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Leaked trailer for The Acolyte (Star Wars High Republic series)

Will The Acolyte be...

  • Good

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Bad

    Votes: 28 80.0%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters

But don't worry man, the show is in good hands as she has ample experience making....... A bunch of badly rated comedies for women...... (and Russian Doll on netflix which was decent)
I ran out of fucks to give about things like this. The show can be 100% full of women, the show can be all about giving the middle finger to George Lucas, the show can be about Star Wars comedy.

I don’t care anymore. It’s all theatrics and bullshit.

Either they make a good show or make a bad show. That’s literally it.

I don’t know why people continue to let articles like this rile them up. Constantly expecting Hollywood types to be respectful, not stuck up, humble, and not insert their own biases into their creations, is the definition of insanity for you guys. It’s the entertainment industry for crying out loud. You all should know what to expect.


Gold Member
There’s a great transcript somewhere, it might be in the Rinzler book but I couldn’t find it with a quick look last night, of Lucas talking to Lawrence Kasdan about how Star Wars works and Kasdan telling Lucas to his face how it’s bullshit. He then went to write what most consider to be the best Star Wars movie.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right

But don't worry man, the show is in good hands as she has ample experience making....... A bunch of badly rated comedies for women...... (and Russian Doll on netflix which was decent)

That headline always pisses me off whenever I see it. Geez what a fucking tool. Have some respect FFS. If it's so problematic how about you go and create your own beloved franchise where everything is perfect and diverse? If Kennedy had any sense of loyalty or appreciation to Lucas, she should have reprimanded that idiot and taken her off the show.


Biggest Trails Stan
That headline always pisses me off whenever I see it. Geez what a fucking tool. Have some respect FFS. If it's so problematic how about you go and create your own beloved franchise where everything is perfect and diverse? If Kennedy had any sense of loyalty or appreciation to Lucas, she should have reprimanded that idiot and taken her off the show.


Can't stand her face at all. Displays all the warning signs too


Gold Member
Not sure, but it might be close enough to involve Palpatine's master. I think he was non-human species and capable of longer than human lifespan.
Seems like more of the stuff is tying together into Dawn of the Jedi, Heir to the Empire, and New Jedi Order more than old stuff. The planet Thrawn is on in Ahsoka is strongly hinted to play a part in Dawn of the Jedi. The other Galaxy could even possibly tie into New Jedi Order if they are going to do a canon version of the Vong in it.
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Many things are possible and can be true at once. But let's call this one straight down the middle. Disney bought a beloved IP and shoved the same themes down the audience's throat that have caused countless fandom complaints and/or box office disappointments. There's a reason their stock is where it is at, and it sure as shit is not because the audience is too big or diverse.

That's nonsense. They haven't shoved anything down anyone's throat that wasn't already present in the franchise in spades.


Star Wars fans, it's time to let go. We tried.

Tried what lol? Nothing has happened in the fanbasr that hasn't been going on for the last 30 years.

George Lucas is a feminist himself, and critiquing his work of the time shouldn't preclude someone from being able to work in this universe either.

This fanbad operates like a tribe of acolytes themselves sometimes. I dont want only GL simps working on star wars because they'll just repeat his mistakes.

The guy running the show right now is a massive GL simp, who licks the ground he walks on and you guys don't like his show either.


There’s a great transcript somewhere, it might be in the Rinzler book but I couldn’t find it with a quick look last night, of Lucas talking to Lawrence Kasdan about how Star Wars works and Kasdan telling Lucas to his face how it’s bullshit. He then went to write what most consider to be the best Star Wars movie.

In 2023 the conversation gets leaked and everyone hates Kasdan so Disney fires him, and then we end up with whatever Lucas haribrained idea was that was 100% going to not be anywhere near as good as ESB

Also that headline isn't hers.. its written ABOUT her. Theres no link to any article or anything with her actual words attached. I guess I'll have to do my own research.

EDIT: Ah ok. I see what happened.

Some user found the first Google link on this lady after typing George Lucas after her name. It links to an article from "Bounding into Comics" which is a site with a known and strong lean towards one side.

The article title itself is miscontruing comments from an interview she did, a portion of which can be heard here:

Spoiler alert: she did not say that GL was a misogynist. Or say that he isn't an auter. What she said was that there's a perception that no one else helped make star wars what it was alongside Lucas. Particularly, his wife, Ralph Macquarie and the several other individuals who made highly, irreplaceable impact on what the franchise ended up becoming to us today.

Theres a perception in some circles that Lucas was solely responsible for its success, and she feels that the prequel trilogy was an example of evidence that Lucas without input from other creatives is less successful at realizing his vision for stR wars in a way that resonates. She says THAT perception is often indicative of misogyny.

