MCU and MCTVU, while connected, aren't great at bridging to each other. MCTVU-Netflix is a whole other ballgame tbh.
Oh, I didn't mean a direct connection. Daredevil is 'established' by Avengers mostly through conversation, newspaper clippings, etc., setting up a world in which costumed heroes run around. I feel like Iron Fist could be established by Doctor Strange the same way; people talking about the events of the film and the introduction of fantastical elements as part of the background noise and the reality of their world. You never
see any of them, but when Owlsley talks about their profits going up whenever they appear, that feels like something a less-than-reputable businessman would actually say in the face of that situation. It grounds something utterly fantastical, and I feel like if they can do it with the Avengers, mystic / magic elements like Iron Fist aren't that much of a stretch beyond that... maybe.
After seeing how rough Agents of Shield inter-played with Winter Soldier and Age of Ultron, a direct connection is... yeah...
I don't think it's so much about a "shock" of having fantastical elements. That's not a problem at all. The problem that I suspect is that the Netflix Marvel branding is being sold as a series of grounded "street level" heroes dealing with crime and corruption. Everyman stuff, flavored with superhero powers. So if they just did something like Immortal Iron Fist with full Mortal Kombat fantasy set in Kun-Lun, that will have a totally different tone from that rest of the brand.
Yeah, I get what you mean. Without containing the Kun-Lun elements in flashbacks and such, it's going to be a hard sell. The episodic nature would make it hard to pull off something like Batman Begins where the first half of the movie is essentially an extended training montage.
I dunno. I also worry that the Grounded / "Street Level" thing is going to get old after three series (and two seasons of Daredevil), so maybe a little more fantastical approach would be a breath of fresh air. That's not to say Daredevil / JJ / Luke Cage are going to be tonally identical, but I think everyone at this point kind of knows they're going to be similar.
We'll see. I would have totally laughed at making a character like Iron Fist into a series before Daredevil, but after that I'm okay seeing where this goes. I actually put Daredevil ahead of a lot of the MCU movies.