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Lightning Returns: FINAL FANTASY XIII PC |OT| Light Eternal


Does anyone have a good guide for this? I have limited time to play games other than the one I work on these days, and don't really want to go around every nook and cranny to make sure I'm not missing some side quest with an important item or new garb to play dress-up with.

Most guides I've seen split story and side quests. Would like something that has them all in the same walkthrough so I can just do things step-by-step.

Realise it's probably not the spirit of the game, but still. Just looking for a low maintenance way of seeing everything I can in the game while I have some time.

This is the best guide to do everything step by step


Does the game work well with an Xbox One controller? Menu prompts in XIII and XIII-2 don't seem to work properly with an xbox one controller unless I install a different set of drivers through the device manager. Using the driver labeled "Microsoft Xbox One Controller" instead of "Xbox Controller" makes it work, but turns the triggers into a single axis, breaking a ton of other games in the process.

I specifically installed goddess returns to test if the 13 and 13-2 problem with xbone controller was there, and good news, controller works great.

Also in case you didn't know, in 13 and 13-2, if you push LT several times when you get stuck in those menus, it will eventually recover. Sounds nuts I know, but it works. It makes me wonder if someone knowledgeable would be able to take a look at what's happening and fix it with a mod or something.


The side-quests system is simply AWFUL. You have no way to know where and WHEN a side will appear, so you are FORCED to visit every city during different times just to grab a side. I also hate the multi-step sides, like "Ehy, you need to kill that Omega dude and all mini- monsters" from the Fortune Teller...yeah, but WHERE can I find this monster? No clue. This is the classic example, like SE is used to do nowdays, to a game which NEEDS a guide to be completed. I still remember FFVII and VIII, there were still things you need to figure out by your own (and without a guide was almost impossible to do, like the materia dropped by the pirate ship in VII if you used transform command on it, or the quest with talking stones in FFVIII), but those titles can be pretty much complete for a 90% by your own.
Here it's not possible or...it's possible if you spend the entire day running around each city from the scratch in order to find quest givers. But even by doing so, it's not always clear what you need to do/where you need to go in order to solve them.

Anyway this is, by far, the best FFXIII game, no doubt. Even if the plot is still dumb and non-existent, characters are awfully written etc, at least the main missions are not boring like XIII or XIII-2.

How do you get the DLC costumes?, I only have the ones from XIII and XIII-2, shouldn't be there once I start the game?

You need to "activate" DLCs from the main menu, than reboot the game, than from the game menu you need to purchase those items from the Reward section of the menu for 0 guil.


I hope so. I would love to hear his opinion about why SQEX locked the resolution.

I don't know why they did not, and I have ported some PC games before.

For a game to support arbitrary resolution in the code, just make your render target resolution proportional to the screen resolution, and make all UI and post-processing resolution aware.
It takes a bit of time but very much doable.

It is even more inexcusable in the case here since it already supports multiple resolution (with some different from the console version). That means the bulk of work supporting arbitrary resolution was already done.



Well, technically that opinion would have been for Tecmo Koei and the engine they use. :p

Squenix most likely had nothing to do with the game or port itself. Just like Namco Bandai had nothing to do with the One Piece one.
The side-quests system is simply AWFUL. You have no way to know where and WHEN a side will appear, so you are FORCED to visit every city during different times just to grab a side. I also hate the multi-step sides, like "Ehy, you need to kill that Omega dude and all mini- monsters" from the Fortune Teller...yeah, but WHERE can I find this monster? No clue. This is the classic example, like SE is used to do nowdays, to a game which NEEDS a guide to be completed. I still remember FFVII and VIII, there were still things you need to figure out by your own (and without a guide was almost impossible to do, like the materia dropped by the pirate ship in VII if you used transform command on it, or the quest with talking stones in FFVIII), but those titles can be pretty much complete for a 90% by your own.
Here it's not possible or...it's possible if you spend the entire day running around each city from the scratch in order to find quest givers. But even by doing so, it's not always clear what you need to do/where you need to go in order to solve them.

Anyway this is, by far, the best FFXIII game, no doubt. Even if the plot is still dumb and non-existent, characters are awfully written etc, at least the main missions are not boring like XIII or XIII-2.

You need to "activate" DLCs from the main menu, than reboot the game, than from the game menu you need to purchase those items from the Reward section of the menu for 0 guil.
I actually disagree that it's the side quests that are the problem. The side quests are perfectly fine, and would be alright, if it wasn't for the stupid time limit. Xenoblade Chronicles managed to do a system where you can only pick up quests at a certain time of day and so on, and I think it makes the world feel more alive, as the characters feel like they have schedules and stuff. However, how Xenoblade made it not annoying was that you can change the time anywhere, and there's no time limit.

