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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I hate when I'm presented with tons of possible decisions to make, I always stress and I'm very indecisive. Which is why making my schedule for my last semester of school is a lot harder than it needs to be.


What's happening to you my good old Gato? :( I hope you can find what you're looking for, and get to wherever you want to be someday. It's important to keep trying, though things can get tiring sometimes so I can't blame you for feeling down at some points. What were your most "up" moments of these last few months? Tell me about some good things that you've been experiencing :)

Yes my book was released last month. It's in the "For Dummies" collection. Don't know yet about its sales. Anyway, I'm mostly feeling fine these days. Today I was at the Paris Games Week convention. It's so huge it made my head spin. I tried Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mario Ultra Tennis, Paper Mario Jam and other stuff. It was great.

Just some heartbreak, some depression, same old songs. I'm feeling better now, oddly enough, than I felt during Summer.

I bet you are glad that you are done with the book, I know I feel like that when I'm finished with something I've been working on for some time.

I haven't even known about Paper Mario Jam yet. Was there no hype or was I just not listening? Strange. How did you like the expo and what's the impression you got from Xenoblade X, do you think it's recommendable to someone who wasn't too much into Xenoblade on the n3DS (talking about me :p)?

1 Year anniversary with this cutie is today <3 loving every moment of it.


the picture is from our collective favorite time. valentines day, we went to the field meusum, walked around grant park and went up the john Hancock building during dusk.

Congrats to you two lucky guys <3

I'm really liking Fallout 3. Even though it's still environmentally bland, and I ended up traversing some sewage system after I found a boy who wanted me to locate his missing father. I said fuck that and those fire ants and decided to explore. Ended up making it into some downtown district where I stumbled upon some seemingly blind muscle-daddy mutants with a backpack and huge gun.

I camped at a good distance and somehow, my lvl 3 noob status landed head shot after head shot (with 12% accuracy) and destroyed those sexy freaks. Though, before a reloaded save, I was so focused on one of them that I didn't notice the other one had taken its time sneaking up toward me, only for me to hear in this deep ass voice,"GOT YOU!" Literally scared the daylights out of me and while I ran, it blew me up with a missile. Also, fuck Centaurs.

Yeah, camping does away with most enemies although in this game I always felt like I was cheating since the AI is so dumb and I can basically pick enemies off one at a time if I have a sniper rifle.

Maybe you can find a mod for that (not sure if there's one for Fallout 3) so that the AI is more responsive to attacks..

GLAAD released their "Where We Are on TV" report for 2015. Mostly good news actually, which is quite nice to see.
That's good to hear. I noticed a positive shift in video games as well. Lots more homosexual and bisexual representation. It's a welcome sight.


Yeah, camping does away with most enemies although in this game I always felt like I was cheating since the AI is so dumb and I can basically pick enemies off one at a time if I have a sniper rifle. .

I'm only camping now because I'm low level and still figuring out the world/enemies/mechanics. It does seem that the AI is a little better than in Skyrim, though. Not leagues better (raiders won't notice their dead buddy sprawled out on a table they're standing next to) but in Skyrim, camping would only get me so far whereas here, everything's field of vision seems to be greatly enhanced. I can't sneak worth a damn yet and my accuracy with a hand gun at short distances is pathetic. I can't wait to get a real gun.
okay so i messed around with the settings in DmC and I lowered the resolution to shit tier levels so now it reaches 30+ fps (which is more than the ps3 version) even when the screen is full of shit. Wow. Is the game well made or is this the case for most PC games?


okay so i messed around with the settings in DmC and I lowered the resolution to shit tier levels so now it reaches 30+ fps (which is more than the ps3 version) even when the screen is full of shit. Wow. Is the game well made or is this the case for most PC games?

Welcome to the glorious PC gaming master race™

A superior gaming experience. You are yet to dip your toes in this new supreme gaming adventure.

Welcome, and enjoy your stay!
I enjoy PC gaming for the mods and consoles don't have the sims.

Yes I know there are sims titles on consoles but they don't count to me. Urbz and sims 1 was decent though.


Republican debate drinking game: Take a shot every time Reagan's name is invoked. Die of alcohol poisoning. &#128513;&#128520;


You know even I sometimes think that shows are too easy to get a "token gay", but seeing the percentages, is hardly that much, and then some people complain that there is a saturation, at least I can show them hard numbers now.

I'm not sure how well that'd go over - wouldn't most people complaining about the saturation of LGBT characters in media view even this level of prevalence as too high?


