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Marvel's Daredevil S2 *Spoiler Thread* |OT| Elektra Boogaloo - March 18th on Netflix

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
It would be interesting to see Thor give a press conference where he talks about his homeland and his nature as a humanoid alien. Or I suppose Thor's details could have been exposed in Black Widow's data dump of SHIELD files (god, what an awful ending to such a good movie). Otherwise, I don't see how "Thor is an alien" would become public knowledge.

too many people are involved in the Avengers and Shield operations and other event, disasters and successes.

SOMEBODY will talk, SOMEONE is some journalist's source. Not only BW's data dump but with the public nature the events and people now a days have cellphone camera's, Shield splitting(so former agents will leak stuff), the Senator being Hydra...too many opportunities an dots for journalist to connect to at least have an idea that Thor is not a "God".


They nailed The Punisher, Jon Bernthal nailed The Punisher

That scene in episode 2:
When he is about the leave the pawnshop, and the owner mentions child porn, goosebumps. The look on his face, the way he flips the sign. Time for some punishment.
I think it's completely reasonable that they're still have issues with mystical ninjas and people coming back from the dead, in light of the Incident or the existence of Thor. People can compartmentalize ideas and just because one fantastical thing exists doesn't mean something necessarily does.

It's easy to say aliens exist so everyone at this point should have an open-mind about other "outrageous" ideas, but you can't say that's the case for everybody. We just had a man stay in space for a year but people still think we faked the moon landing.

Thats the thing though - Daredevil couldn't even entertain the suggestion that any of that occult bullshit had any foundation in reality, even when he himself has both seen inklings of it, if not dealt with it directly in on single instance (his encounter with Gao in season 1). The fact that Stick had to remind him he is a Catholic when talking about something involving the occult & faith felt so out of place. I get it, its not just Matt Murdock - all of the MCU hasn't dipped its toes in that lake just yet.

Theres skeptical, and there is the extreme eye-rolling & dismissiveness that Matt treated any of that stuff with, regardless of where he was hearing it from. 40 story hole? He just shrugs it off as if its nbd.


Fuck, they even half-assed intersecting Punisher/Daredevil in the finale by having Punisher show up earlier and mow down Ninjas, as others pointed out. The 'oh no, an army' thing is so dumb, because Matt and Elektra fuck said army up with relative ease.
yeah hated the way they handled that part, they showed a pretty huge army of some 40- 50 guys running along the rooftops and the guys downstairs trying to get up and when they get out like 15 ninjas wait for them...

was going all the time "oh shit this is where the Punisher comes in to help them! aaany time now... okay they are kinda loosing so now! no? god dammit the fight is almost over -.-" then he just kills some 4 dudes from a far with a sniper riffle

but overall enjoyed it, Electra and Punisher were amazing, Rosario Dawson telling him to be a fucking human being for 5 minutes was great, the Fisk stuff was great etc

I just wish they stop trying to make Karen/Matt happen... Electra/Matt was great, the Rosario/Matt romance in season 1 was a lot better too


A Karen/Matt romance doesn't work because they have practically no scenes together. We'd go for long stretches of time where they don't interact at all. Both in Season 1 and Season 2. That's why a Foggy/Karen romance seems more plausible, in spite of the writers trying to force the Matt/Karen romance. Foggy and Karen actually have a ton of scenes together and a ton of bonding moments.
Everyone ended up where they deserved.

Karen became a journalist, hunting truth.
Foggy is recognized as a great attorney and gets a good job.
Matt is left alone because he's a fucking asshole.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Needed more Fisk, hopefully in season 3. Shane was great as the Punisher and I definitely want to see more of him, same goes for Elektra. Overall I loved it and wish I could freeze myself for awhile until it's back.
The highlights of this season to me were Fisk's Cameos and The Punisher.

I found myself not especially caring about Matt's interpersonal relationships, and the season seemed to kind of drag on without a real central antagonist. I don't think Castle fit into that mode, and fighting "the Hand" in "the War" just didn't do very much for me. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't as good as season 1 was.

Looking forward to more Kingpin and more Punisher in whatever capacity they're around in for DD and the other MCU netflix shows.

I did like that Foggy is going to work for Hogarth, though. I liked the Jessica Jones callbacks. When Defenders happens, it's gonna be interesting.


OMG. I just finished episode 3. The fight against the biker gang down the stairwell is fucking EPIC!

Yeah. That whole sequence was really, REALLY good.


A Karen/Matt romance doesn't work because they have practically no scenes together. We'd go for long stretches of time where they don't interact at all. Both in Season 1 and Season 2. That's why a Foggy/Karen romance seems more plausible, in spite of the writers trying to force the Matt/Karen romance. Foggy and Karen actually have a ton of scenes together and a ton of bonding moments.