Now, I dont know if I'd go so far as to claim that, but it should be plain to see to anyone here being honest that that article is deliberately trying to muddy the truth of her words, look how selective the quotes are. And the headline also straight up lies and says she pointed to Lucas as an example of misogyny. She didn't do this.

Always check your sources folks, and just because it was posted doesn't mean its true. Nothing she said here is even wrong. Kasdan, Marcia and others were instrumental into reshaping GLs vision to make it the best success he can be, and I dont think anyone going to deny that his works suffered without their input regardless of how you feel about the prequels.
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Biggest Trails Stan
Tried what lol? Nothing has happened in the fanbasr that hasn't been going on for the last 30 years.

George Lucas is a feminist himself, and critiquing his work of the time shouldn't preclude someone from being able to work in this universe either.

This fanbad operates like a tribe of acolytes themselves sometimes. I dont want only GL simps working on star wars because they'll just repeat his mistakes.

The guy running the show right now is a massive GL simp, who licks the ground he walks on and you guys don't like his show either.

He's a feminist but he knew how to tell a story and didn't put his personal politics in it. As for that, Disney made some huge mistakes with the Sequel Trilogy and one of those mistakes was being a retread of the OT. Wasn't planned either. The Prequel Trilogy and The CLONE WARS is way better than most of the stuff that Disney has put out


He's a feminist but he knew how to tell a story and didn't put his personal politics in it. As for that, Disney made some huge mistakes with the Sequel Trilogy and one of those mistakes was being a retread of the OT. Wasn't planned either. The Prequel Trilogy and The CLONE WARS is way better than most of the stuff that Disney has put out

He absolutely did put his personal politics in it. But im not going to get into that for obvious reasons.

The clone wars is good, but it exists as a way to make the prequels make sense. Id watch any of these D plus shows over the prequel trilogy given the choice of one or the other.

A plan might gave been good and it might have sucked. The OT wasn't planned out, but its way better than the PT which WAS planned out.
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Oh ppl got time for it. We've seen that. Its just people don't bother fact checking things that tell them what they already want to hear. Something that agrees with their bias, regardless the truthfulness of the statement.

I had a feeling the article was from BIC. They are known for this.


Biggest Trails Stan
He absolutely did put his personal politics in it. But im not going to get into that for obvious reasons.

The clone wars is good, but it exists as a way to make the prequels make sense. Id watch any of these D plus shows over the prequel trilogy given the choice of one or the other.

A plan might gave been good and it might have sucked. The OT wasn't planned out, but its way better than the PT which WAS planned out.

I'm the opposite I would watch The CLONE WARS and the PT over anything Disney produces

The PT is equally as good as the OT


Tried what lol? Nothing has happened in the fanbasr that hasn't been going on for the last 30 years.

George Lucas is a feminist himself, and critiquing his work of the time shouldn't preclude someone from being able to work in this universe either.

This fanbad operates like a tribe of acolytes themselves sometimes. I dont want only GL simps working on star wars because they'll just repeat his mistakes.

The guy running the show right now is a massive GL simp, who licks the ground he walks on and you guys don't like his show either.
Oh I won't defend Lucas. The only watchable Star Wars content is the OG trilogy. Prequel trilogy is no better than 7-9 or these streaming cash ins.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Wasn't the scene where Anakin in Revenge of the Sith where he says something like "you are either with me or against me" or knock on George Bush Jr?
Oh I won't defend Lucas. The only watchable Star Wars content is the OG trilogy. Prequel trilogy is no better than 7-9 or these streaming cash ins.
At least the prequel trilogy had a actual story to tell that made sense.
The trilogy problems where in the execution of said story.
Disney Star Wars don't even have a story just a series of independent scenes stitched together. The third movie of the sequel trilogy is a perfect example of this.
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At least the prequel trilogy had a actual story to tell that made sense.
The trilogy problems where in the execution of said story.
Disney Star Wars don't even have a story just a series of independent scenes stitched together. The third movie of the sequel trilogy is a perfect example of this.

Lol the sequels have a story. Theres a very clear narrative line from beginning to middle to end and if you took out the Palpatine stuff it almost flows in too straight a line.

The problem was it was beign pulled in different directions when it needed something more cohesive. I won't go so far as to say it needed a full map out no one could divulge from bur an outline would have been much improved. Even still the final film is the only one id consider especially guilty of this. Even the second movie flows pretty naturally from the first, narratifelt snd thematically. Its the final one when things go off the rails.

The prequels story to tell only "makes sense" in that it ends pretty much the way everyone knew it was going to. But actual narrative path of getting there is convoluted, but simultaneously underbaked. A ton of random characters that are incredibly important in one scene and a complete waste of space in others. Characters that show up and do little just so there can be a toy(the shape-shifter from aotc comes to mind). It lives and dies in anakins portrayal and anakins portrayal is... not great for most of it.


