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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Welcome True Gek!

Good lord you are cute


Hi GAF! It's the first time that I post here but I read you very often! So, let's start with the presentation!

Your gender: man
Your sexual orientation: gay
Where Are You From: Italy (northeast, near Venice)
Where Do You Live:unfortunately Italy
How Old Are you: 26
Favorite Type of Music: pop, rock, alternative, electronic
Profession or Career interest: videogame editor, student - master degree in computer science
Favorite video game(s): Metroid, Bayonetta, Silent Hill <3
What are your hobbies (other than gaming): writing, music, telefilm, film, trekking

Bonus: here my face! Nice to meet you!

Hi there!


Hi GAF! It's the first time that I post here but I read you very often! So, let's start with the presentation!

Your gender: man
Your sexual orientation: gay
Where Are You From: Italy (northeast, near Venice)
Where Do You Live:unfortunately Italy
How Old Are you: 26
Favorite Type of Music: pop, rock, alternative, electronic
Profession or Career interest: videogame editor, student - master degree in computer science
Favorite video game(s): Metroid, Bayonetta, Silent Hill <3
What are your hobbies (other than gaming): writing, music, telefilm, film, trekking

Bonus: here my face! Nice to meet you!

Yay another writer. Join Writing Gaf k thanks :)

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Hi GAF! It's the first time that I post here but I read you very often! So, let's start with the presentation!

Your gender: man
Your sexual orientation: gay
Where Are You From: Italy (northeast, near Venice)
Where Do You Live:unfortunately Italy
How Old Are you: 26
Favorite Type of Music: pop, rock, alternative, electronic
Profession or Career interest: videogame editor, student - master degree in computer science
Favorite video game(s): Metroid, Bayonetta, Silent Hill <3
What are your hobbies (other than gaming): writing, music, telefilm, film, trekking

Bonus: here my face! Nice to meet you!

Welcome to the thread! Not happy with Italy? Where would you live if you weren't living there?

Y'all are like Pavlov's dogs and true Gek is ringing the bells of Notre Dame.
Hi GAF! It's the first time that I post here but I read you very often! So, let's start with the presentation!

Your gender: man
Your sexual orientation: gay
Where Are You From: Italy (northeast, near Venice)
Where Do You Live:unfortunately Italy
How Old Are you: 26
Favorite Type of Music: pop, rock, alternative, electronic
Profession or Career interest: videogame editor, student - master degree in computer science
Favorite video game(s): Metroid, Bayonetta, Silent Hill <3
What are your hobbies (other than gaming): writing, music, telefilm, film, trekking

Bonus: here my face! Nice to meet you!
hi hmu?


Hi GAF! It's the first time that I post here but I read you very often! So, let's start with the presentation!

Your gender: man
Your sexual orientation: gay
Where Are You From: Italy (northeast, near Venice)
Where Do You Live:unfortunately Italy
How Old Are you: 26
Favorite Type of Music: pop, rock, alternative, electronic
Profession or Career interest: videogame editor, student - master degree in computer science
Favorite video game(s): Metroid, Bayonetta, Silent Hill <3
What are your hobbies (other than gaming): writing, music, telefilm, film, trekking

Bonus: here my face! Nice to meet you!

Why unfortunately Italy? And near Venice? Who doesn't dream of living in Venice? lol

Ciao e benvenuto. :)
I've come to the conclusion that smoking weed (well, vaporizing) like once every month is actually good for me. Come on Canadian election (it's tonight), legalize it so I can buy like a quarter of a gram from a provincial liquor store every full moon without making it a thing.


Hi GAF! It's the first time that I post here but I read you very often! So, let's start with the presentation!

Your gender: man
Your sexual orientation: gay
Where Are You From: Italy (northeast, near Venice)
Where Do You Live:unfortunately Italy
How Old Are you: 26
Favorite Type of Music: pop, rock, alternative, electronic
Profession or Career interest: videogame editor, student - master degree in computer science
Favorite video game(s): Metroid, Bayonetta, Silent Hill <3
What are your hobbies (other than gaming): writing, music, telefilm, film, trekking

Bonus: here my face! Nice to meet you!
Hi there, tG. Welcome to the thread yo.

You say you live in Italy and say "sadly". Why's that if you don't mind me asking?