This. I mean, it isn't the most out-of-left-field plot in a show, but it was a pointless attempt at some character development that these characters didn't need.

Weird, because we got a satisfying end to the three main good guys, but they took some unnecessary detours to get there, approaching Arrow levels of bad plotting.


Season 2 was good. Punisher was the obvious highlight. The rest was ranging from good to ok.

Still better than half the shit on TV now.


Loaded With Aspartame
It's probably not great that I'm spending the 2nd half of this season skipping any scene with daredevil/Matt in it. This hand subplot is just terrible. The new show runners this season really didn't live up to the previous one.

The Punisher actor is fantastic though.


Just finished the series, I didn't enjoy it as much as season 1 tbh. The story of Wisk last season was too me far more compelling than The Hand. But it was good to see The Punisher done really well, and the return of Fisk, plus some good nods to Jessica Jones.

Anyway I have a few questions. Some I expect I may have just missed something obvious but also just in case there is any further info from the comics:

1) What was the deal with the train car full of dirt?
2) What was the deal with the big hole?
3) What was the story with Schoonover? Was he The Blacksmith?
4) What exactly is that coffin thing that was being filled with blood we saw Elektra in? I guess a regeneration pod kind of thing? Also was there anything else about the mindless slave kids?
5) Was Elektra The Black Sky or A Black Sky? Cos there was another kid killed last season over this same issue


Anyway I have a few questions. Some I expect I may have just missed something obvious but also just in case there is any further info from the comics:

1) What was the deal with the train car full of dirt?
2) What was the deal with the big hole?
3) What was the story with Schoonover? Was he The Blacksmith?
4) What exactly is that coffin thing that was being filled with blood we saw Elektra in? I guess a regeneration pod kind of thing? Also was there anything else about the mindless slave kids?
5) Was Elektra The Black Sky or A Black Sky? Cos there was another kid killed last season over this same issue

1. The dirt in the train car was from the big hole.
2. The big hole was so they could fill train cars with dirt.
3. Yes.
4a. No idea
4b. Good guess, in the comics
Elektra does get resurrected by the Hand.
4c. No idea.
5. A Black Sky, in that there's more than one; you're remembering S1 correctly.
What was the Colonel talking about? What happened in Kandahar?






Yeah, sorry, couldn't help myself. They literally didn't explain what the hell the hole is for. I see folks saying the Giant Japanese Coffin-thing is what they were digging up, but then, why was it buried in New York?

Personally? I think the writers just wanted to put a literal plot hole in to fuck with people.

What was the Colonel talking about? What happened in Kandahar?

I may be reading between the lines more than a little here, but I assumed they were implying something similar to what (allegedly) went on with Air America during the Vietnam War. The super-short version is that a CIA front company, Air America, may have been involved with smuggling chemical precursors and refined heroin in and out of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam to support anti-communist forces in those countries. That's also the plot of Lethal Weapon; former Special Forces soldiers use their contacts to smuggle heroin after the war (and ironically, a movie based on Air America stars Mel Gibson.. and Tony Stark, gasp!).

Afghanistan was basically ruled by opium warlords after the Soviets withdrew but before the Taliban declared opium as "un-Islamic" and banned it. Once the US drove them out, the warlords returned and in some cases the US even works with them now to scout out terrorists, and opium growth continues to increase today despite attempts to stop it. You can read more here if you care; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_production_in_Afghanistan

All of that is the long way of saying I think Frank's unit was involved in some serious shit related to drug warlords in Kandahar that would look bad for everyone involved if it ever got out. I'm probably wrong though, but that's my pet theory.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
The Punisher was so much more interesting than Daredevil himself.


The Punisher was so much more interesting than Daredevil himself.

I would say he's more interesting than Elektra. DareDevil is a great character and that scene on the rooftop where they just talk is amazing.

That's something we never got in any of the Punisher movies; a scene where he defends why he kills.
Was happy with everything. Loved the setups for Micro, hopefully it's shitty MAX Micro. Glad they're also visiting classics like revived Elektra with the hand, and Fisk digging into Matt's other life.

Was REALLY hoping they were gonna have The Gorgon is that stone tube, oh well.

OT: I really liked the way they did Frank, I'm disappointed he isn't exactly Garth Ennis, but it's nice to see another take on such a fucking wasted character.


Karen didn't really do anything to deserve an office position.

I was thinking the same thing. It took her how long to write that article? In an era where print is dead no newspaper would waste that amount of resources on a story.

