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Metal Gear Online Official Thread -- NeoGAF clan now up!


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
1stStrike said:
This is why, in theory, playing with the clan should be different cause everyone knows this stuff. However, it usually is about the same. No mics, very little communication of any sort, teamwork just isn't there for most people. Some people are good about it (Jason uses the codec stuff all the time even without his mic on). Most aren't.

Like, yesterday, when were playing on MM. There were a few snipers camping and all we needed to do was have one or two people keep them distracted while one or two people snuck around the other side and took them out..but everyone just charged straight in and kept dying. I kept trying to get around but it was pretty futile by myself when no one was working with me. And those of us with mics generally get ignored when we call targets anyway.

The clan is for better or worse
made up of people of wildly varying skill levels. Many people still have issues surviving ducking away from Jason, let alone using codec presets. Let people mature and grow their skills, the top tier players (except me) are more and more using the codec presets. Others will follow.

I wasn't playing but I'll totally still comment. People are dumb, I'm dumb. I totally would've ran straight into the meatgrinder a few times too. Flanking though is something a Mickey/Wesker/Jason/Me thing. You're an amazing sniper, just pop them, or better yet - Mosin them. The Mosin rarely works as a deterrent, but if you counter snipe the shit out of people they'll break and give it up. Some people are sniper snipers, but then many others just try it because they think it'll give them an advantage (especially when it comes to MM) kill or sleep them enough and they'll give in. Seemingly the last thing most top tier aggressive players want is a protracted sniper battle (right Jason?).

Edit: Become a solo dominate force first, teamwork later. Even though Jason and me rarely function cohesively people still want us on opposing teams.
its still too early to expect that much from all of us. 90% of the time im playing towards an objective thats is more or less connected with my Skills. leveling or trying something new out. i almost never play to win will i have had my ass handed to me several times in a row and cry at my overall K/D ( im so gonna be positive soon like 90 kills to go). we also do have a really wide range of skill sets, lots of above avg and super players.


Even without communication, I still use the communication tools when needed in team based games. Best one that you could possibly use is the "Enemy sighted!" one. Also I like to follow a teammate around a times. Give them back up when needed when I am sniping. It works 50% of the time. When I'm solo, I pick some camping spots for about a minute before moving. Or if I have a good kill count, move to the next area because you're exposed to whom you killed to where you are hiding. So it's a shoot and run game right now. Tactics are a little strange for use. Haven't really seen it fully utilized. Don't think you could unless everyone on your team is on with mics.

Curious when GAF had the battle with KojiPro. Did you all have mics or did you just play it?
CcrooK said:
Curious when GAF had the battle with KojiPro. Did you all have mics or did you just play it?

We all had mics. It was the first (and only) time the whole team worked as a complete unit. Even then becasue it was our first time we were still slopy. But what helped the most was the maps and diagrams Darkpen drew for us, we had whole battle strategies going in before the match.

The thing is, with me at least, I play at night, people are sleeping, I dont want to wake them. I dont even say much so a mic for me is something I dont feel like using much. I know the rules of the game, I can usually tell what is going on without communication, just through playing I can use teamwork.

For the most part I am just playing for fun when we play, its not a competition, its not a tournment so I really am not angry after playing if I lost (though while playing I am a raging crazy man, oh how I cursed thee Jason and Nozdeuce)


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
CcrooK said:
Curious when GAF had the battle with KojiPro. Did you all have mics or did you just play it?
They all had mics. The problem is there's a lot of carry over from active beta participants and our current active players. I think for many they've been there and done that during the beta, know what the game is all about, and simply just play for fun (which is fine). I'm not the only one wandering around in a box, some vets get into it too.

Edit: I called it! <3 Wesker


I'd use a mic but the Jabra brand I got when I got Warhawk a while back ago is just way too sensitive to talk in. So if like anything goes on in the background, noise happens and people get all pissy about it. Sucks really.