I'm not sure how well that'd go over - wouldn't most people complaining about the saturation of LGBT characters in media view even this level of prevalence as too high?

Not when they say "uuurgh, every character is gay or bi now!", well, clearly, not at all.
Okay so I need to vent and maybe some advice:
Okay so, this is really dumb I guess.. but I just need to say: Yesterday I heard my oldest Sister say that she's not going to let her little 5 year old kid celebrate Halloween this year because it's evil and "del diablo" Last yer and the years before that they let him go trick or treating with his friends and stuff so I thought that was pretty shitty... but then I heard my Mom say to my older brother not to celebrate Halloween because it's evil and shit and it actually scared me. See, my parents used to be okay with celebrating any Holiday, they never said stupid idiotic shit like halloween is evil and it's a ploy to celebrate demons or whatever but for the past 3 years they've been starting to get really really religious. It's not the light, harmless kind of religious worship it was before now it's that disturbing kind of fanaticism. My mom says weird shit ALL the time these days and she and my oldest sister talk shit about other people because "they're not religious enough" or they're from another religion or whatever.

So to summarize: my parents are slowly but surely starting to become weirdly religious, they relate EVERYTHING to god or the bible or they vomit out some stupid shit they heard on a religious channel that airs here and now they're starting to not celebrate things because of it. I know Halloween seems kind of like a "well no shit" type of thing to celebrate if you're really religious but the thing is it was fine before. Maybe I'm being paranoid but I'm scared that it'll keep escalating more and more till they reach that point where they become incredibly hateful of everything.

I don't want to deal with coming out with my parents or my family like this anymore, I'm thinking of getting a part time job while studying and saving up some money so I can rent out a place in the city from here. My older sister is the only one that's here besides me and she'll be leaving soon because she got a full time job and she hates home and the way our family is now. I don't wanna be stuck here for years with religious parents especially when it didn't use to be that way before. I'm willing to reduce the number of credit hours I'm taking in college if it means i'll be able to save up money for future rent or whatever

I don't know, maybe i'm just being really stupid right now but I actually got scared because of this tonight. Coming out to my mom was already a trainwreck before she was religious, i don't wanna deal with what it's going to be like now


Is it too late to pop in here, and say hi? :)
Never! Hiiii
Okay so I need to vent and maybe some advice:
Okay so, this is really dumb I guess.. but I just need to say: Yesterday I heard my oldest Sister say that she's not going to let her little 5 year old kid celebrate Halloween this year because it's evil and "del diablo" Last yer and the years before that they let him go trick or treating with his friends and stuff so I thought that was pretty shitty... but then I heard my Mom say to my older brother not to celebrate Halloween because it's evil and shit and it actually scared me. See, my parents used to be okay with celebrating any Holiday, they never said stupid idiotic shit like halloween is evil and it's a ploy to celebrate demons or whatever but for the past 3 years they've been starting to get really really religious. It's not the light, harmless kind of religious worship it was before now it's that disturbing kind of fanaticism. My mom says weird shit ALL the time these days and she and my oldest sister talk shit about other people because "they're not religious enough" or they're from another religion or whatever.

So to summarize: my parents are slowly but surely starting to become weirdly religious, they relate EVERYTHING to god or the bible or they vomit out some stupid shit they heard on a religious channel that airs here and now they're starting to not celebrate things because of it. I know Halloween seems kind of like a "well no shit" type of thing to celebrate if you're really religious but the thing is it was fine before. Maybe I'm being paranoid but I'm scared that it'll keep escalating more and more till they reach that point where they become incredibly hateful of everything.

I don't want to deal with coming out with my parents or my family like this anymore, I'm thinking of getting a part time job while studying and saving up some money so I can rent out a place in the city from here. My older sister is the only one that's here besides me and she'll be leaving soon because she got a full time job and she hates home and the way our family is now. I don't wanna be stuck here for years with religious parents especially when it didn't use to be that way before. I'm willing to reduce the number of credit hours I'm taking in college if it means i'll be able to save up money for future rent or whatever

I don't know, maybe i'm just being really stupid right now but I actually got scared because of this tonight. Coming out to my mom was already a trainwreck before she was religious, i don't wanna deal with what it's going to be like now
Nah. You shouldn't have to tolerate family if they're turning into religious zealots.


