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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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It's jokes like those that do make me wish bisexuals were more equally represented in the media alongside everyone else. Or at least more exposure to the idea that sexuality is not straightforward or black and white as some people think it is.

For me, I feel like it's a lot harder to be bisexual in some ways than it is to be just straight, gay, or lesbian. As you don't fit the mold of the above mentioned, so your seen with some level of scorn from both gays and straights (not all, but some) as being indescisive about your own sexuality. I have had people on both sides of the fence personally attack me for being bisexual, telling me that you're just going through a phase, you've got one foot still stuck in the metophorical closet and you need to decide who you are, and other such demeaning things.

Sexuality to me is complex, with varying shades of grey. All of us are different and no two people are the same in terms of sexuality. I lean towards the gay end of the spectrum, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to having a relationship with a woman if the chance arises and there is chemistry between us. So please, don't make those joke about how bisexuality doesn't exist as they are not funny in the slightest.
Great post and totally agree. :)
*Thumbs up.*


Hey, what happened regarding telling your girlfriend about your daughter, did you go through with that?
I did, yeah. I was kind of trying to avoid bringing it up in here again as it really didn't go down too well. Not that I have a kid, she's fine with that, but the fact I took so long to tell her. I tried explaining why - I even broke down talking about it - but she wasn't having it. Long story short, we're on a break. I haven't spoke to her for nearly a week.


I did, yeah. I was kind of trying to avoid bringing it up in here again as it really didn't go down too well. Not that I have a kid, she's fine with that, but the fact I took so long to tell her. I tried explaining why - I even broke down talking about it - but she wasn't having it. Long story short, we're on a break. I haven't spoke to her for nearly a week.
Aww dude, sorry to hear that. I hope it works out for the best.

If it doesn't, at least you'll know for the future that keeping it to yourself like that isn't a good idea.
On my first ever flight. Going well except the guy sitting next to me is like halfway over on my side and constantly falling asleep. . And no, he isn't cute. :p


It's jokes like those that do make me wish bisexuals were more equally represented in the media alongside everyone else. Or at least more exposure to the idea that sexuality is not straightforward or black and white as some people think it is.

For me, I feel like it's a lot harder to be bisexual in some ways than it is to be just straight, gay, or lesbian. As you don't fit the mold of the above mentioned, so your seen with some level of scorn from both gays and straights (not all, but some) as being indescisive about your own sexuality. I have had people on both sides of the fence personally attack me for being bisexual, telling me that you're just going through a phase, you've got one foot still stuck in the metophorical closet and you need to decide who you are, and other such demeaning things.

Sexuality to me is complex, with varying shades of grey. All of us are different and no two people are the same in terms of sexuality. I lean towards the gay end of the spectrum, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to having a relationship with a woman if the chance arises and there is chemistry between us. So please, don't make those joke about how bisexuality doesn't exist as they are not funny in the slightest.

Been lurking more than posting lately (been busy!), but wanted to chime in and say that as a pansexual/generally sexually queer person, this is a great post.


either 2/10 or 10/10s?



Hunky Nostradamus
A couple people have heard, but yesterday I came out to my dad. Although coming out implies more assertiveness on my part.

And yet at the same time he asks "If you were feeling this way since you were 16 (25 now), why did you never come to me about it?". Well, what were you expecting?

The 2015 Trial and Tribulation Train just doesn't stop it seems.

bummer bro, but at least he didn't disown you!


Aww dude, sorry to hear that. I hope it works out for the best.

If it doesn't, at least you'll know for the future that keeping it to yourself like that isn't a good idea.
Yeah, I mean, if it doesn't work out (I'm 99% sure it won't) then it's not the end of the world. I'll just hop back on OKCupid or Tinder and go from there. Oh, well.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of bisexuality...Tom Daley talks about his relationship with Dustin Lance Black and his sexuality in this interview.

Fake edit: I was going to include the article's leading image in this post, but I couldn't get it to work for some reason. The photo makes me question my previous conclusion that he's not cute.


He wears expensive clothes. They look good though.