Hunky Nostradamus
I feel so lost and stupid sometimes.

Are decade long ruts a thing?

Yes, join the club.

Hi GAF! It's the first time that I post here but I read you very often! So, let's start with the presentation!

Your gender: man
Your sexual orientation: gay
Where Are You From: Italy (northeast, near Venice)
Where Do You Live:unfortunately Italy
How Old Are you: 26
Favorite Type of Music: pop, rock, alternative, electronic
Profession or Career interest: videogame editor, student - master degree in computer science
Favorite video game(s): Metroid, Bayonetta, Silent Hill <3
What are your hobbies (other than gaming): writing, music, telefilm, film, trekking

Bonus: here my face! Nice to meet you!

Welcome to the thread!

I've come to the conclusion that smoking weed (well, vaporizing) like once every month is actually good for me. Come on Canadian election (it's tonight), legalize it so I can buy like a quarter of a gram from a provincial liquor store every full moon without making it a thing.

There's like 3 weed stores in my town in CO. It's pretty wild seeing one, like, right next door to a Wendy's. I feel like I'm living in the future.


I want a weed store in Austria, eugh. ;_;

Really jealous of the US states that allow it. That's such a neat change.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Not big on weed but I don't begrudge it to my fellow man.

true Gek

Gosh guys, what a warm welcome ^////^ You all make me blush :3

I see &#65533;&#65533;

You're cute.

Welcome True Gek!

Good lord you are cute

Awwww *__*

Hi there!

The new bloke is also making me bit thirsty.


Hahahahaha! Thanks, you're cute too :D

Yay another writer. Join Writing Gaf k thanks :)

Writing Gaf? Uh I didn't know it, cool *__*

Hi new guy! welcome

Welcome to the thread! Not happy with Italy? Where would you live if you weren't living there?

Y'all are like Pavlov's dogs and true Gek is ringing the bells of Notre Dame.


Why unfortunately Italy? And near Venice? Who doesn't dream of living in Venice? lol

Ciao e benvenuto. :)

Hi, welcome :) you're very beautiful btw ;)
please, notice me

Hi (^__^)_

Hi there, tG. Welcome to the thread yo.

You say you live in Italy and say "sadly". Why's that if you don't mind me asking?

For the ones that was asking me why sadly in Italy the reasons are multiple: here in Italy the rights for LGBT couples are totally non existing and the years of study are not adequately recognized with a good salary.

In particular the LGBT situation is pretty disastrous: at the government we have the Democratic Party but the politicians have not the courage to contrast the Pope (that is VERY strong here in Italy) and the conservative party to obtain a good law against homophobia (It is a discreet threat here in Italy) and gay marriage. Since few years, some catholic fundamentalists and extreme conservative wings have started a totally crazy campaign against the "Gender theory", an invented theory to scare the public opinion that has brought some city mayors to ban some books from the schools because, they say, these are morally harmful for children and teenagers. Only few of this books really talk about LGBT themes and them only try to educate kids to mutual respect, the other ones were banned because they talk about social topics in general and there was only the suspects that they could deviate the kids' minds..

Here a link of one of the banned books, Little Blue and Little Yellow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kOsZtrwXKg

Plus, it's about 3 years that an association, "Le sentinelle in piedi" ("The standing sentinels" in english) organize public manifestations against LGBT rights because, they say, a law against the homophobic would mine their right to say that gay people are sick and a family of two man or two woman are not natural or is respectful for the child.
In all this mess the government only send an official statement to the schools that the gender theory is only an invention, a statement that had not a very big media coverage. Newspapers and TV news only talks about this mysterious gender theory and the banned books without inform properly the population. (Here in Italy we have some issues with the press). Icing on the cake, yes, there is a law proposal for the recognition of gay marriage but it's ages since the first time that it was proposed to the parliament and senate and this law will probably not permit the survivor's pension, the stepchild adoption and it's certain that it will not permit the regular adoption.

So, I'm not so happy to live here in Italy mainly for my future as a gay guy. Yes, this country has amazing places (Venice, Milan, Tuscany, Naples, Florence, Rome, Gosh I love so much Rome), wonderful food and warming people but I will not have real rights in the short-medium term. I'm 26 and I would like to have all the possibilities to build a bright future for me and my hypothetical husband/child (now I'm single XD).