Okay so I need to vent and maybe some advice:
Okay so, this is really dumb I guess.. but I just need to say: Yesterday I heard my oldest Sister say that she's not going to let her little 5 year old kid celebrate Halloween this year because it's evil and "del diablo" Last yer and the years before that they let him go trick or treating with his friends and stuff so I thought that was pretty shitty... but then I heard my Mom say to my older brother not to celebrate Halloween because it's evil and shit and it actually scared me. See, my parents used to be okay with celebrating any Holiday, they never said stupid idiotic shit like halloween is evil and it's a ploy to celebrate demons or whatever but for the past 3 years they've been starting to get really really religious. It's not the light, harmless kind of religious worship it was before now it's that disturbing kind of fanaticism. My mom says weird shit ALL the time these days and she and my oldest sister talk shit about other people because "they're not religious enough" or they're from another religion or whatever.

So to summarize: my parents are slowly but surely starting to become weirdly religious, they relate EVERYTHING to god or the bible or they vomit out some stupid shit they heard on a religious channel that airs here and now they're starting to not celebrate things because of it. I know Halloween seems kind of like a "well no shit" type of thing to celebrate if you're really religious but the thing is it was fine before. Maybe I'm being paranoid but I'm scared that it'll keep escalating more and more till they reach that point where they become incredibly hateful of everything.

I don't want to deal with coming out with my parents or my family like this anymore, I'm thinking of getting a part time job while studying and saving up some money so I can rent out a place in the city from here. My older sister is the only one that's here besides me and she'll be leaving soon because she got a full time job and she hates home and the way our family is now. I don't wanna be stuck here for years with religious parents especially when it didn't use to be that way before. I'm willing to reduce the number of credit hours I'm taking in college if it means i'll be able to save up money for future rent or whatever

I don't know, maybe i'm just being really stupid right now but I actually got scared because of this tonight. Coming out to my mom was already a trainwreck before she was religious, i don't wanna deal with what it's going to be like now

There's no reason that you need to tolerate that sort of shit from anyone...

Regarding your financial situation. It's a pretty tough call, but if you can balance getting your studies done and getting a job to pay the bills and get by then do it if you must. Be careful though, without a backup plan or someone else you can rely on financially it can be real hard getting by from month to month, especially when a financial crisis hits...


Pfft at the people calling South Park homophobic. The episode itself actually had some super sweet moments.
"I don't understand the whole gay thing, but I love you and I accept you and I want you to be happy"

It was probably one of the nicest and least mean spirited episodes.

And also if you are getting offended by south park then that's the whole damn point and you just sound silly by saying stuff like calling it homophobic, come on.


Pfft at the people calling South Park homophobic. The episode itself actually had some super sweet moments.
"I don't understand the whole gay thing, but I love you and I accept you and I want you to be happy"

It was probably one of the nicest and least mean spirited episodes.

And also if you are getting offended by south park then that's the whole damn point and you just sound silly by saying stuff like calling it homophobic, come on.
South Park usually tries to convey a message. If the offensiveness is gratuitous, and not in line with the episode's message, and not even really in the service of humor, then it's fair game for criticism.

I haven't seen the latest episode though, I'm just speaking generally.


South Park usually tries to convey a message. If the offensiveness is gratuitous, and not in line with the episode's message, and not even really in the service of humor, then it's fair game for criticism.

I haven't seen the latest episode though, I'm just speaking generally.
Well I can't remember any episodes where the show has been so gratuitously homophobic that it goes against the message of the episode.
And also if you are getting offended by south park then that's the whole damn point and you just sound silly by saying stuff like calling it homophobic, come on.
I'm mostly offended by how eye-rollingly juvenile its analysis and conclusions are, like it was written by a couple of high school libertarians who want to show off how impressive we are supposed to find them for saying "but both sides are wrong!"

"But both sides are wrong and the answer is in the middle" bullshit makes me yawn. It's intellectually dishonest and lazy at best, and cynically crafted to appeal to teenagers who don't know any better at worst.


And also if you are getting offended by south park then that's the whole damn point and you just sound silly by saying stuff like calling it homophobic, come on.

Nope, not offended at all. I have seen some episodes and the toilet humor with constant cursing, ad nauseum, isn't really my cup of tea.

Likewise I don't agree with the writers in many things so I decide not to watch it. It's that simple. You don't like something, you don't watch it.



Nope, not offended at all. I have seen some episodes and the toilet humor with constant cursing, ad nauseum, isn't really my cup of tea.

Likewise I don't agree with the writers in many things so I decide not to watch it. It's that simple. You don't like something, you don't watch it.

Did you watch the episode where they say shit around 160 times? :p
There usually isn't much cursing or toilet humour, but sure ok.