Biggest Trails Stan
Lol the sequels have a story. Theres a very clear narrative line from beginning to middle to end and if you took out the Palpatine stuff it almost flows in too straight a line.

The problem was it was beign pulled in different directions when it needed something more cohesive. I won't go so far as to say it needed a full map out no one could divulge from bur an outline would have been much improved. Even still the final film is the only one id consider especially guilty of this. Even the second movie flows pretty naturally from the first, narratifelt snd thematically. Its the final one when things go off the rails.

The prequels story to tell only "makes sense" in that it ends pretty much the way everyone knew it was going to. But actual narrative path of getting there is convoluted, but simultaneously underbaked. A ton of random characters that are incredibly important in one scene and a complete waste of space in others. Characters that show up and do little just so there can be a toy(the shape-shifter from aotc comes to mind). It lives and dies in anakins portrayal and anakins portrayal is... not great for most of it.

The story and characters are way underbaked and the narrative path is boringly dumb simple in the Sequel Trilogy


The story and characters are way underbaked and the narrative path is boringly dumb simple in the Sequel Trilogy

I think SOME characters are underbaked. Others i think are done pretty well.

To its benefit it has a smaller main cast which helps keep things relatively focused throughout.


Biggest Trails Stan
I think SOME characters are underbaked. Others i think are done pretty well.

To its benefit it has a smaller main cast which helps keep things relatively focused throughout.

It was just boring ass nostalgia bait for the Prequel Haters. No thanks. Even those lightsaber fights were terrible lol. Both TFA and TLJ were forgettable films. I just skipped TROS
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Tears in the rain
I...literally managed to read the title as Leaked trailer for The Legend of Zelda. My heart stopped. How the fuck did that happen? What the fuck brain?

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
It was just boring ass nostalgia bait for the Prequel Haters. No thanks. Even those lightsaber fights were terrible lol. Both TFA and TLJ were forgettable films. I just skipped TROS
I noped out after TFA when I realized it was just A New Hope rehash. Didnt bother watching anything star wars after TFA. I just like popping in these threads out of morbid curiosity.


Biggest Trails Stan
I noped out after TFA when I realized it was just A New Hope rehash. Didnt bother watching anything star wars after TFA. I just like popping in these threads out of morbid curiosity.

It's funny how they are trying to get me back with The Acolyte after they shat on The Prequel Trilogy. There's been way more bad stuff with Disney Star Wars.

I watched The Mandolorian Season 1 didn't like it. Thought it was boring. Baby Yoda didn't save it for me

I will say Mandolorian Season 2 and Andor were both excellent. Book of Boba Fett had some hit and miss. With the hits being excellent and the every miss they made being huge misses. Mandolorian Season 3 was disappointing. I recently finished Ahsoka which was massively disappointing and this is coming from a huge Ahsoka fan

Forgot to mention Kenobi. Now that was a MASSIVE DISAPPOINTMENT. He's my second favorite Star Wars character right behind Ahsoka and of course they shit the bed with that show

If The Acolyte looks bad especially with that outdated Lightsaber fights that they do for every Disney Star Wars movie and show than I'm out. Especially since The Acolyte takes place before the Prequel Trilogy. I expect Prequel Style Fights.

I'm curious to see if Kathleen Kennedy plans for Star Wars being multiple eras will work. Sounds good on paper and I actually think it could be great if done well. But you know it's just gonna be more agenda driven crap. They should just fire her already and get someone who actually loves the franchise but knows not to put their personal politics in it

I think Andor Season 2 might be the last Star Wars I watch from Disney
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
It's funny how they are trying to get me back with The Acolyte after they shat on The Prequel Trilogy. There's been way more bad stuff with Disney Star Wars.

I watched The Mandolorian Season 1 didn't like it. Thought it was boring.

I will say Mandolorian Season 2 and Andor were both excellent. Book of Boba Fett had some hit and miss. With the hits being excellent and the Miss being huge misses. Mandolorian Season 3 was disappointing. I recently finished Ahsoka which was massively disappointing and this is coming from a huge Ahsoka fan

If The Acolyte looks bad especially with that outdated Lightsaber fights that they do for every Disney Star Wars movie and show than I'm out. Especially since The Acolyte takes place before the Prequel Trilogy. I expect Prequel Style Fights.

I'm curious to see if Kathleen Kennedy plans for Star Wars being multiple eras will work. Sounds good on paper and I actually think it could be great if done well. But you know it's just gonna be more agenda driven crap. They should just fire her already and get someone who actually loves the franchise but knows not to put their personal politics in it

I think Andor Season 2 might be the last Star Wars I watch from Disney
The only way I'd watch Star wars again is if someone bought it from Disney and made all Disney Star Wars non cannon. I know that will never happen.


