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Leaked trailer for The Acolyte (Star Wars High Republic series)

Will The Acolyte be...

  • Good

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Bad

    Votes: 28 80.0%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
That's because JJ Abrams is a shit director :p

mr rogers middle finger GIF
TBF TROS is his best movie because it forced him into explaining the mysteries he always set up and left for other people to figure out.
JJ Abrams did setup the sequel trilogy well, albeit may have been copy/paste. The problem with TROS was that Johnson in TLJ basically shat on all of Abrams' setup/made it meaningless and didn't really setup anything else. So then basically Abrams had to wing it all in one movie - new setup, new/old conflict, resolution. What an epic disaster it was, although some of the scenery was amazing


Perpetually Offended
My problem with TLJ was that

*it basically went nowhere.
*Made Finn into a buffoon
*did nothing with Rose other than kiss Finn
*make Holdo withhold vital info that wasn't in danger of being heard by the First Order
*Make the character of DJ
*killing Snoke
*not have Rey get any instruction to be a better Jedi
*killing Luke
*not give more for Leia to do
*have Ben Solo commit matricide

Just... I dislike that movie so much. I could go on listing what made me hate it but I'll be done here.
I don’t know why people continue to let articles like this rile them up. Constantly expecting Hollywood types to be respectful, not stuck up, humble, and not insert their own biases into their creations, is the definition of insanity for you guys. It’s the entertainment industry for crying out loud. You all should know what to expect.
You're not wrong, but how low do our collective standards have to sink to completely ignore the state of the industry? It's rife with awful people who can't muster even a basic amount of respect for other creators, their stories and their fans. Meanwhile they keep telling us how problematic our behaviors and preferences are. Is it that weird that people share their opinions on that?
You're not wrong, but how low do our collective standards have to sink to completely ignore the state of the industry?
I don’t consider it ignoring. I consider it acknowledging and moving on. The state of Hollywood is cyclical in a way, and before comic heroes, cinematic universe, and multiverse, studios were pumping out Young Adult fantasy book movies left and right in an attempt to find the next big Harry Potter-esque big fish. Even in those cases they would make changes to entice casual audiences.

It's rife with awful people who can't muster even a basic amount of respect for other creators, their stories and their fans.
As it always has been. The only thing that changed is that their language is less coded and less hidden behind late night talk show laughter and rumors. Now it’s more blatant and crass. A lot of creatives in Hollywood don’t like each other. A lot of them don’t really like fans either. They just deal with them. This isn’t new news.

There were some wild stories years ago about fights, people slapping others, superiority complexes, weird quirks, pompousness, etc. What changed is now we see all too much. Now the legends of yesterday stay tight lipped and keep up good appearances because they don’t want to deal with social media. That doesn’t suddenly make them better, it makes them smarter.
Meanwhile they keep telling us how problematic our behaviors and preferences are.
This has been a new development with what I’ve said above. Now that it is more blatant and crass, they share more opinions. Maybe too much at times.

Is it that weird that people share their opinions on that?
I just don’t care to get mad anymore about this type of stuff and I don’t see why others keep falling for it. It’s literally feeding into a new audience of watchers known as ‘hate-watchers’ who literally give views to something just to dislike it the entire way through. For crying out loud we haven’t even seen episode 1 of this show yet and people have already locked and loaded pre-show reviews in this thread based on a single article.

The real changes are made when the actual numbers drop. When ticket sales drop. When subscriptions aren’t renewed. Disney is currently trying to pivot with Marvel due to those bad numbers. The casual audience is growing increasingly bored. To Disney, even hate-watchers are better than people simply not caring at all.

Bottom line: If it’s boring, it’s going. If it gets views, it will stay. That’s literally it.


Gold Member
JJ Abrams did setup the sequel trilogy well
The fuck he did. He threw out Lucas’ Episode VII (which became TLJ) just so he could remake A New Hope. He was trying to take over Star Wars, including the merchandise. He wanted to protect his “Mystery Box” so much that he made Hasbro produce an action figure of a character who didn’t even appear in the movie outside of a fraction of a second in the far background of a single shot. He thought that by remaking A New Hope he’d have is own Star Wars empire, but that’s not how it works. So he left when WB gave him $500M and we’ve never had to sit through another JJ Abrams mystery box movie again.