Cool interview. The discussions here (sort of) and that interview do make me wonder how many really are bi or pan.
Speaking of bisexuality...Tom Daley talks about his relationship with Dustin Lance Black and his sexuality in this interview.

Fake edit: I was going to include the article's leading image in this post, but I couldn't get it to work for some reason. The photo makes me question my previous conclusion that he's not cute.
Thank you for linking this. There were awful articles last year that jumped to conclusions he was gay based on very little, so it is good he clarified in a longer form. It was basically what he said initially in his video too as he didn't label himself there.

Doctor called and wanted to discuss my labwork because of some "abnormalities". I'm trying not to worry. It could be something like too high/low cholesterol and I asked if it was urgent and she said no so I made the appointment for Friday. I wish they'd just tell me on the phone. I don't care if North Korean spies are listening. :(


Hunky Nostradamus
Doctor called and wanted to discuss my labwork because of some "abnormalities". I'm trying not to worry. It could be something like too high/low cholesterol and I asked if it was urgent and she said no so I made the appointment for Friday. I wish they'd just tell me on the phone. I don't care if North Korean spies are listening. :(

I'm sure everything will be okay! :)
Sounds like good people.

Cut it out. Your 'joking' (and at least once, you said maybe you aren't joking) at our expense is really unpleasant. You keep on doing it.

I think you said before the ban something to the effect that it builds the community to have fun like this. But it isn't building the community when you shit on part of it.
Kim Davis, a clerk in Rowan County, Kentucky, testified yesterday (7/20) in a federal hearing over a lawsuit filed against her from four couples (two gay, two straight) who say she didn’t issue them marriage licenses.

While crying 0n the stand, Davis told U.S. District Judge David Bunning that she “prayed and fasted” over what to do, believing God would help her make the right choice.

When Davis and her attorneys exited the court house yesterday, they were greeted by cheers of support from the crowds who had gathered outside.

Must be nice to have a job, not do that job, and get to keep that job. I wonder how long I'll keep my job when I stop doing it because "god" said so.
I don't know that I'd say it's harder to be bisexual, but it does put you in the fairly unique position of catching discrimination, disbelief, mistrust, and sometimes even scorn from both gays and straights - and in different varieties depending on whether you're a man or a woman.

I can tell you on a personal level that it hurts a lot more when these attitudes are coming from dumb gays and lesbians who I feel should really know better than when it comes from dumb straight people who think that bisexual men are half in the closet or that bisexual women are all experimenting college girls, or that either variety (or both) are indiscriminate whores and relentless cheaters.

Yes, those types do exist, and I'm so sorry some people have had a bad anecdotal experience with them or whatever their grudge is. I hate that I have to acknowledge that some people will always fit the mould of stereotypes in order to combat them and their personal application to me, though. I let my best friend just assume I was a lesbian for like, two years because although she was & is an absolutely wonderful person otherwise (and...I had feelings for her at the time) I didn't want to deal with her shitty stereotypes about bisexual people borne largely of bad personal experiences.
Yeah, even though I never experienced that kind of comments and discrimination from my peers, it still somehow always felt worse when I came out and talked to my friends about my bisexuality. Sucks. :(


I think the whole joke in the first place was that the people playing clueless on bisexuals are people we definitely already know are not and we are in a thread with a bunch of bisexuals we get along with, rightfully mentioned in the title. Sorry to hear that it is off-putting even in the context here, but I hope bisexuals know they are of course welcome and acknowledged here.
I think the whole joke in the first place was that the people playing clueless on bisexuals are people we definitely already know are not and we are in a thread with a bunch of bisexuals we get along with, rightfully mentioned in the title. Sorry to hear that it is off-putting even in the context here, but I hope bisexuals know they are of course welcome and acknowledged here.
There have been some unfortunate slips that make it not always clear, and there have been some occasions of outright hostility. We want to keep it clear that biphobia should not be a part of this thread's culture.


Im watching episode 6 of Sense8. What the hell was that? Things are getting weird. And hot.