MiamiWesker said:
When this world tourney things start up I will start training for real, use mics all that. Till then, lets just have fun.

Word. It's funny though when Drebin points are up and I'm using my sniper, all I use is the M16 (M14?) and people cry "Nooooob!". Hahaha. Such a great weapon. Funny thing is, I use it more as an assault rifle.
Nozdeuce said:
I wasn't playing but I'll totally still comment. People are dumb, I'm dumb. I totally would've ran straight into the meatgrinder a few times too. Flanking though is something a Mickey/Wesker/Jason/Me thing. You're an amazing sniper, just pop them, or better yet - Mosin them. The Mosin rarely works as a deterrent, but if you counter snipe the shit out of people they'll break and give it up. Some people are sniper snipers, but then many others just try it because they think it'll give them an advantage (especially when it comes to MM) kill or sleep them enough and they'll give in. Seemingly the last thing most top tier aggressive players want is a protracted sniper battle (right Jason?).

Edit: Become a solo dominate force first, teamwork later. Even though Jason and me rarely function cohesively people still want us on opposing teams.

I would have run right into the fire again as well. The way I play, if someone kills me, there is a greater chance that I will go right after them. I will go back to the exact spot I died and try to kill the guy that killed me just to prove a point that the first time was luck. :p

Now if he kills me over and over then I will concede and try to find a new way to kill him.
I can hardly find any other GAF members online. Everyonce in a while I'll see someone from Saint Bernard Unit on, and I saw Guled on earlier today. I saw Nozdeuce in one game a few days ago, but other than that it has been pretty sparse. I would really like to play with other GAFfers so that we could completely trounce to competition. TROUNCE I SAY!
CcrooK said:
Word. It's funny though when Drebin points are up and I'm using my sniper, all I use is the M16 (M14?) and people cry "Nooooob!". Hahaha. Such a great weapon. Funny thing is, I use it more as an assault rifle.

It is a great weapon, its what I use to gain enough points to aquire my M4 Custom with scope. Once I have that I am set.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
stephendedalus said:
I can hardly find any other GAF members online. Everyonce in a while I'll see someone from Saint Bernard Unit on, and I saw Guled on earlier today. I saw Nozdeuce in one game a few days ago, but other than that it has been pretty sparse. I would really like to play with other GAFfers so that we could completely trounce to competition. TROUNCE I SAY!
I see you on all the time during the day. Daytime GAF is really really sporadic for actual GAF server and playing. A bunch of times I'll logon and check the roster and you're on a filled server somewhere, while there actually is a GAF game going. Mostly GAF games seem to take place later in the evening/night.

MiamiWesker said:
It is a great weapon, its what I use to gain enough points to aquire my M4 Custom with scope. Once I have that I am set.
That's the same setup I use whenever I'm not being an asstard.
We totally need to be on the same team more often, we can bludgeon together :D
Nozdeuce said:
That's the same setup I use whenever I'm not being an asstard.
We totally need to be on the same team more often, we can bludgeon together :D

Yes we do.

Oh last night I had such an awesome pistol moment. I was on with a friend so we went to a less experienced match. It was UU, I had my usual M4 and I went around the east side of the map that leads to the trash bin where you can get on top of that warehouse. Well I got up there and proceeded to kill people from everywhere, well my ammo ran out and I was being hunted so I switched to the GSR. I became a headshot killing machine. First I killed two guys coming down the alley, I then went up to that path, the one you can go along the edge of the map, basically be on top of the wall of the alley. I was up there and I went all the way to the corner, the one where the ladder is to get up on top of the brick building. Apparently no one looks up cause I killed like four guys with just the pistol from that spot. A thing of beauty, pistol killing is so much fun. :D


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
MiamiWesker said:
A thing of beauty, pistol killing is so much fun. :D
Sent you a PSN invite so we can correct this grievous error.

