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Logan Review Thread - Go Fuck Yourself out of 5

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Never, ever believe reviews from early viewers, not saying the movie won't be good but we all know why they're early viewers...

You aren't wrong, but these early positive reviews are from very credible outlets: Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, IndieWire, Vanity Fair, Guardian, Entertainment Weekly, IGN, and The Wrap.


Wow the reviews sound insanely good. Im curious if the ending goes like i think it will. Cant wait to see it.

holy shit



Wow so glad to see logan reviewing well.
Thankfully x-men rights are with fix not marvel or we would have wisecracking logan who may have killed one or two guys in history while making fun of them
That's too bad. I felt like Beltrami was meant for great things a decade or so ago. It hasn't really panned out so far but I always have hope whenever I see his name.

His scores to both Gods of Egypt, Fan4stic (with Phillip Glass of all people) and Seventh Son were by far the actual "best" thing about those films on a non-ironic level.

Honestly, I thought his The Wolverine score was fine. I think it was just meant to be "there", really. Outside of the film, it's really more of an interesting experiment, can't say it's very good, though. I'm expecting much more of the same with Logan.


GAF also has a lot of hardcore MCU fans that will hate on any Fox movie no matter how good it is. They really want Marvel Studios to get the X-men back so to them Fox can do nothing right..

Bullshit, even the hardcore MCU fans on here don't want the Xmen in the MCU. I have seen nothing but excitement for Logan from the typical MCU posters.
Only FF was a target of these posts and if you want to argue that FF was a good movie, I'm even more surprised you are capable of operating a PC.


semen stains the mountaintops
There is one Johnny Cash song that appears in the movie. It is not Hurt.

I bet it's A Boy Named Sue.
Bullshit, even the hardcore MCU fans on here don't want the Xmen in the MCU. I have seen nothing but excitement for Logan from the typical MCU posters.
Only FF was a target of these posts and if you want to argue that FF was a good movie, I'm even more surprised you are capable of operating a PC.

Yeah, I don't think I've seen many, if any at all, asking for X-Men to return to Marvel. Fox is doing a good job with X-Men.
So glad it worked great! Gotta give props for letting Logan be it's own thing and not worry about setting up or connecting to other films.

So long Hugh and thanks for the memories :(
Mortal Kombat dialed down by 2 notches.

I think it's the most violent superhero movie I've ever seen. Definitely the most violent in the X-Men series. Deadpool isn't fucking with this.

There's a couple times people basically just get turned into shredded beef. Like - completely shredded. Taco meat type-shit.


I really liked it!

jesus fucking Christ you two. You're going to give me a heart attack.
the fuck?

1) This movie needs no post-credits stinger, and shouldn't have one.
2) a THREE MINUTE post-credits stinger isn't a stinger. That's a full-on scene.

I don't know if there's ever been a "stinger" that goes that long in any of these movies, has there?
the fuck?

1) This movie needs no post-credits stinger, and shouldn't have one.
2) a THREE MINUTE post-credits stinger isn't a stinger. That's a full-on scene.

I don't know if there's ever been a "stinger" that goes that long in any of these movies, has there?

Wait, is this in response to someone saying there should be a three minute stinger or is there actually a three minute stinger.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Alright, now that I'm out of my meeting, here's some bullet point thoughts from my press screening last night.

- The best Wolverine and Charles performance there was and ever will be in this entire franchise,no question.

-They totally nail the gritty western tone through and through and it starts out as a great character study in the beginning too. It delivers on this for 2/3s of the movie, but for me, it fizzles out late in the second and all of the third act. It starts doing the same old silliness that's tired out the rest of the franchise. It's as if it had a hard time trying to tie up all the great stuff they started with. The emotional payoffs could have been better, but the very ending is right on the money though.

- Like I said, Laura's more of a Maguffin. She's pretty badass and has her moments as a character, but that's about it. People who keep expecting a TLOU/Road father-child dynamic should temper the expectations. It's got the DNA but it does not deliver in the same way whatsoever.

- Action made good use of its R-rating -- people get fucked in a lot of interesting ways. That said, it's pretty standard for the most part and there are some points the camera "Bourne's" itself

- Soundtrack was pure background noise.

Overall, I give it a solid B.

Now some minor spoiler deets

- In terms of the timeline
there's two ways you could see it. 1.) It's basically a Frankensteined timeline of X1, X2, and The Wolverine -- whether DoFP happens or not is never really adressed. Then again 2.) DoFP could still have happened and like Roberts said earlier, the same past events in the films could still happen but we just have to assume they did so differently.
Either way, some past references include
Charles talking about the events of the first X-Men film and Yukio's blade (or his?) hanging around Logan's room.

- The yellow costume is
dead. bury it. consider this your last warning.
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