The fuck he did. He threw out Lucas’ Episode VII (which became TLJ) just so he could remake A New Hope. He was trying to take over Star Wars, including the merchandise. He wanted to protect his “Mystery Box” so much that he made Hasbro produce an action figure of a character who didn’t even appear in the movie outside of a fraction of a second in the far background of a single shot. He thought that by remaking A New Hope he’d have is own Star Wars empire, but that’s not how it works. So he left when WB gave him $500M and we’ve never had to sit through another JJ Abrams mystery box movie again.
Who was that?


Gold Member
Who was that?

Hasbro has to have a certain number of figures per wave. JJ didn’t want to give up any secrets so he gave that character to Hasbro for the first wave of figures.

Don’t even get me started on his gestapo treatment of fans to keep his secrets. Hasbro is notorious for shipping stuff early, so when fans found and bought the Rey with a lightsaber figure before the movie was released he had Disney legal go after them just for buying a toy on a shelf and taking a picture of it..


Biggest Trails Stan
The fuck he did. He threw out Lucas’ Episode VII (which became TLJ) just so he could remake A New Hope. He was trying to take over Star Wars, including the merchandise. He wanted to protect his “Mystery Box” so much that he made Hasbro produce an action figure of a character who didn’t even appear in the movie outside of a fraction of a second in the far background of a single shot. He thought that by remaking A New Hope he’d have is own Star Wars empire, but that’s not how it works. So he left when WB gave him $500M and we’ve never had to sit through another JJ Abrams mystery box movie again.

JJ Abrams SUCKS!

Yell Game Show GIF by ABC Network

Melon Husk

Looks like a TV show ...

Why does everything have to be a TV show. Mandalorian was great but in the end it was bad for SW overall.
1. Disney shit their cinema recliner bed and don't want to lie in it
2. Dysfunctional leadership structure
3. Disney+ strategy of more quantity over quality
I mean...how much more can they make if they have a repeat of 2023 summer performance next year. Avatar can only fund so much 200 million + dollar shows.


Gold Member
I mean...how much more can they make if they have a repeat of 2023 summer performance next year. Avatar can only fund so much 200 million + dollar shows.
Well, we will see. If they make a "more traditional star wars 'for the boys'" Ala Mando S1 then they will get their core audience back. Hell, just keep rolling out Bad Batch and my son is theirs for life.

It seems clear to me the problem, they are chasing an audience that doesn't exist with a product that was never really meant for them.

I remember the articles back on 2010 or so saying Disney recognized they had a problem attracting boys to their brand so they bought Marvel and LucasArts to rectify it.

Then what do they do right when these boy centric properties deliver? They try to pivot the IP to girls and create the exact same problem over again. Idiots.


Biggest Trails Stan
Well, we will see. If they make a "more traditional star wars 'for the boys'" Ala Mando S1 then they will get their core audience back. Hell, just keep rolling out Bad Batch and my son is theirs for life.

It seems clear to me the problem, they are chasing an audience that doesn't exist with a product that was never really meant for them.

I remember the articles back on 2010 or so saying Disney recognized they had a problem attracting boys to their brand so they bought Marvel and LucasArts to rectify it.

Then what do they do right when these boy centric properties deliver? They try to pivot the IP to girls and create the exact same problem over again. Idiots.

Not to mention they should have kept the sexiness in too. It's an IP for boys lol


Watched the two episodes despite the critics and … does someone remember the “Galaxy of fear” novels from the EU? A whole new story with new characters inside the SW universe, but they shoehorn the old cast (Han, Leia, Luke) inside some time.
They were great as a kid, as it showed new planets and new characters. But they were also poor stories, poorly written.

This is how Acolyte feels: Like a mediocre EU series. Just enjoy it and if you don’t - choose another book.
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