The time limit inhibits your ability to explore to a certain extent, it goes directly against the fact you have to explore to find and do certain quests.

Dr Dogg

That's more like his opinion about the lock, and I agree with him. I'd like however to know why Square would make such a weird choice after making a good port like LR:FFXIII.

Well no one is going to be able to give you the diffinative answer you're looking for bar the team responsible for bringing it to PC but it's pretty obvious that it's a combination of a different team than what brought FF XIII/XIII-2 over and by how trivial it was to get the game rendering at any resolution you want via memory editing that it's more to do with inexperience of the platform and ignorance of what is expected than any issues of doing so. As I've said in the past if you took 30 mins to and hour to explain to one of their graphics engineers how Windows knows every resolution you system supports, show them one of the process of how you can query this so they let the users system decided on rendering resolutions rather than plucking figures out of a hat then these issues shouldn't happen ever again. Resolution is the ultimate scalability setting and not to support it fully is crazy, even more so when there are so many common resolution less than 1920x1080 most of these resolution locked game don't cater for at all. The fact 1280x720 crops up every time but not 1680x1050 shows a lack of experience and knowledge of common display resolutions used with PCs for the last decade.
The time limit plus the arbitrary limits of what areas you can explore in differents times of day plus the restrictions of when you can get certain quests makes for one of the most fucked up side quests systems ever designed.

I think I'll just downright play it with a guide.

You need to "activate" DLCs from the main menu, than reboot the game, than from the game menu you need to purchase those items from the Reward section of the menu for 0 guil.

Thanks, turns out that the option in the menu on my language is reversed. "No" means "Yes", lol.
They removed Lightning's message from the game. I'm so disappointed.
I got to Luxerion and didn't even noticed until recent.

What it is:
Throughout the game, as you complete both Main Quests and Side Quest, you’ll get a message from Lightning. The messages are essentially the Savior’s thoughts and feelings regarding the tasks she completed. Anyone that is interested in knowing more about Light will find these to be a nice bonus.

They were connected to the Outerworld Service, but there was no reason to remove the text that pops up during the quests. They could of just left that part and not have the Summit feature.

I wanted to takes proper screens of each message and now I can't.

I took some pics from the PS3 demo to show first timers what I mean:

There are tons of these. From serious to humorous. They were a fun interesting read like the datalog.


I don't know why they did not, and I have ported some PC games before.

For a game to support arbitrary resolution in the code, just make your render target resolution proportional to the screen resolution, and make all UI and post-processing resolution aware.
It takes a bit of time but very much doable.

It is even more inexcusable in the case here since it already supports multiple resolution (with some different from the console version). That means the bulk of work supporting arbitrary resolution was already done.

Well, all resolutions (in 16:9 at least) work, but someone just forgot to include the menu options for over 1080p.

It should be something super simple to patch so hopefully they will, and I don't have to fire up cheat engine every time I boot the game.


Well, all resolutions (in 16:9 at least) work, but someone just forgot to include the menu options for over 1080p.

It should be something super simple to patch so hopefully they will, and I don't have to fire up cheat engine every time I boot the game.

I doubt they just forgot to add them, they said multiple times in the game description that the game supported a maximum resolution of 1080p.
Update on that FPS thing from before: I was outputting via HDMI to my 40 inch TV while i was having the issue. Decided to try just going through the Laptop LCD instead, and boom, 1080p60. Couple drops to 30 in Luxerion and Yusnaan, but never in combat.

There was some kinda rumor about the game dropping to 30 because of EDID reporting, right? Guess this confirms it?


I doubt they just forgot to add them, they said multiple times in the game description that the game supported a maximum resolution of 1080p.

Yeah but it's clearly not a technical issue on the engine side as I can switch resolutions in a few minutes by modifying simple variables, so whoever decided that options only up to 1080p is fine seems just ignorant of what PC gamers use these days.


They removed Lightning's message from the game. I'm so disappointed.

I'm pretty sure they're still on the loading screens when you're loading up a save, unless my memory's playing tricks on my and those are a different thing.

Kind of a pain if you want to see them all though (since you'd have to reload the save every time you progress a quest). I wish they were more visible.


I wrote off this game like many so I never knew the soundtrack was so god-tier. Definitely my favorite FF soundtrack now.


Out of curiosity, how long is the game if I'm playing with a guide which will allow me to be done with most of the stuff at the end of day 4?