Was wondering what you were up to (and I guessed right) awesome pistol tale. I'm not at all surprised you were able to pull that off. It really is the most fun :D


looks like i'm done, guys. PS3 just stopped reading discs, and MGO is tied to a specific console :/ Not rebuying the game.


Facism said:
looks like i'm done, guys. PS3 just stopped reading discs, and MGO is tied to a specific console :/ Not rebuying the game.

What are you saying tied to a specific console? The last weekend I went to my old man's house and I played with the MGO I use here on his PS3 and it worked perfectly.

I don't want to lose my 1st and foremost stun nade throwing foe!


oh rly.

In that case i'll take it back to ASDA tomorrow and get them to replace it. Must backup my saves and shit.
has anyone ever thought of doing a 2vs2 tier system to rank everyone in gaf clans. i mean if there are those who want to cooperate than the best way to learn is with a buddy and watch is back and have him watch yours. this would also decide A - B - C teams for in clan competition. we would need a good realistic number of who is actively playing, so we could find out who is going to participate.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Shinz Kicker said:
has anyone ever thought of doing a 2vs2 tier system to rank everyone in gaf clans. i mean if there are those who want to cooperate than the best way to learn is with a buddy and watch is back and have him watch yours. this would also decide A - B - C teams for in clan competition. we would need a good realistic number of who is actively playing, so we could find out who is going to participate.
While I think in theory this is mostly a good idea, beta vets should get a pass and be automatically kicked up to the top unless proven otherwise. We have people like Jason, Wesker, Mickey, and even myself who in a 2v2 would probably win anyway. The only interesting results will be with the newer unknowns.
the four of you should have a 2 vs 2 to see who really is the best.:D

i dunno yet. would be fun to set up couple tactical servers one night of the week so the " teamwork" whores can get off then back to regular fun, but its all fun, isnt it.
Any ideas on how to get started for a beginner? I'm not new to FPS, but the 3rd person view is really disorienting. I'm having a lot of trouble with distances and actually getting headshots when I'm aiming at them (although that might have just been the last server I was on). The biggest thing is CQC - I just can't seem to get it down right.

Also, I have the Warhawk bluetooth headset, but for some reason I can't talk. I hear everyone OK though.


If we're actually going to compete in that world tournament then it would definitely be ideal to put together a team of people based on their skills. We don't want a team of 8 people that are all awesome with pistols (hi noz) but suck with long range weapons (i.e. sniper) and vice versa. If you have 4 people trying to snipe that cripples your team more often than not as they end up trapped in their spawn.

I can say for a fact that as of right now I'm not ready for the competitive level as I still haven't even mastered headshotting with the assault rifles (I get the jump on them, spray at their head, they fire two shots and headshot me..wtf D:). However, I think I've found my calling..e.locators + assault rifle. It's amazing how effective those are. I can line up my shot ahead of time and take out a whole team of players before they even know what's going on.

Sniping is my preferred play style, but I have been keeping it on the back burner because everyone else is toting svd's and trying to be uber snipers as well. It would be useless for me to grab an SVD when there's already two or three people on the team trying to snipe. You only need a maximum of 2 snipers on any team. Two people can each cover one side of the map no problem.

Anyway, I'm going to continue my tirade of sneaking games.


Shinz Kicker said:
i dunno yet. would be fun to set up couple tactical servers one night of the week so the " teamwork" whores can get off then back to regular fun, but its all fun, isnt it.

Agreed. I would love to see smaller (3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4) games where everyone has mics and works together. That would also make chaff grenades actually worth something too (cause it fucks up communication and radar).

rotaryspirit said:
Any ideas on how to get started for a beginner? I'm not new to FPS, but the 3rd person view is really disorienting. I'm having a lot of trouble with distances and actually getting headshots when I'm aiming at them (although that might have just been the last server I was on). The biggest thing is CQC - I just can't seem to get it down right.

