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Metal Gear Online Official Thread -- NeoGAF clan now up!


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
KGKK said:
I want to be part of this merger. First off, no one from the Frog Unit is ever playing when I am. Second, where the fuck are the GAF games at. I want to CQC you fools:D
You've already been pre-approved for the merger :D

Nozdeuce said:
Excellent, and yeah I has list.

People I'd want to steal from FoxUnit are:
Beat Crusader
Shinz Kicker

People I'd want to steal from FrogUnit are:
Solid_Bulla564 (no idea who this is)
Swiftmotionz (no idea who this is)

There's also a bunch of people I'm on the fence about, they have a decent time played but have been less active recently, or are up and comers who have less time played but are more active:


Zyzyxxz said:
can I be put in the more active clan?

I know I haven't been playing long but I've been spending alot of time on the singleplayer and Team Fortress2 but now I wanna concentrating on being good at CQC.

Get with B.Wayne..that guy is a cqc machine. I'm getting there, but I mostly just prefer jabbing people with the stun knife. Though, tsne is absolutely amazing for your cqc skills. I took out an entire team today single handedly in the house in MM. Took out a guy trying to snipe on the roof with my tranq pistol, knocked out his buddy that came to the rescue, took the P90 off him, headshotted the next guy that came up and then headshotted the last guy from behind as he was chasing my team mate to the goal. Good times lol

And, holy crap I have a lot of profile views now. I had 0 for a while but ever since I hit the top 10 in TSNE I have a bunch. Including noz..I see you!

Oh, and I'm finally almost positive on my k:d ratio. My time as a newb really screwed up my score.

2387 kills to 2456 deaths. 69 more kills to go.


Oh and just in case you guys didn't notice, you can access the player/clan rankings in-game now without having to open up the MGO website.
Who's up for a GAF MGO tournament? We should really have one and keep it small like 2v2 or 3v3 so we can get a shitload of teams involved.

The prize: NOTHING.


BlockBastard said:
Who's up for a GAF MGO tournament? We should really have one and keep it small like 2v2 or 3v3 so we can get a shitload of teams involved.

The prize: NOTHING.

that would be great. Wasp Unit has 30 members now, that'd be 10 teams.

I call dibs on Indeed and Dunpeal ;p
Facism said:
that would be great. Wasp Unit has 30 members now, that'd be 10 teams.

I call dibs on Indeed and Dunpeal ;p

I'm an idiot. I play on the NA server, but maybe EuroGAF could hold tournament too, and when the day comes that they unlock WW play, the two champions of GAF will battle.


no no i understand your on NA. Doesn't mean we all can't do something :)

if they unlock the regions, it will be an epic clashing of ballsacks.


BlockBastard said:
Who's up for a GAF MGO tournament? We should really have one and keep it small like 2v2 or 3v3 so we can get a shitload of teams involved.

The prize: NOTHING.
That would be awesome, I'm totally for that idea


Just started playing MGO properly (after finishing MGS4 over 20times). Love it so far (especially shotgun-only DM/TDM), but still leveling all my skills up to lv3 so I can pick and choose freely. :D


1stStrike said:
I'd still single handedly beat the entire euro clan in tsne :p

Well we'll put that to the test if they ever unlock the regions. Expect me at least to teabag your stunned and tranq'd body ;p


Well I've managed so far into working up Running and Pistols up to lvl 2. These two seem very vital for Team Sneak action. Seriously. Oh, and planting traps is hella fun. The one that you plant down like C4, then activate to send off a gas to put people to sleep brings a tear to my eye. I've managed to kill 4 people at once using that thing. Truely an awesome gadget. And shotguns I just can't seem to get into.


Facism said:
Well we'll put that to the test if they ever unlock the regions. Expect me at least to teabag your stunned and tranq'd body ;p

lol you'd be in for a surprise playing against me i think. Me, ryan and jason would destroy any 3 euro's easy me thinks :D

Here's looking to the day euro's can play with us....maybe. Probably not. Cause it's Konami D:

I kind of feel bad for you guys..cause it's always like.."Woo, yea gaffers lets do this awesome event......oh and..eurogaf..you guys can do something too."



CcrooK said:
Well I've managed so far into working up Running and Pistols up to lvl 2. These two seem very vital for Team Sneak action. Seriously. Oh, and planting traps is hella fun. The one that you plant down like C4, then activate to send off a gas to put people to sleep brings a tear to my eye. I've managed to kill 4 people at once using that thing. Truely an awesome gadget. And shotguns I just can't seem to get into.

SG mines and magazines are incredibly awesome in rescue. "haha i'm at the go- oo porn." or "haha i'm gonna pwn you in the fa-" *pop* "ccchhhhh* *falls asleep*

I remember we were messing with noz once in a game of bases and he had knocked us both out and when I woke up he tried to put me out again but I rolled off and he missed..so he goes to run off and knock out the other guy (bajan or shinz was it? I can't remember) and runs into my SG mine and knocks himself out.

I've also destroyed many people with magazines before. A lot of them being my own dumb ass team mates that always run into them right after I says I'M LAYING DOWN MAGAZINES, DON'T RUN INTO THEM. Jesus.

Oh and I currently hold the record for most team kills in fox unit. Woooo....! They were all accidents, I swear.

Like I told shinz, run 3 and cqc 1 or knives 1 are both pretty awesome combos. The way I play I generally prefer to avoid combat but when I do have to engage someone being able to move faster than them and dodge their bullets is pretty handy. Plus, I outrun everyone when I take off with the duck/frog.


I like the CQC use with assaut or snipe weapons. Sneak the corner to grab them, knock them down then fire away for the easy headshot. What does lvl 2 CQC do for those types of weapons?


