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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Alrus :p
shhhhhh, please don't tell him that I think he's hot



Adorable photo. :D
Too cute, the both of you. :)

YESSSSSS, Kater, stan for the Canadian pop I C O N

I ship it! :3

How should we call you? AlBadger? Bluemew? ;)

I have to thank Grizzo and Vitanimus for directing me to that album haha. Great music.



And yes, those two are looking great in the photo. :)

So we have another LettersGAF couple? Nice! :)

They look super cute together tbh

Haha thanks guys. I don't date Android users though.
I like bluemew the best because its a shiny mew, aka my favorite Pokemon ever. :3

I'm at the airport and the guy across from me is packing a huge bulge. And he is modelesque.

I feel like a perv.


Almond milk! It tastes great and feels extra light.

Check out her album, it's fantastic!

I live for almond milk. <3


Already downloaded it and listened to it while sitting outside on some stone steps besides a castle. My favourite song is Your Type so far.

awwww that's my fave too!

Warm Blood, LA Hallucinations and Never Get To Hold You are also top-tier.


Already downloaded it and listened to it while sitting outside on some stone steps besides a castle. My favourite song is Your Type so far.

awwww that's my fave too!

Warm Blood, LA Hallucinations and Never Get To Hold You are also top-tier.

Glad you've been enjoying the album by the way!

Haha thanks guys. I don't date Android users though.
I like bluemew the best because its a shiny mew, aka my favorite Pokemon ever. :3


I live for almond milk. <3

I recently discovered it, it's so cool to be able to enjoy milk again with my cereals (I got tired of regular milk)

Rice milk is good too.

Also, that's a nice pic of you and Badger, hope you had a good time together!


I've been playing Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy on a PSP emulator and I've just discovered the glorious world of modding.

So far I have:
  • An Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) costume and a Queen (Type-0) costume for Lightning
  • A Nine (Type-0) costume for Kain
  • An Type-0 uniform costume and a Rinoa (FFVIII) costume for Tifa
  • A short-haired costume and an Ashe (FFXII) costume for Warrior of Light
  • A Trey (Type-0) costume for Firion
  • An Aerith costume and a Type-0 uniform costume for Terra
  • An Auron (FFX) costume for Cloud
  • A Balthier (FFXII) costume for Squall (!!!!)
  • A Type-0 uniform costume for Zidane
  • A Yunalesca (FFX) costume and a Moogle costume for Cloud of Darkness
  • A Nimbus (Type-0) costume for Golbez
  • A Cosmos costume for Ultimecia
  • An Ace (Type-0) costume for Kuja
  • A Caius (FFXIII-2) costume for Jecht
  • A Vivi (FFIX) costume for Shantotto
  • A Machina (Type-0) costume for Gabranth
  • A Rikku (FFX-2) costume for Prishe

There's also extra music like music from FFX-2 or Type-0 or Bravely Default, it's amazing.


I recently discovered it, it's so cool to be able to enjoy milk again with my cereals (I got tired of regular milk)

Rice milk is good too.

Also, that's a nice pic of you and Badger, hope you had a good time together!

I just got almond milk, what a coincidence!

I've never been a milk guy to begin with, but back when I started getting into the whole taking protein shakes thing, I decided to do milk since just water made it too gross lol. When I did keto for a month, I turned to unsweetened almond milk and now its always in my fridge. <3

Yeah me too


That is so fucking adorable. Okay fine, I'll ship us too and under that name now.


There's also this little charming number which, surprisingly, has got me no numbers but plenty of dirty looks.

"On a scale of one to ten, I'd rate you nine. I'm the one you need..."

Keep them coming. I need to up my game.
I have no game.

And really? I'd be screaming and melting if a guy said that to me. In person, and in flesh. Not in text or chatting.


That's all I can think of for now. True story, though, when I first joined OKCupid, I had no idea what I was doing. I found a website (well, a blog) that had fifty tips 'guaranteed' to get you a reply. One of them was something along the lines of asking questions that nobody else could ever come up with, and even gave a few examples. One of the examples they provided was a choice question.

If you could build and live in either a house made of cheese, or a house made of peanut butter, which would it be and why? I sent that to about twenty girls, and at least 70% replied, though they weren't nice. Still, the site never guaranteed nice replies.


I was grocery shopping at a supermarket near the place I'm staying at for the holidays and found Fire Emblem: Awakening at like 22 euros instead of 45.

I thought this was a really good bargain for a game that is so highly praised around here and on the internet in general.

I hope I'm gonna like it! I dunno, the offer was too good to pass it up.
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