Ep. 11-13 are a trainwreck. There's no getting around it. I'm not opposed to the Hand in concept like some people who want to see the show stay grounded, but they gotta do a better job in execution. Scott Glenn is great but the rest of the arc is just not entertaining.

S3 Kingpin vs. Matt should be decent at least. Can't wait to see the hell Fisk unleashes on Matt.
I really hope S3 picks up at the scene with Matt telling Karen he's Daredevil, and not some bullshit fast forward 6 months thing.

I have been waiting for that scene for 2 seasons and it's very important to me to see how she, and he, react and handle that exchange, in the moment.


Overall thoughts:

Season 2 was better than season 1. And season 1 was already really fucking amazing with 2-3 kind of "meh" episodes that were pretty slow.

Punisher was perfectly done. Zero complaints. Looking forward to the spinoff.

Elektra was okay. The character and her arc felt a little underdeveloped. In the comic, is there a reason why she uses Sai's as her weapon? I'm under the impression that there was a real reason why but in the show it just seems like she just decided to use the Sai after that assassin fails in his mission.

The whole Black Sky thing seems to be something unique to this show. I googled it and it doesn't seem to be something from the comics. I thought the implementation of this idea left a little to be desired. It's probably foreshadowing for Defenders but my overall impression is "meh."

The final battle was pretty good but not quite as good as the one from season 1.


I watched Ep1 and part of Ep2 yesterday (or Sunday now, I guess) and then just finished up watching all the rest. Absolutely brilliant and a great follow-up to season 1. There were some parts that drug, like Karen running around playing private investigator (I'm not looking forward to her getting the newspaper editor or Detective Brett killed either but I could see them betting "Ulrich'd" because of her at some point). And the reveal that the Col "General Eiling" was The Blacksmith happened minutes after I figured out it was going to be him; Karen asked him if he liked Frank and next thing I know I am saying out loud "They came back to this guy for some reason... Aww fuck, he's going to be The Blacksmith, isn't he?"
But all in all the season worked for me. I figured Bernthal and Elodie Yung would do killer jobs when they were announced and that proved correct (for some reason I thought Yung was really short but she didn't seem like it next to Cox). There was some amazing choreography in the fight scenes, and while I know most people love the prison fight, the stairway fight sits a bit higher than that one for me. I really liked both of the Daredevil costumes and thought Elektra's wardrobe was decent as well. D'Onfrio was a much more imposing Fisk this time around.

About the only thing I wished I could have gotten more of was some more courtroom/legal stuff. One of my favorite scenes early in the first half of the season is Foggy and Matt out-maneuvering the DA outside of Frank's hospital room when they wanted to discuss representing him. I said last season that I love the courtroom stuff in Law and Order: SVU and wanted more of it from DD. Well we did get more of it this time but I would have liked even more. A couple more cases would have been nice. It was the same thing as in JJ with her being the private eye for the first couple episodes and then focus shifted away from that and onto the main story; the first couple episodes this season saw the pair in their law firm rolls and then focus shifts to the Castle case, their bills get paid by Elektra, and then no new cases gets explained away by the DA ruining their name. I wish we got to see more of the day jobs from the leads in DD and JJ instead of it being the introduction to the season.

Another thing I wished for was a Season One Blu Ray release to coincide with this. I will watch a show on Netflix but if I feel like I want to rewatch it, I buy it. I waited this whole time and kind of forgot about it, then I look it up today only to find that there is no new news about a home release. Come on already, Netflix.
I can't get over how cringe-worthy bad the guy who plays Fisk's acting is. It was much better than S1 in S2, but it's still the absolute weakest thing in the entire show. Hardly a proper or relevant sample, yet all of my British friends feel the same about Fisk, whereas my American friends love him - I can't account for why the difference though :/

But otherwise, a bloody great series - much better pacing than S1 and JJS1 - I just hope to god we get an S3 next year.


I can't get over how cringe-worthy bad the guy who plays Fisk's acting is. It was much better than S1 in S2, but it's still the absolute weakest thing in the entire show. Hardly a proper or relevant sample, yet all of my British friends feel the same about Fisk, whereas my American friends love him - I can't account for why the difference though :/

But otherwise, a bloody great series - much better pacing than S1 and JJS1 - I just hope to god we get an S3 next year.

D'Onofrio's Fisk has a childishness about him, which makes perfect sense for a character prone to tantrums and throwing people down elevator shafts. He's constantly puffing himself up and projecting, acting tough publicly to intimidate those around him. He's a scary guy, but as we see in the first season, he's a naturally quite reserved and even shy man in private.

My favourite character moment from season 2 was how he had writing pads full of notes in prison. This kind of clerical work is something Fisk confessed to having great difficulty with. Wesley handled it all for him in the past, but he was finding ways to adapt, become stronger.

