realizes they need to break Star Wars away from all that to have real stories again vs just endless fan service.


Rey Nobody was from the Lucas outline. George’s whole idea for the sequel trilogy was for it to be an orphan girl who learns to become a Jedi from Luke (who still died in his version) and takes on the Skywalker name as adopted kids do. The whole inspiration was him raising two daughters for 20 years and the theme was that the Force is stronger than a bloodline.

But like you said, fans complained about her not being related while demanding George come back to make the sequels without realizing they hated his ideas (Rey Nobody and TLJ were his).

It truly hit me in around 2017 or so that there simply is never going to be a state in the star wars cultural zeitgeist that a portion of the fanbase ISNT complaining.

It just isn't possible the audience is too big and diverse and everyone thinks they have the idea of "correct" star wars and no two people agree on it.

No matter who owns it, Disney or someone else, no matter whos writing it, filoni(who people once wanted to take over but now have turned on him) even the creator himself, some portion is going to be pissed off whichever way you go.

That's been the true state of rhe fanbase since 2001 or so. Even clone wars had legitimate detractors when it began and for not entirely unjustified reasons. No one even pretends it exists anymore but the theatrical film that kicked off the show was worse of an opener than force awakens was.

So really they just have to do what they do, and some things will work for some and other things won't work for others. The fact so many skipped andor tells me that it isn't about quality; because writing quality wise that is a league of its own from ANY star wars content of the last 20 years.
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Finally, we get the first Star Wars live action property that isn’t based around the Skywalker era, and everyone is so jaded on Star Wars at this point that it doesn’t matter.

It’s sad that I saw this coming. My guess is it will be an actually decent to good show, but with too low of a viewership, thus ending in cancellation as we get dragged back into more new shows based on the events between episodes 1-9.


It just isn't possible the audience is too big and diverse and everyone thinks they have the idea of "correct" star wars and no two people agree on it.
Many things are possible and can be true at once. But let's call this one straight down the middle. Disney bought a beloved IP and shoved the same themes down the audience's throat that have caused countless fandom complaints and/or box office disappointments. There's a reason their stock is where it is at, and it sure as shit is not because the audience is too big or diverse.


At least it's not more Skywalker saga and OG trilogy nostalgia milking.
But I expect the same Disney crap in a slightly different setting. The showrunner gives me zero confidence and the fact she proudly speaks about hiring a writer who has never seen Star Wars doesn't inspire confidence.
Huh? Indy didn’t die and wasn’t erased from history. Mads wasn’t playing Toht from Raiders, Helena wasn’t Brody’s daughter, and literally none of the movie was set in the 30s with old Indy meeting. Young Indy.

That was debunked as well when Karen Allen said she got her script six months before filming began and what she filmed was always the ending in the script.

You fell for a lie spread by a guy who runs a Neo Nazi channel on Bitchute.

Except that John Williams said there were reshoots.


At least it's not more Skywalker saga and OG trilogy nostalgia milking.
Somehow I feel like they will find a way to somehow bring in the memberberries, like Chewy's dad, or IG88's schematics will be in the background on a screen, or Bossk's cousin, or LoBot as a child.
And there will be a prophecy. A procephy of one that will "Walk the Sky" one day and bring balance to the force.......
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