Anyway, porn for the new page:

Nier: Automata cannot come soon enough, I need a damn PS4


hi there everyone, just wanted to post my IBQ and lurk around a Little bit more^^

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bi-Sexual
Where Are You From? Nürnberg(Germany)
Where Do You Live? Berlin(Germany)
How Old Are you? too old
Favorite Type of Music? Psytrance (Hippie-Techno)
Profession or Career interest? None^^ But working in a shitty job
Favorite video game(s)? Super Metroid, Portal 2
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Watch a Movie or out to dance^^
New South Park episode was great, it wasn't homophobic at all.

I've never been offended by South Park though. Some amazing episodes over the years. Toilet humor has it's place sometimes.
hi there everyone, just wanted to post my IBQ and lurk around a Little bit more^^

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bi-Sexual
Where Are You From? Nürnberg(Germany)
Where Do You Live? Berlin(Germany)
How Old Are you? too old
Favorite Type of Music? Psytrance (Hippie-Techno)
Profession or Career interest? None^^ But working in a shitty job
Favorite video game(s)? Super Metroid, Portal 2
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Watch a Movie or out to dance^^

welcome new guy


speaking of new. i tried to dye my hair to some dark shade of purple "black cherry". the color didnt stick other than i kept sweating it out and my shirt was stained. after a few washes. you can see some hint under light. but i think it's not drastic enough to even be noticed. i'm just going to go blonde. gonna wait a few weeks. don't want to redye it so quick.


irresponsible vagina leak
New South Park episode was great, it wasn't homophobic at all.

I've never been offended by South Park though. Some amazing episodes over the years. Toilet humor has it's place sometimes.
South Park parodies everything equally so I don't get offended either. It might be tasteless for some but knowing they mess with everything it's fine.


welcome new guy


speaking of new. i tried to dye my hair to some dark shade of purple "black cherry". the color didnt stick other than i kept sweating it out and my shirt was stained. after a few washes. you can see some hint under light. but i think it's not drastic enough to even be noticed. i'm just going to go blonde. gonna wait a few weeks. don't want to redye it so quick.

Did u strip your natural color first?


if you mean bleach? or any other way no. it didn't call for that. i'm just going to go to Sally's and get me some stuff. (lets be real. i'll just go to walmart and buy a dye kit)

From a personal experience I tried dyeing my hair blue without bleaching my hair and the same thing happened. Didn't stick at all...


Did you watch the episode where they say shit around 160 times? :p
There usually isn't much cursing or toilet humour, but sure ok.

Anyway, porn for the new page:

Nier: Automata cannot come soon enough, I need a damn PS4

Maybe... And wow... that looks amazing. Is it a PS4 exclusive? lemme google that game.

hi there everyone, just wanted to post my IBQ and lurk around a Little bit more^^

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bi-Sexual
Where Are You From? Nürnberg(Germany)
Where Do You Live? Berlin(Germany)
How Old Are you? too old
Favorite Type of Music? Psytrance (Hippie-Techno)
Profession or Career interest? None^^ But working in a shitty job
Favorite video game(s)? Super Metroid, Portal 2
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Watch a Movie or out to dance^^

Hello and welcome!

33? Man you're just still a baby! \o/

Oh humans... :p


I'm only camping now because I'm low level and still figuring out the world/enemies/mechanics. It does seem that the AI is a little better than in Skyrim, though. Not leagues better (raiders won't notice their dead buddy sprawled out on a table they're standing next to) but in Skyrim, camping would only get me so far whereas here, everything's field of vision seems to be greatly enhanced. I can't sneak worth a damn yet and my accuracy with a hand gun at short distances is pathetic. I can't wait to get a real gun.
Yeah, their field of view seems bigger but stuff like headshots from a far-off distance will result in them just running around like headless chickens instead of running for cover. Makes it a bit too easy.

The thingsmydickdoes tumblr is amazing. It's so cute :3

NSFW obviously.
Yeah, I love his posts. Pretty funny, and what a nice dick. :3

Did you watch the episode where they say shit around 160 times? :p
There usually isn't much cursing or toilet humour, but sure ok.

Anyway, porn for the new page:

Nier: Automata cannot come soon enough, I need a damn PS4
I need a PS4 for this, you are right. And for Street Fighter V. o:

hi there everyone, just wanted to post my IBQ and lurk around a Little bit more^^

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bi-Sexual
Where Are You From? Nürnberg(Germany)
Where Do You Live? Berlin(Germany)
How Old Are you? too old
Favorite Type of Music? Psytrance (Hippie-Techno)
Profession or Career interest? None^^ But working in a shitty job
Favorite video game(s)? Super Metroid, Portal 2
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Watch a Movie or out to dance^^
Hey there, ZA! Always glad to see more European GAFfers in here.


