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Manga News/Discussion |OTL| Not a lick of constructive conversation here

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By that I mean both that plot point and the character herself became completely irrelevant. To the extent she even shows up, she doesn't seem to do anything about it. I mean, for most of that time he didn't even have any powers or anything.

It's going to be as relevant as Hinata's love confession. If we're "lucky", we'll get a time skip at the end of the manga, where both of them are married and have a kid. I never expected any development.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's going to be as relevant as Hinata's love confession. If we're "lucky", we'll get a time skip at the end of the manga, where both of them are married and have a kid. I never expected any development.

Its probably because shonen authors aren't competent to develop an arc like that beyond anguished love declarations (so they end up occurring, but unresolved) and the second is that they don't like closing any particular character arcs until the last possible second (so shippers don't lose their shit). Its dumb.

Ichigo's got no time for romance!

There was a huge time skip during which he wasn't doing anything at all. At the very least, Ichigo didn't actually hear what Orihime was saying since she was in ghost form or whatever. Naruto doesn't really have an excuse; I'm vaguely surprised that Kishi didn't just outright retcon it and have him say he didn't remember that thing occurring.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
No romance in Bleach plz

Well, it already...exists, I suppose. I'm not saying anyone really wants to see Ichigo on dates or anything, I'm just saying its kind of dumb when plot threads get created and then forgotten about for years.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
One Piece:
I for one am tired of this:


And then they get clobbered one chapter later.

Masaki is so moe~

Proof that even the greatest shinobi are no match for BUSHINS.
Varying breast size is one of Bleach's greatest assets.

One Piece

Oh man, oh man, I am hyped up by this.

As mentioned by others: We have a LONG LONG arc ahead of us for sure.

The sheer number of antagonists, the divergent plot lines and not to mention the large number of characters and events that have morals and standings that aren't easy to figure out. Beyond that: We're still clearly in the build-up phase, each chapter adding more and more onto the pile of things that need to be solved.

Tournament related:
-> Did that Bartolomeo character get shown? I'm curious about his name (sooo similar to Kuma, is that a translation thing or what?)

I'm presuming he's gonna be the Block B winner. Why else mention the name but not show him?


block A: Mr.Store a.k.a Jesus Burgess
block B: Bartolomeo
block C: Lucy a.k.a Luffy
block D: Rebecca

is my prediction for the winners, Bartolomeo being interesting because he's apparently a "crazy" rookie from the year after Whitebeard's death. A period where standing out most likely wasn't particularly easy. (because the entire world was in chaos.)

Assuming the Dofla crew was mentioned in order this'd mean:

block A: Senor Pink v.s. Jesus Burgess
block B: Dellinger v.s. Bartolomeo
block C: Lucy v.s. Lao G
block D: Rebecca v.s. Machvise

This set up makes sense in my eyes as it'd do two important things:

1. It pairs Luffy up with the strongest looking and most frequently shown Dofla crewmember.

2. It pairs Rebecca with arguably the weakest looking of the bunch, making her potential victory non surprising without overhyping her. (It is a female in OP after all.)


After this it becomes a bit less predictable, I'm presuming the victors will get 1 v.s. 1 matches. Assuming all challengers win this can mean:

A v.s. B and C v.s. D (Luffy fights Rebecca)
A v.s. D and B v.s. C (Luffy fights Bartlomeo)
A v.s. C and B v.s. D (Luffy fights Jesus)

I'm leaving this open until we know for sure who the 4th person is and what they're like though. If someone like Cavendish makes it into the top 4 (as some have mentioned) he'll get his ass kicked one way or another. But a "crazy rookie" sounds like they might fare a lot better. (After all, OP seems a lot better at "new generations surpassing old ones" than Naruto)

Anyway, that's my basic tournament predictions.


A few minor remarks:

1. The blind old dude's not joining (he was shown in the audience and at no point did Luffy notice him in the chambers, which'd be odd)
however he's very high on the: "could disrupt"-charts.

2. The prince has threat levels barely higher than Duval. If he'd win round 1 I doubt it'd be for any other reason than to show how badass
Dofla's crew is (by curbstomping him). There's more interesting outcomes than that.


Junior Member


The one thing I can't get tired of in Bleach is the patent trolling between Urahara and Aizen.


2. The prince has threat levels barely higher than Duval. If he'd win round 1 I doubt it'd be for any other reason than to show how badass
Dofla's crew is (by curbstomping him). There's more interesting outcomes than that.

The dude had a 200 mill bounty as a rookie with no devil fruit. I think you're vastly underestimating how powerful he might be.
The dude had a 200 mill bounty as a rookie with no devil fruit. I think you're vastly underestimating how powerful he might be.