Ok, I finished my daily rush, I know that my english sucks but I hope that this wall of text is understandable ^__^'


I don't post here often so I'm sorry if this is a bit much, but I just want to vent and get something off my chest because I had a shit day and didn't exactly have the warmest of receptions from friends I'm not looking for sympathy or a pity party, I just need to get it out because this sucks.

I had a shitty day at work. That's a side story. But upon getting out of work, I returned a missed call from my dad, who rarely calls. He brought up an exchange between my uncle and I on facebook a few weeks ago where I posted a Simpsons picture referencing homosexuality and my uncle threw some bible verses at me. My dad then started going the typical route of talking about how he doesn't understand "the gays" and how it's offensive to him and all that, and then said I had never formally come out to him (I did...I can see the e-mail I sent years ago with his response, and I can recall the times we've talked about it on the phone). He then started feigning that he was trying to process it and just sorta came back with all the expected bullshit we deal with about homosexuality. My dad and I have never had a strong relationship...or one at all really. When I had some shit go down when I was younger pertaining to my sexuality, he stopped talking to me for years. We've been slowly trying (and failing) to rekindle something of a functional relationship, but it's threadbare at best. Either way, the point of all that is to say I really shouldn't let his nonsense get to me like it did...but paired with my already shitty day at work I just broke down in the parking lot of the grocery store. I barely kept it in. I'm still barely keeping it in. I currently live at home so I'm trying to save face because I don't really want my mom to ask me why I'm upset (my parents are divorced BTW). This shit sucks. I hate that even though I know we'll likely never have a strong relationship, I still try to salvage something from him. I hate that I let him get to me. I hate that I have the stereotypical daddy issues story that so many other gay men have. I'm just tired of this bullshit. Since coming out life has been so significantly better, but the constant source of irritation pertains to my dad and I's relationship and his discomfort with my sexuality...I don't even know the point I'm trying to make, just trying to process it out of me.

Sorry for this wall of text, thanks for listening...


http://m.imgur.com/2AOvAs3 I'm like so tired and not even halfway through my shift. And work is boring, and I can't do homework! :( it's been such an inconvenience in my school work that I either need to have hours reduced or quit....but I'm not quitting lol

true Gek

http://m.imgur.com/2AOvAs3 I'm like so tired and not even halfway through my shift. And work is boring, and I can't do homework! :( it's been such an inconvenience in my school work that I either need to have hours reduced or quit....but I'm not quitting lol

*cuteness overload*

I don't post here often so I'm sorry if this is a ...

Sorry to hear that :/ I don't know you but this is a situation that some friends of mine have in their family. I can only say to be strong and don't let that your dad's convinctions influence your life in such aa bad way!
Oh my god, Dan Deacon just announced he's opening for Miley Cyrus and The Flaming Lips. This is going to be an amazing show, seriously so fucking hyped right now.
I'm already over this week. 12 hour shift day, and I have 2 midterms tomorrow. All I wanna do is walk to the gym.

Hi GAF! It's the first time that I post here but I read you very often! So, let's start with the presentation!

Your gender: man
Your sexual orientation: gay
Where Are You From: Italy (northeast, near Venice)
Where Do You Live:unfortunately Italy
How Old Are you: 26
Favorite Type of Music: pop, rock, alternative, electronic
Profession or Career interest: videogame editor, student - master degree in computer science
Favorite video game(s): Metroid, Bayonetta, Silent Hill <3
What are your hobbies (other than gaming): writing, music, telefilm, film, trekking

Bonus: here my face! Nice to meet you!

Welcome! Great pic btw.
Hi GAF! It's the first time that I post here but I read you very often! So, let's start with the presentation!

Your gender: man
Your sexual orientation: gay
Where Are You From: Italy (northeast, near Venice)
Where Do You Live:unfortunately Italy
How Old Are you: 26
Favorite Type of Music: pop, rock, alternative, electronic
Profession or Career interest: videogame editor, student - master degree in computer science
Favorite video game(s): Metroid, Bayonetta, Silent Hill <3
What are your hobbies (other than gaming): writing, music, telefilm, film, trekking

Bonus: here my face! Nice to meet you!
Welcome! :)
You look great btw. :)

So sorry to hear about the situation in Italy. I hope it gets better soon. :/
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