Also, I have the Warhawk bluetooth headset, but for some reason I can't talk. I hear everyone OK though.

It takes some getting used to. When I first hopped online I was going crazy over how hard it was to adapt. The camera really doesn't perform well in tight spaces so that's something you'll have to try to figure out on your own. I'm still pretty useless on a staircase or in a tight corner.

Use the camera to your advantage in the open though. Like, no matter what, when you press R1 to fire the aiming reticule will center on where you're pointing. So, you can whip the camera around, hit R1 and be perfectly centered on that guy behind you for a headshot (theoretically).

Remember to burst fire with automatic weapons as well. You can snipe someone with an assault rifle if you just single shot them (first person mode is good for this).

Otherwise, first person mode is kind of a pain. There's certain situations where you might want to use it (and you'll learn those as you go) but all in all stick to 3rd person and just work on getting used to it.

And yea, it's definitely not like single player.

Also..make sure your mic is synced with the PS3 before you login (and test it in the accessory settings just to make sure it's working) then go to the gameplay options and make sure the usb/bluetooth device is selected for all input/output. And then hold select in-game to enable voice.


Facism said:
oh rly.

In that case i'll take it back to ASDA tomorrow and get them to replace it. Must backup my saves and shit.

I thought your character is locked to your konami or game id anyways?


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
rotaryspirit said:
Any ideas on how to get started for a beginner? I'm not new to FPS, but the 3rd person view is really disorienting. I'm having a lot of trouble with distances and actually getting headshots when I'm aiming at them (although that might have just been the last server I was on). The biggest thing is CQC - I just can't seem to get it down right.

Also, I have the Warhawk bluetooth headset, but for some reason I can't talk. I hear everyone OK though.
Take it slow, be sure to have the skill equipped for whatever given weapon you're going to use. I and many others just stick to 3rd person but it can certainly take some getting used to. Try clicking the right stick to shift your 3rd person perspective (I can only use 3rd person effectively if I'm on the left pointing right) Hold R2 and hit triangle to change firing modes, squeezing off a few single fire rounds can be more effective then fully auto'ing sometimes. CQC is a big problem for me too, if you can, try using your knife instead (hold L1 and hit R1 to activate the close-range stun) and once you get the hang of that, you can just use CQC grabs instead. What kind of problems are you having with CQC? Having problems sneaking up and getting the drop on people or just generally don't understand how it works?


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
1stStrike said:
Sniping is my preferred play style, but I have been keeping it on the back burner because everyone else is toting svd's and trying to be uber snipers as well. It would be useless for me to grab an SVD when there's already two or three people on the team trying to snipe. You only need a maximum of 2 snipers on any team. Two people can each cover one side of the map no problem.
Hi! I'm actually more than competant with almost all weapons, save shotguns. Likewise I have all weapon skills except for shotguns maxed. My big issue is I'm wildly inconsistent. The more I think and focus on the game, the worse I do, which also has the byproduct of making me a horrible teammate. The more I screw around the better I do. It's the main issue that would prevent me from participating with team GAF for the world deal.

I don't get it..are your teammates idiots or aren't they? If they are idiots, then fuck them, let them take the hits while you snipe the shit out of the enemy. They might get bored of not getting any kills (they won't since they took the sniper rifle for a reason - to level their sniper skill) But don't pander to your shitty teammates, especially if your trying to force something you're having troubles with. Try to have some fun and don't push it.


Nozdeuce said:
Hi! I'm actually more than competant with almost all weapons, save shotguns. Likewise I have all weapon skills except for shotguns maxed. My big issue is I'm wildly inconsistent. The more I think and focus on the game, the worse I do, which also has the byproduct of making me a horrible teammate. The more I screw around the better I do. It's the main issue that would prevent me from participating with team GAF for the world deal.