Nier Automata is giving me such a boner right now.

I've recently gotten a new desktop with enough memory. Also trying out SAI which so far is a blast. Going to attempt to do something digitally everyday now.



I actually wanted to know if anyone could link me to a source for that rainbow orb so i can throw it into my avatar at some point in time?


Okay so I need to vent and maybe some advice:
Okay so, this is really dumb I guess.. but I just need to say: Yesterday I heard my oldest Sister say that she's not going to let her little 5 year old kid celebrate Halloween this year because it's evil and "del diablo" Last yer and the years before that they let him go trick or treating with his friends and stuff so I thought that was pretty shitty... but then I heard my Mom say to my older brother not to celebrate Halloween because it's evil and shit and it actually scared me. See, my parents used to be okay with celebrating any Holiday, they never said stupid idiotic shit like halloween is evil and it's a ploy to celebrate demons or whatever but for the past 3 years they've been starting to get really really religious. It's not the light, harmless kind of religious worship it was before now it's that disturbing kind of fanaticism. My mom says weird shit ALL the time these days and she and my oldest sister talk shit about other people because "they're not religious enough" or they're from another religion or whatever.

So to summarize: my parents are slowly but surely starting to become weirdly religious, they relate EVERYTHING to god or the bible or they vomit out some stupid shit they heard on a religious channel that airs here and now they're starting to not celebrate things because of it. I know Halloween seems kind of like a "well no shit" type of thing to celebrate if you're really religious but the thing is it was fine before. Maybe I'm being paranoid but I'm scared that it'll keep escalating more and more till they reach that point where they become incredibly hateful of everything.

I don't want to deal with coming out with my parents or my family like this anymore, I'm thinking of getting a part time job while studying and saving up some money so I can rent out a place in the city from here. My older sister is the only one that's here besides me and she'll be leaving soon because she got a full time job and she hates home and the way our family is now. I don't wanna be stuck here for years with religious parents especially when it didn't use to be that way before. I'm willing to reduce the number of credit hours I'm taking in college if it means i'll be able to save up money for future rent or whatever

I don't know, maybe i'm just being really stupid right now but I actually got scared because of this tonight. Coming out to my mom was already a train wreck before she was religious, i don't wanna deal with what it's going to be like now
I truly feel for you. My mom was the same way but my step-father (who I had a terrible time with growing up) wasn't actively religious at all (as in, he never preached like my mother nor wafted burning sage in my face), so it was generally only her I had to deal with since I'd ignore him. She was mostly liberally minded but as she got older, felt she pulled away from the church, ultimately causing my rejection of God and my predicament, among other things. She started frequenting churches more and getting us all to go every Sunday. She believed Harry Potter was evil and my stepfather's oldest daughter was pressuring her to eliminate all Pokemon-related paraphernalia.

There are a few things which pulled her away: 1) her recognizing why her pastor was taking advantage of the church by telling them how to vote in the presidential election 2) frequently disagreeing with the pastor, giving her motivation to move to a new church and 3) "God" miraculously telling her that me and my then bf were her "sons" after several rough years.

I think it also helped that I wad the closest to her and despite her unease with me, ultimately still wanted to maintain a relationship. I was never truly open about my relationships until several years later, but I never stopped being a son to her even if I challenged her ideologies vehemently. I felt that even if she was against my lifestyle, I could still show her that none of my ability to be a caring son was compromised.

I don't know your family, obviously, and my family isn't your family, but all I can say is don't let their beliefs change the kind of relationship you want with them. I had incredibly heated arguments all the time, which I think was partly fueled by my needing channel my frustration somewhere. But it ended up being a good exercise because I can calmly talk to her about things we disagree with without resorting to yelling, and so can she.
I hope the best for you.

Yeah, their field of view seems bigger but stuff like head shots from a far-off distance will result in them just running around like headless chickens instead of running for cover. Makes it a bit too easy.
I really need a sniper rifle. I'm getting shit experience from camping and I thought I'd get a big XP bonus from killing that super mutant but it was 10 XP, only double the amount I get for killing a radroach. :( I'm also not liking these invisible barriers that practically never existed in Skyrim. It's everywhere in the rubble here in D.C. I still like the game - they're just minor annoyances.


Hoping I did well enough in my interview to get a jooooooob

How yall gays and notgays doing.

I have to bleach my hair to dye it cuz it's black, so I'm not bothering with that shit
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