The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars 1
The end of the show gave me almost everything I wanted, except for 1 thing and well, this fix it right from the start with a cool kiss scene.
Pretty nice art all throughout the volume and the story set up isn't half bad.
It was also nice to see the coming out scenes with family and friends cheering and approving. Maybe a bit cheesy in a way but I approve of it, also because the drama for now seems focused on another aspect, mainly a misunderstanding that is sure to bring in a war between spirits and humans.
I did find it weird how it just came out that Katara was bi, and some past avatar was also bi.
Anyways, Turf Wars feels off to a great start and I recommend it to anyone who liked the Korra show and wants to see more of Korra and Asami.
Oh I didn't know this counted as manga
Yeah I read it too a few days ago; I really like the Avatar TLA continuation comics, and this pretty much hits the same notes. Expanding on the relationship established at the end of the series is certainly something which I think was greatly needed and this more or less does the job. The rest of the story seems to have gotten glossed over but they'll probably focus more on it in the next issue. Mako's reaction was interesting and I wonder if that will lead to anything narratively in the future (actually reminded me of my own reaction when a friend from high school came out to me; I was awkward af because I was just ignorant at the time and had no experience in such matters).