You know what really bothered me?
It's not that I'm a prude... ok maybe I'm am, but the idea was that "everyone" was interconnecting and that fell off when not everyone actually interconnected!. And it really bother me all the non white people that are in sync with this group were left out. I guess you could say they were in difficult situations, but so was everyone else to be honest, you could say not everyone is comfortable in sexual situations, but that doesn't apply to everyone either. It... just bothered me, maybe I'm overthinking it but four characters were left out of something that was huge for this group for no apparent reason.

And I'm at episode 10 and that has still not been cleared up, and I doubt it ever will.

There have been some unfortunate slips that make it not always clear, and there have been some occasions of outright hostility. We want to keep it clear that biphobia should not be a part of this thread's culture.

I really never saw any outright hostility to be honest, so I'm going to ask for receipts for this one.


Hunky Nostradamus
I think the whole joke in the first place was that the people playing clueless on bisexuals are people we definitely already know are not and we are in a thread with a bunch of bisexuals we get along with, rightfully mentioned in the title. Sorry to hear that it is off-putting even in the context here, but I hope bisexuals know they are of course welcome and acknowledged here.

you dont have to tell us, we own this thread



It's jokes like those that do make me wish bisexuals were more equally represented in the media alongside everyone else. Or at least more exposure to the idea that sexuality is not straightforward or black and white as some people think it is.

For me, I feel like it's a lot harder to be bisexual in some ways than it is to be just straight, gay, or lesbian. As you don't fit the mold of the above mentioned, so your seen with some level of scorn from both gays and straights (not all, but some) as being indescisive about your own sexuality. I have had people on both sides of the fence personally attack me for being bisexual, telling me that you're just going through a phase, you've got one foot still stuck in the metophorical closet and you need to decide who you are, and other such demeaning things.

Sexuality to me is complex, with varying shades of grey. All of us are different and no two people are the same in terms of sexuality. I lean towards the gay end of the spectrum, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to having a relationship with a woman if the chance arises and there is chemistry between us. So please, don't make those joke about how bisexuality doesn't exist as they are not funny in the slightest.

Really? Like think about that statement.
I really never saw any outright hostility to be honest, so I'm going to ask for receipts for this one.
Things like Rob's persistence but the biggest thing was in Skype chat, based on a mild comment I made that 'gaygaf' wasn't an inclusive name, a regular in this thread immediately changed the Skype chat name to be 'gaygaf' and others except for one or two gave me a lot hostile 'get over it' 'bye' in response. I call that outright hostility, reacting to be more excluding.

Really? Like think about that statement.
It depends on the individual's circumstances, doing the maths like 'halfgay so half the difficulty' misses out on a lot.


Things like Rob's persistence but the biggest thing was in Skype chat, based on a mild comment I made that 'gaygaf' wasn't an inclusive name, a regular in this thread immediately changed the Skype chat name to be 'gaygaf' and others except for one or two gave me a lot hostile 'get over it' 'bye' in response. I call that outright hostility, reacting to be more excluding..

aah ok the skype chat is something else (I should really join some time though).

I mean there's the breaking into hives when one of the bi dudes mentions that they date women sometimes and/or have a girlfriend at this very moment. I don't have any photographs of the rashes on me, though.

see: robido's post history here tbh

aaaah... well..., it's robido, he is a roxxxy stan so I never took him seriously, it's his schtick
I love you Robido even if you'll never care about who I am.

I honestly think we all here are cool with each other and it would be a rad time if we actually met in person. Internet talk is just that. I don't know why this always happens, I guess being victimized rises up your defenses in a big way, but we are seriously not the "enemy" here people.
I wanna cry so bad rn all of these classes sound extremely fucking boring and my major ia in English and I don't even know if it's a good major??? But it's the subject I always did great it in throught school but still?? any advice guys? I'm really not interested in anything but i still want to study ugh

also hi guys :D


Hunky Nostradamus
I wanna cry so bad rn all of these classes sound extremely fucking boring and my major ia in English and I don't even know if it's a good major??? But it's the subject I always did great it in throught school but still?? any advice guys? I'm really not interested in anything but i still want to study ugh

also hi guys :D

i heard english majors arent good

stem or bust or some such

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