I don't get it..are your teammates idiots or aren't they? If they are idiots, then fuck them, let them take the hits while you snipe the shit out of the enemy. They might get bored of not getting any kills (they won't since they took the sniper rifle for a reason - to level their sniper skill) But don't pander to your shitty teammates, especially if your trying to force something you're having troubles with. Try to have some fun and don't push it.

Well, that wasn't directed at you. You're generally good with just about anything you grab (same as jason). And, like I said, when I'm on a team where 4 people are trying to be snipers it generally turns into my team getting trapped in our spawn because they suck. And they cause me all kinds of grief.

1. Running in front of me while I'm about to squeeze off a shot and getting me safety locked, thus I have to flee and try not to die (usually I die though).

2. Firing off an entire clip and not hitting the enemy, thus they get by and we get flanked.

3. Etc.

I realize everyone is trying to level up their skills but..some people just aren't meant to use certain weapons. Just like I will never touch a shotgun cause..it just doesn't suit me. I've played with it a bit and it didn't fancy my play style.

Basically, people just need to realize that if there's several people sniping already..they should probably switch to a weapon that will be of more benefit to the team in close to mid-range combat. Or, at least, move to a different location to snipe so that they're not all cluster fucking (which happens all the time..I've killed many people sniping with just a couple grenade tosses).

I wish you could've seen a rescue game I was playing earlier. We were defending on MM and I setup magazines. The entire blue team save 1 guy ran into my magazine and I wiped them all out just like that. Follow the leader.. :p


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
<3 yeah people are brutal. I've been wasting so much time trying to level shotgun over the past few days. I really should just stick to my assault rifles/pistols. It's kinda funny the lengths I have to go to to kill people with the shotgun. Today outside of the enemy spawn in BB I tranq'd someone with my pistol, knocked out two more with cqc3 then had to kill a 4th straight up :lol

I also can't really give you any assault rifle advice, my headshots come when I least expect it. Normally I just aim for the head, but I'm really really inconsistent with my AR headshots. Guess you could give single fire a go and try squeezing off a few shots towards the head, usually when I'm in a slump doing that'll get me out of it.

As far as a competitive team I think you're our only sniper expert, with Jason being a close/insane second when it comes to dedication. I do it sometimes when all the baddies are, but then at that point I'm usually kinda pissed and so that goes poorly all slippery slope styles :(
Thanks for all the tips. I think I'm going to play a bit more tonight.

Nozdeuce said:
Take it slow, be sure to have the skill equipped for whatever given weapon you're going to use. I and many others just stick to 3rd person but it can certainly take some getting used to. Try clicking the right stick to shift your 3rd person perspective (I can only use 3rd person effectively if I'm on the left pointing right) Hold R2 and hit triangle to change firing modes, squeezing off a few single fire rounds can be more effective then fully auto'ing sometimes. CQC is a big problem for me too, if you can, try using your knife instead (hold L1 and hit R1 to activate the close-range stun) and once you get the hang of that, you can just use CQC grabs instead. What kind of problems are you having with CQC? Having problems sneaking up and getting the drop on people or just generally don't understand how it works?

With CQC it is mostly the range and direction to grab. I'll miss grabs completely but then I'll get "sucked into" the enemy like a magnet.


rotaryspirit said:
Thanks for all the tips. I think I'm going to play a bit more tonight.

With CQC it is mostly the range and direction to grab. I'll miss grabs completely but then I'll get "sucked into" the enemy like a magnet.

CQC can be annoying. It's best if you can sneak up on someone. Hide in a box and wait for them to run next to you then unequip the box and grab them. I guarantee you they'll be like "What the fuck...?!" Cause that's what I did when it first happened to me :p

Try to lure them in. Roll into them to knock them off balance, then whip your camera around and grab them. Also, if you're crouching and they're standing they won't be able to grab you..which will leave them open for you to grab them.

And..if you are standing and they run in trying to grab you just hit x to dodge so you crouch.