On the surface what seems like an over the top performance is actually remarkably subtle. D'Onofrio is constantly finding ways to make a larger than life comicbook villain make sense as a real character. He's absolutely the best thing about the show.


D'Onofrio's Fisk has a childishness about him, which makes perfect sense for a character prone to tantrums and throwing people down elevator shafts. He's constantly puffing himself up and projecting, acting tough publicly to intimidate those around him. He's a scary guy, but as we see in the first season, he's a naturally quite reserved and even shy man in private.

My favourite character moment from season 2 was how he had writing pads full of notes in prison. This kind of clerical work is something Fisk confessed to having great difficulty with. Wesley handled it all for him in the past, but he was finding ways to adapt, become stronger.

On the surface what seems like an over the top performance is actually remarkably subtle. D'Onofrio is constantly finding ways to make a larger than life comicbook villain make sense as a real character. He's absolutely the best thing about the show.
D'Onofrio is top 5 best actor IMO. From Full metal jacket, men in black, especially law and order.. He's amazing.

He'll be back season 3


This felt a lot like they got 5 episodes in and then decided it'd be more fun to remake season 3 of Arrow.

People can bash S3 of Arrow all they want, but I'll take their Ra's over Nobu any fucking day of the week. Not the actors fault, but 'I am immortal and vague prophecy' isn't interesting if you, as an actor, are given absolutely nothing else to work with.

And this is why they should've had Bullseye in Nobu's place. Granted that's mostly because Bullseye's a dick and would've been all 'TROL-LOL-LO' about icing Elektra and it would've been hilariously fucked up.


Loaded With Aspartame
D'Onofrio's Fisk has a childishness about him, which makes perfect sense for a character prone to tantrums and throwing people down elevator shafts. He's constantly puffing himself up and projecting, acting tough publicly to intimidate those around him. He's a scary guy, but as we see in the first season, he's a naturally quite reserved and even shy man in private.

My favourite character moment from season 2 was how he had writing pads full of notes in prison. This kind of clerical work is something Fisk confessed to having great difficulty with. Wesley handled it all for him in the past, but he was finding ways to adapt, become stronger.

On the surface what seems like an over the top performance is actually remarkably subtle. D'Onofrio is constantly finding ways to make a larger than life comicbook villain make sense as a real character. He's absolutely the best thing about the show.

All of that 'subtlety' is in the script. D'Onofrio's acting in this is a overdone, over-graveled, turned to 11, ham fisted embarrassment.


Just finished, that was a lot of fun and had a few twists I liked.

I liked how the Blacksmith was revealed, I didn't see it coming and it ties into why Frank Castles does what he does.

Talking about him, the Punisher absolute stole the season, damn, I'll go as far as to say he carries it because every time he gets on the screen shit gets real. He doesn't talk a lot, but when he does is because he is about to drop some knowledge.

I really liked the use of Page and Foggy here. I complain I always have with superhero series is that they make their support characters either useless or bait, and here, even if Page was kidnapped/on trouble a lot, it worked for furthering the story and still made her feel important. Foggy was a boss in the law heavy episodes, covering for Matt when he was too busy.

Electra was the weak link for me this season, I don't know why but her character is too volatile for my taste, I get that is kind of the point but by the end her story arc feels rushed. I hope when she comes back she is not just full mindless zombie because that would be predictable and lame. Also, WTF Stick, you know they have a way to get immortality, why not just burn her body or something? Is this your game Stick? Is this part of your plan? And Matt can't be this dumb either, he has seen the same guy raise like nothing like 3 times, at least cut her head or something, jeeez.

So Punisher is going to get its own series, right? Right?

Edit: Oh and to add to the finale, by then Daredevil was in full "I don't give a fuck" mode and was ok with Electra and Punisher killing the jobbers, so I think he believes he killed Nobu. Or at least expected Stick to kill it for him. His original plan was to have him rot on hell and he had him restrained, so he totally was going for the kill there.
So who is going to be the Defenders villain(s)? The Hand? The weird company introduced in JJ? A character or group not yet introduced? I'm kind of at a loss. I looked up Defenders villains and there doesn't seem to be anybody they could realistically use. I don't think the Wrecking Crew would fit with the tone of the show and most of the rest wouldn't work with a limited budget.


So who is going to be the Defenders villain(s)? The Hand? The weird company introduced in JJ? A character or group not yet introduced? I'm kind of at a loss. I looked up Defenders villains and there doesn't seem to be anybody they could realistically use. I don't think the Wrecking Crew would fit with the tone of the show and most of the rest wouldn't work with a limited budget.

I'm guessing whatever's in the hole.
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