It's pretty obvious Luffy's not interested in him, that's good enough for me.

The size of his bounty is two bellamies duct taped together, that's in curbstomp territory.
I'm curious how round #1 will be shown for Luffy actually.

We saw Jesus curbstomping the entire arena..or more specifically: saw the result of it.

I'm assuming the other two fights (not-luffy) will be shown similarly, 1 page of the clear winner.

This probably means that any contestant with a "Face" like Bellamy etc will have to face Luffy in round #1 or they probably won't get shown at all, right?
Just knowing that she got killed by Grand Fisher really hampers everthing she does in my eyes.

Yea I already made a comment on that :(

Makes me wish that Orihime was half as good and useful.

That fullbring arc bullshit still stings

What was Urahara even doing

Chillin like a boss

why did the hollow bite her instead of slashing her like it did with ichigo's dad? it it sexist?

It's Kubo's attempt at sexual innuendo.



in cat form?



Nobunaga No Chef 8

I, for one, am glad that Ken does different dishes in the drama and that we actually see him cooking.


One Piece

I totally overread the part with the rookie from a year ago "Bartolomeo" question is if he is strong..don't like it that Kuma has already almost the same name.

Also totally forgot that the one samurai has to be in the arena.

Maaaan I want it already to be next week


I'm curious how round #1 will be shown for Luffy actually.

We saw Jesus curbstomping the entire arena..or more specifically: saw the result of it.

I'm assuming the other two fights (not-luffy) will be shown similarly, 1 page of the clear winner.

This probably means that any contestant with a "Face" like Bellamy etc will have to face Luffy in round #1 or they probably won't get shown at all, right?

I guess Oda will just show the 3 remaining fights, because he would not have introduced that many characters if he won't use it. I'm thinking the 3 division winners will be cavendish, rebecca and lucy. each of them facing off those bribed fighters and some members of doflamingo's crew.
I guess Oda will just show the 3 remaining fights, because he would not have introduced that many characters if he won't use it. I'm thinking the 3 division winners will be cavendish, rebecca and lucy. each of them facing off those bribed fighters and some members of doflamingo's crew.

I'm pretty sure the Dofla crew members don't come until after the battle royale.
I will say this: Aizen is a super inspiring villain in his badass wackery.

I kinda wanna put an Aizen in my own comic somehow, I just don't know how to make him so ... perfect.


One Piece

Oh man, this was pretty crazy. I love this kind of "OH MAN A BUNCH OF LEGENDARY PEOPLE THAT WILL NEVER MATTER". It's just more detail, dunno what's so bad about that. There were plenty of times people pissed their pants from Luffy's 100m bounty, and he'd easily be the biggest star there if he revealed himself, so it makes sense from them to freak out over relative "nobodies".

Holy crap @ Bellamy and Burgass. Bellamy's gonna be one-shotted somehow, and Burgass will be a non-conclusion somehow. Holy crap nonetheless.

Anyway, I'm not sure I can see Bianca Rebecca winning her division. She had trouble with small fry, and it's obvious her presence at the tournament isn't that relevant to the story (she'll obviously appear again regardless since her goal coincides with Luffy's beyond the tournament). We WILL definitely see how she meets her end in the tournament, in detail, but that doesn't mean we'll see it in the 1-on-1s. Also I predict that however she loses, it will be slightly unfair towards her. Also the statue is 100% someone we know by now (considering the 20 years ago thing, he could be someone who dropped the Colosseum for being in Roger's crew).
Same goes to the prince.

Also, are we certain that the Bartolomeo dude isn't really Bartholomew and the translation was just dumb? Where's aohige when we need him...! Then he would be related to Kuma. Either way he's a clear winner for one of the divisions, or at least a standout during the division fight.
Bleach 532

Thank goodness Gin had lines. Really him and Aizen made this chapter a blast especially with the moment in remembrance of Uruhara. Kind of disappointed in Isshin, how can he be so weak.


Bleach 532

Thank goodness Gin had lines. Really him and Aizen made this chapter a blast especially with the moment in remembrance of Uruhara. Kind of disappointed in Isshin, how can he be so weak.[/QUOTE]

He got stealth attacked from behind dude...
Hajime no Ippo:
Okay, I teared up at that last page. Glad to see Volg finally get his victory. It was a fantastic fight from start to finish.

One Piece:
Some of these new characters seem cool, although it's still early on. I can't wait to see how Bellamy gets humiliated this time. Seeing Burgess show up was a nice surprise.

It's finally over! No more suffering through this shitty flashback. Praise Kishimoto.
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