I prefer to deal with cqc users with my rifle.."get away from me, you smell =\"


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
rotaryspirit said:
Thanks for all the tips. I think I'm going to play a bit more tonight.
With CQC it is mostly the range and direction to grab. I'll miss grabs completely but then I'll get "sucked into" the enemy like a magnet.
In that case I'd suggest playing around with the stun knife for a while, it's basically the same range. Has the advantage of instantly KOing the dude though. Then once you get a feel for that range move onto CQC grabs. Don't try a cqc only server, those are the worst. If you really need to yell here and someone (me even) would be willing to do a locked 1v1 with you so you can get the hang of it.
I'm CQC level 3 but still miss tons of grabs, I still suck :(

1stStrike said:
And..if you are standing and they run in trying to grab you just hit x to dodge so you crouch.

I prefer to deal with cqc users with my rifle.."get away from me, you smell =\"
Check that - while aiming hit backwards and X and you'll take a quick jump backwards, just enough to get out of reach. Also yeah, bullets are good.


Nozdeuce said:
Hi! I'm actually more than competant with almost all weapons, save shotguns. Likewise I have all weapon skills except for shotguns maxed. My big issue is I'm wildly inconsistent. The more I think and focus on the game, the worse I do, which also has the byproduct of making me a horrible teammate. The more I screw around the better I do. It's the main issue that would prevent me from participating with team GAF for the world deal.

Oh my god! It's like... reading in the mirror? You seem to be my american equivalent (except you don't seem to be that much of a trap user).

Facism said:
we should organise a waspunit session this coming Wednesday.

Just say the time and I'll probably be there.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Guled said:
The new gameplay is coming out tomorrow right? What about the instructors, how dose that work?
Tomorrow yeah. Rumor is we also get instructors tomorrow. From what I've gathered instructors can host a game where they teach (no idea wtf that means) people for 30 minutes. Participants need to be in for the full 30 minutes and after that instructors can test/pass people and they too will become instructors. I'm totally drawing a blank on what the instructor skill does though.

Ilparazzo said:
Oh my god! It's like... reading in the mirror? You seem to be my american equivalent (except you don't seem to be that much of a trap user).
:D I never use support weapons of any kind. Usually I'm always in the middle of a giant shitstorm :lol Have any tips for getting into trap using?


Nozdeuce said:
Tomorrow yeah. Rumor is we also get instructors tomorrow. From what I've gathered instructors can host a game where they teach (no idea wtf that means) people for 30 minutes. Participants need to be in for the full 30 minutes and after that instructors can test/pass people and they too will become instructors. I'm totally drawing a blank on what the instructor skill does though.
Do you get anything special for being an instructor, or is it just something you can show off?


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Guled said:
Do you get anything special for being an instructor, or is it just something you can show off?
You get a new skill, I think it comes with a new pose (something that isn't salute)


I was replying to a couple posts in one shot and I guess what I was doing in the background crashed firefox. So in summary:

Noz: I agree with what you said above. (I enjoyed that snipe off we had a couple days ago lol)
1st: I too agree with what you said above.:lol For the record, I consider you the better sniper; and I only snipe when you are doing it to get the ones running away from you.
Shinz: A 2v2 would be great and it would definitely help people out on the teamwork aspect alot; that's what 1st and I did.

There was something else about hating when I miss a CQC grab and get shot in the face. :/

Shinz Kicker said:
Rosemary server UP. same as last night, lots of SNE. ill set up a 3vs3 later i people want.

Do want. Oh yeah. I'm in the room btw. . . . it's so lonely here ;_;


Nozdeuce said:
Tomorrow yeah. Rumor is we also get instructors tomorrow. From what I've gathered instructors can host a game where they teach (no idea wtf that means) people for 30 minutes. Participants need to be in for the full 30 minutes and after that instructors can test/pass people and they too will become instructors. I'm totally drawing a blank on what the instructor skill does though.