Biggest Trails Stan
The only way I'd watch Star wars again is if someone bought it from Disney and made all Disney Star Wars non cannon. I know that will never happen.

Well I think that's a possibility with how much money Disney is losing. This won't happen but it would be funny if George Lucas bought the rights back from Disney paying Cents for it compared to how much he sold it for. Than he would redo the Sequel Trilogy and redo the whole Disney Canon. It would be a pipe dream though lol


I do love that in this day and age, the argument continues over whether the prequels were any good or not, or whether Disney's stuff is any good or not.

It's all shit.

There are three good Star Wars movies. The rest is unnecessary bollocks, made exclusively to milk the popularity of the actual story - which was the original trilogy.

The same is true for anything related to Lord Of The Rings that isn't the original trilogy.


I do love that in this day and age, the argument continues over whether the prequels were any good or not, or whether Disney's stuff is any good or not.

It's all shit.

There are three good Star Wars movies. The rest is unnecessary bollocks, made exclusively to milk the popularity of the actual story - which was the original trilogy.

The same is true for anything related to Lord Of The Rings that isn't the original trilogy.

The original three aren't flawless either.

Star wars has never been "high art". It really doesnt even merit comparison to the amount of lore in lord of the rings. It was created and intended to be one man's passion project, that he was eager and willing to monerize and turned into a commercial product. They had lunchboxes, shirts, a myriad of toys, a TV special spin off that is terrible, animated tie ins, everything in the works the second the OW box office numbers came in for the first movie.

Any time you see complaints of a studio using corporate minded advertising cross promotion, and abject overt merchandise overflow.... star wars is the ORIGINATOR of that tactic. No other film franchise was doing it to the same extent.


Gold Member
Lol the sequels have a story
The Rey story arc, which all of the rage baiters vehemently hate, is still Lucas’. His sequel trilogy was about an orphan girl named Kira who learns to become a Jedi and in the end adopts the Skywalker name. JJ Abrams threw out all of the microscopic Force stuff, old man Maul, swapped Darth Talon with Snoke, combined two different characters to create Poe, and turned Rey into a Palpatine because the internet rejected his nobody orphan idea. Palpatine returning was his though.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
The Rey story arc, which all of the rage baiters vehemently hate, is still Lucas’. His sequel trilogy was about an orphan girl named Kira who learns to become a Jedi and in the end adopts the Skywalker name. JJ Abrams threw out all of the microscopic Force stuff, old man Maul, swapped Darth Talon with Snoke, combined two different characters to create Poe, and turned Rey into a Palpatine because the internet rejected his nobody orphan idea. Palpatine returning was his though.
Old man Maul, Whills, Darth Talon.... Yeah, the George Lucas still sounds better.


advanced basic bitch
The Rey story arc, which all of the rage baiters vehemently hate, is still Lucas’. His sequel trilogy was about an orphan girl named Kira who learns to become a Jedi and in the end adopts the Skywalker name. JJ Abrams threw out all of the microscopic Force stuff, old man Maul, swapped Darth Talon with Snoke, combined two different characters to create Poe, and turned Rey into a Palpatine because the internet rejected his nobody orphan idea. Palpatine returning was his though.
Why are we pretending because something was a Lucas idea that means it's good? This is the same guy who wanted to make Indiana Jones a pedo and had Luke make out with his sister.


Gold Member
What i think could save Star Wars, and the ONLY thing I think could save Star Wars, is if Disney sells Star Wars back to George Lucas, He demands that all Disney content is discontinued, and pulled from circulation, and he makes the real sequel trilogy, (retconning all the Disney stuff like Star Wars Legends). And even then that trilogy might be a B-.


Gold Member
Joe Biden Dnc Debates 2019 GIF by GIPHY News

Still better than the Shitquel Trilogy
Leia wasn’t even the sister until Lucas’ divorce wrecked him during the development of ROTJ and he decided to end the movies there. Kurtz explained that the original plan was for Vader to turn back at the end of ROTJ and join forces with Luke. The movie ended with Leia and Han getting married as Luke watched realizing he lost her to him. The fourth movie would’ve been Luke and Anakin (sort of a proto Last Crusade) hunting down the Emperor while Luke meets Nellith Skywalker, his long lost sister.


Biggest Trails Stan
Leia wasn’t even the sister until Lucas’ divorce wrecked him during the development of ROTJ and he decided to end the movies there. Kurtz explained that the original plan was for Vader to turn back at the end of ROTJ and join forces with Luke. The movie ended with Leia and Han getting married as Luke watched realizing he lost her to him. The fourth movie would’ve been Luke and Anakin (sort of a proto Last Crusade) hunting down the Emperor while Luke meets Nellith Skywalker, his long lost sister.

That fourth movie plot description still sounds better than the Shitquel Trilogy
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