Out of curiosity, how long is the game if I'm playing with a guide which will allow me to be done with most of the stuff at the end of day 4?
Not very long. Honestly the game is extremely quick if you don't care about perfect leveling your abilities. If you want perfect abilities for every ability then that will take a long time but it's incredibly pointless because the game is so damn easy even if you don't lower the atb cost at all or power the spells up to max.

If you just play the game, killing whatever is in your way, to complete the game and quests then it's very quick. Over 90% of the power up side quests are very fast to do.

Doing the main quests is very quick, far too quick imo.

Game is far too easy for my liking. There's no challenge whatsoever to this game.

Dr Dogg

Is the Cheat Engine method the only way to run the game higher than 1080p right now?

You can modify the executable to replace the resolutions to what you want. Still misses the depth of field resolution and you would be overwriting one resolution for another so not as flexible as using Cheat Engine but if you wanted to replace 1920x1080 with 3840x2160 and fire and forget then it will work.

Regards to scaling, you'd need to select Full Screen as you Display Type and Scale Display Area to Standard to get bilinear scaling (as you get with DSR) but screen shots would only be at your deskto presolution and already resampled. If you wanted full resolution screen shots you'd need to set you desktop resolution to 3840x2160 for example and then you'd get raw, unaltered captures.

Couple of examples bellow.
5120x2160 rendering res resampled in game to 2560x2160 said:
5120x2160 rendering res captured as full resolution with no resampling said:
These were both captured using a modified executable replacing 1920x1080 with 5120x2160. On a 2560x2160 monitor or less at 100% zoom you shouldn't be able to tell the difference. End of the day none of this is ideal and SE should have enumerated resolutions via Windows and handed this off the game and then none of this trivial fucking about would be necessary.


Played a lot during the weekend, finished all main quests and now I lost interest. The first time I played through the game this happened too, but that time I wanted to see what happened so I kept playing, this time not so much. All in all I feel like the game lacks meaningful content to last 14 days, but is still very fun up until you do all main quests, which may happen sooner or later depending on your play style. In my case I'm on day 6 with all main quests done and about 30 side quests and Canvas of Prayers quests each.

The combat is great of course, and the general smoothness of it on PC is even better, but there's only so much that can do to keep me interested at least, specially having already played through this once.

One thing I realised now is how Caius and Yeul serve basically as plot devices despite having potential for far more interesting development than Lightning's internal feeling of being hollow and half-human half-god.

Yesterday I read about how the Yeuls get a bit more exposure on the novellas released before and after both FFXIII-2 and LR, but I feel like that should have been in the game.

The XIII trilogy really had potential for greatness, and while it achieves some really great stuff in some areas like the audio department, the story is really just a bunch of undercooked ideas thrown together, specially the things introduced in XIII-2 and LR.

I hope we see Yeul again though.

As Etro in FFXV. teehee


Yeah but it's clearly not a technical issue on the engine side as I can switch resolutions in a few minutes by modifying simple variables, so whoever decided that options only up to 1080p is fine seems just ignorant of what PC gamers use these days.

I know, I did read your posts, that's why it's even weirder!


You can modify the executable to replace the resolutions to what you want. Still misses the depth of field resolution and you would be overwriting one resolution for another so not as flexible as using Cheat Engine but if you wanted to replace 1920x1080 with 3840x2160 and fire and forget then it will work.

Regards to scaling, you'd need to select Full Screen as you Display Type and Scale Display Area to Standard to get bilinear scaling (as you get with DSR) but screen shots would only be at your deskto presolution and already resampled. If you wanted full resolution screen shots you'd need to set you desktop resolution to 3840x2160 for example and then you'd get raw, unaltered captures.

Couple of examples bellow.

These were both captured using a modified executable replacing 1920x1080 with 5120x2160. On a 2560x2160 monitor or less at 100% zoom you shouldn't be able to tell the difference. End of the day none of this is ideal and SE should have enumerated resolutions via Windows and handed this off the game and then none of this trivial fucking about would be necessary.

What values are you modifying in the executable? I've modified the two 1920x1080 strings and the ones with the format and it still just goes to 1080p.



lol , i beat
, is that bad ?
i noticed you can go to any boss without order.

i am not using any sub schema , is they important ? can i use more then 3 schema in a battle ?
lol , i beat

i am not using any sub schema , is they important ? can i use more then 3 schema in a battle ?

Sub schema are just there for you to quickly switch them with your main schema out of battle, so you don't need to constantly be creating new schemas. You can only use 3 at a time in battle.
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