:D I never use support weapons of any kind. Usually I'm always in the middle of a giant shitstorm :lol Have any tips for getting into trap using?

Play lots of rescue/capture games. Oh my god, porn mags and SG mines work wonders. Just laying a few around the capture point is almost always guaranteed to get you one - three free kills per game. Nobody ever sees the porn mags coming.

Corners are your friends and your enemies blind spots. They won't be able to see that elusive porn magazine that's sitting right on the other side of the corner waiting for them. That's how I took out that team today in the rescue game..they all ran into one magazine and were sitting ducks. It was hilarious.

It does require you to kind of babysit your traps though (if you want the kill that is). Otherwise, someone else will nab them when they're looking at naked chicks.


1stStrike said:
Play lots of rescue/capture games. Oh my god, porn mags and SG mines work wonders. Just laying a few around the capture point is almost always guaranteed to get you one - three free kills per game. Nobody ever sees the porn mags coming.

Corners are your friends and your enemies blind spots. They won't be able to see that elusive porn magazine that's sitting right on the other side of the corner waiting for them. That's how I took out that team today in the rescue game..they all ran into one magazine and were sitting ducks. It was hilarious.

It does require you to kind of babysit your traps though (if you want the kill that is). Otherwise, someone else will nab them when they're looking at naked chicks.

Man, I remember that one rescue/capture session where you got EVERYONE with those bloody traps. Too awesome xD


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Ephemeris said:
Do want. Oh yeah. I'm in the room btw. . . . it's so lonely here ;_;
On my way

Guled said:
Alright thanks, will they be another meet-up on Saturday?
Uhh, we haven't really discussed that much yet. I'm okay with the same time 1pm est/10am pst. But uhh..10am on the day after the 4th of July might not be the best timing for our American friends
I'm from the frozen tundra to the North so it's just another friday/saturday for me

If people are interested start posting!


Nozdeuce said:
:D I never use support weapons of any kind. Usually I'm always in the middle of a giant shitstorm :lol Have any tips for getting into trap using?

Just have to remember most people don't even know what sixth sense is, so the bermuda triangle (getting yourself in the corner with mags covering the spots ppl come through is always a good idea, also stairs are always a good trapping spot especially when you kill a house sniper in MM and leave a mag, they always seem to come back to the same spot for revenge :p.

Another good idea is to let someone watch you put a trap down (carefully so you don't get shot in the head) and then put a trap hidden just next to that one so that the guy goes, shoots the one he saw, thinks he his safe and then gets trapped in the other one (it's also a good way to make people angry :lol ).

And SG Mines are god! In MM for example if you put one near the window in the house where ppl roll into if some so much as gets near the window it goes POOF and down he goes, just have to remember they have a red light on top, and you have to warn your teammates or you'll end up kicked for teamkilling because apparently sleep=kill.

I'm always happy to share my trapping insight for I am Luca Blight the master trickster/insane person!


Ephemeris said:
I was replying to a couple posts in one shot and I guess what I was doing in the background crashed firefox. So in summary:

Noz: I agree with what you said above. (I enjoyed that snipe off we had a couple days ago lol)
1st: I too agree with what you said above.:lol For the record, I consider you the better sniper; and I only snipe when you are doing it to get the ones running away from you.

Sniping can be fickle at times. If you want an accurate shot and you're having a snipe-off with someone you need to stop moving for a split second as the accuracy of sniper rifles goes to complete shit when you're moving. Also, a few times I've been zoomed in to the max on you or noz (or anyone else) and been plowing shots into your head/torso but because I was moving I was somehow missing even though I was right on you the whole time.

So yea, movement + sniper rifles = luck most of the time. And yea, the DSR-1 is a fucking beast. But, so is the mossin nagant in the right situations too (best for places where you're well hidden).


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Zyzyxxz said:
are we still having that NeoGAF vs Frog / Fox unit?
That's the general idea, but details/times haven't been discussed/decided on yet.
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