So, I'm browsing vids on the DLC to get a feel for it, and I stumble across this Tali scene that presumably takes place after the main missions, so spoiler alert?
Absolutely incredibly cringe-worthy
Tearsare being shed.of laughter
There are not enough :lol smileys in the world.
Oh my god, what the hell, jesus
The pause after she stops singing, oh my god
So, I'm browsing vids on the DLC to get a feel for it, and I stumble across this Tali scene that presumably takes place after the main missions, so spoiler alert?
Absolutely incredibly cringe-worthy
Tearsare being shed.of laughter
There are not enough :lol smileys in the world.
So, I'm browsing vids on the DLC to get a feel for it, and I stumble across this Tali scene that presumably takes place after the main missions, so spoiler alert?
Absolutely incredibly cringe-worthy
Tearsare being shed.of laughter
There are not enough :lol smileys in the world.
Wow. What? Well, I'll give credit (I suppose?) to BioWare for just saying fuck it and going completely batshit insane for this DLC. Makes it entertaining I guess.
And that awkward blank stare:
She/He was created in order to provide "spare parts" for Sheperd during their revival in the Lazarus Project. Eventually Illusive Man dumped them and it has gone rogue
She mainly thinks that the current Sheperd is inferior because it is burdened by the "trust" and "friendship" of her comrades.
So, I'm browsing vids on the DLC to get a feel for it, and I stumble across this Tali scene that presumably takes place after the main missions, so spoiler alert?
Absolutely incredibly cringe-worthy
Tearsare being shed.of laughter
There are not enough :lol smileys in the world.
The opening movie namedrop kinda reminds me of Deadly Premonition. Don't you agree, Zach?So, I'm browsing vids on the DLC to get a feel for it, and I stumble across this Tali scene that presumably takes place after the main missions, so spoiler alert?
Absolutely incredibly cringe-worthy
Tearsare being shed.of laughter
There are not enough :lol smileys in the world.
What the fuck.
No, seriously what the fuck?
Is this trying to be funny? Or is this supposed to be legitimate? I can't tell because the writing is so... so... fanfictiony. Even if it was supposed to be serious it was just embarrassing.
If the mass effect universe wasn't dead to me before, seeing this was the final nail in the coffin. Holy hell.
So, I'm browsing vids on the DLC to get a feel for it, and I stumble across this Tali scene that presumably takes place after the main missions, so spoiler alert?
Absolutely incredibly cringe-worthy
Tearsare being shed.of laughter
There are not enough :lol smileys in the world.
what the fuckSo, I'm browsing vids on the DLC to get a feel for it, and I stumble across this Tali scene that presumably takes place after the main missions, so spoiler alert?
Absolutely incredibly cringe-worthy
Tearsare being shed.of laughter
There are not enough :lol smileys in the world.
So, I'm browsing vids on the DLC to get a feel for it, and I stumble across this Tali scene that presumably takes place after the main missions, so spoiler alert?
Absolutely incredibly cringe-worthy
Tearsare being shed.of laughter
There are not enough :lol smileys in the world.
I literally died at this part. This can easily be one of the best fucking dlcs ever bought
Oh my god.
Ok maybe I will actually buy this.
And this used to be one of my favorite franchises......
So, I'm browsing vids on the DLC to get a feel for it, and I stumble across this Tali scene that presumably takes place after the main missions, so spoiler alert?
Absolutely incredibly cringe-worthy
Tearsare being shed.of laughter
There are not enough :lol smileys in the world.
The Tali video is a laugh. Ultimately from what I can gather this seems to be massively self-aware - "I should go" jokes, nods to how ridiculous Shepard being constantly ignored was, etc etc - and that Tali insanity, after them talking about Fleet and Flotila for two games as a background piece. Like, it's just one last piece of fun before these characters are probably largely gone forever. Let them have at it, I say. ME3 is plenty overwrought death and destruction, so this allows them to close out on those characters with something a little nicer.
If that were true then why isn't it funny?
Hehe,Javik's drunk.
So isTali lol. She's making Normandy sounds.
Oh my god.
Ok maybe I will actually buy this.
Did yousee her in the bathroom? lol
How big is Miranda's role in the DLC?
How big is Miranda's role in the DLC?
Does she give Shepard space-AIDS?I have a dream. A dream of the BioWare writers sitting in a room and going "You know who I'm really sick of? Tali fans. I mean, we've had to endure endless discussions about her hips, sick fanart like you wouldn't believe, scientific reactions on the composition of quarian sweat, I'm fucking sick of them. We threw them a curveball by showing her face, but fuck, these guys just don't quit. Let's fucking make everyone who romanced her regret it."
And they did. Bravo, BioWare.
Though there's still people bound to actually like this shit.
Going to spoiler this to be safe. No plot details, just general info - not just about Miranda, but what to expect from all old cast members in a vague way.
- All your squad members that are alive and around whenever you do these string of missions appear throughout. There's a party scene that brings everyone together, so you get to see evreybody interacting.
- After it's over you can 'invite people over' and share private scenes with them - as a friend or otherwise - so you can spend private time with Miranda as a friend or a lover.
- There's sections where you can use old friend as squad mates.
- At the end you unlock a combat simulator. It lets you battle the enemies from multiplayer, including the Collectors, at different difficulties. The entire ME2 cast (save Thane and Legion, who will both be dead by this point) and Wrex are usable in here as squad mates whenever you like, in any combination. Their skill trees are all-new for ME3, redesigned, but are based off their skill sets in previous games. You can have a Wrex and Grunt team, for instance, despite neither being proper squad mates in this game.
The last point in particular is, I think, pretty awesome. The final mission of the game should've been like that.
Damn... the scene when we return to the Normandyafter the party made me really sad. Especially when Ashley is all positive and saying she would wait for Shepard after he beats the odds and knowing the ending we got. Such a kick in the balls.
Did Ashley say this in a separate "romance" scene? I just browsed the BSN for the first time in over a year and saw a thread stating that Ash only had one separate scene with Shep.
I haven't gotten an option to see kolyat or any thing salarian.
Well, for meYeah, me neither. Though I did findMordin's datapad. Where he records a bunch of singing for you.
Where and how??