1stStrike said:
lol you'd be in for a surprise playing against me i think. Me, ryan and jason would destroy any 3 euro's easy me thinks :D

Here's looking to the day euro's can play with us....maybe. Probably not. Cause it's Konami D:

I kind of feel bad for you guys..cause it's always like.."Woo, yea gaffers lets do this awesome event......oh and..eurogaf..you guys can do something too."


My ego is starting to feel bruised, I should kick your asses for this eurogaf trashing while I was gone. I demand a 1 euro vs 3 NA match!
I love dying 300 times in a row


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Metalmurphy said:
Lol I did, I'm just saying I want in. :p

Btw, Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu ftw!
Wasn't sure if you were alive or dead, consider yourself in

KGKK said:
I want to be part of this merger. First off, no one from the Frog Unit is ever playing when I am. Second, where the fuck are the GAF games at. I want to CQC you fools:D
If you want you can apply now. There's a few spots open at the moment and I'm working on figuring out who to shuffle out.

Zyzyxxz said:
can I be put in the more active clan?

I know I haven't been playing long but I've been spending alot of time on the singleplayer and Team Fortress2 but now I wanna concentrating on being good at CQC.
Very well, consider yourself not kicked

1stStrike said:
And, holy crap I have a lot of profile views now. I had 0 for a while but ever since I hit the top 10 in TSNE I have a bunch. Including noz..I see you!
Had to make sure you didn't suck and were active and junk, circle jerk denied


GAH! Another one joined with almost as many kills as me, my 1st place in the clan is being fiercely contested, oh the pressure!

Edit: How does someone get 7668 kills and only 2326 deaths? He must be Jesus! All hail XxPUN1SHERxX the one with no life of his own!


Ilparazzo said:
GAH! Another one joined with almost as many kills as me, my 1st place in the clan is being fiercely contested, oh the pressure!

Ill catch you anyway!!

edit 7k kills and only 2k deaths. With that name? wow. I always thought that people called DarkPunisherOfCloudStrifeXXDragonFlame are cannonfodder.


So has the merge happened? I played a little today. G...something...shizzle. Gule? Man, I'm spacy with names today. He came and joined up some random room today. Was fun. And the mode headshots only is funny mode. Kill someone without the headshot and you explode. Haha! So fun.


bish gets all the credit :)
what's the best way to level CQC? I was in a CQC level room for 45 minutes yesterday and another 45 today, but my level barely moved. I was doing grabs, chokes, rollover chokes, SOP injections. How long is this supposed to take?
alr1ghtstart said:
what's the best way to level CQC? I was in a CQC level room for 45 minutes yesterday and another 45 today, but my level barely moved. I was doing grabs, chokes, rollover chokes, SOP injections. How long is this supposed to take?

Have you reached Lvl. 2 CQC? if so, then you have to change from Lvl. 1 to Lvl. 2 to continue progress.. Lvl. 2 takes up 2 skill blocks. If that's not the case.. then my attempt at providing somewhat useful information has failed. If you're Lvling 2 to 3.. tends to take a bit longer.

BTW, I just had an awesome game on A.A. .. 25-13 k/d.. not my best. But improving. The DSR-1 is sick.. reminds me of the AWP from CSS.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
alr1ghtstart said:
what's the best way to level CQC? I was in a CQC level room for 45 minutes yesterday and another 45 today, but my level barely moved. I was doing grabs, chokes, rollover chokes, SOP injections. How long is this supposed to take?
Make sure you have level 2 equipped, that's how I mastered CQC though. Took me forever :(


I just had my best tsne match ever I think..20 rounds on MM. 361 points, 32 kills and 3 deaths. And I'm level 7 now. Came in #1.

It was pretty funny..a bunch of guys came into the house to get me and I took em all out. People are so gullible. You don't rush into the house with your gun out..the stun knife is better cause you can jab the guy slightly through the wall when you come around the corner since it's an area of effect attack (some MMO lingo there for you).

Or grenades work too :p

B. Wayne was on for a few..he managed to tranq me once then left D:
1stStrike said:
I just had my best tsne match ever I think..20 rounds on MM. 361 points, 32 kills and 3 deaths. And I'm level 7 now. Came in #1.

It was pretty funny..a bunch of guys came into the house to get me and I took em all out. People are so gullible. You don't rush into the house with your gun out..the stun knife is better cause you can jab the guy slightly through the wall when you come around the corner since it's an area of effect attack (some MMO lingo there for you).

Or grenades work too :p

B. Wayne was on for a few..he managed to tranq me once then left D:

Ah, I was wondering why I would get stunned by someone while running pass them, nearly standing back-to-back. I wasn't sure if was AOE or good ole' fashion lag.

Pretty wicked K/D btw.


1stStrike said:
I just had my best tsne match ever I think..20 rounds on MM. 361 points, 32 kills and 3 deaths. And I'm level 7 now. Came in #1.

It was pretty funny..a bunch of guys came into the house to get me and I took em all out. People are so gullible. You don't rush into the house with your gun out..the stun knife is better cause you can jab the guy slightly through the wall when you come around the corner since it's an area of effect attack (some MMO lingo there for you).

Fact: A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal.


CcrooK said:
So has the merge happened? I played a little today. G...something...shizzle. Gule? Man, I'm spacy with names today. He came and joined up some random room today. Was fun. And the mode headshots only is funny mode. Kill someone without the headshot and you explode. Haha! So fun.
Guled? Thats me, and yes the headshot is awesome. Anyone know what new mode will be included in the dlc next week?


Assembly Required said:
Ah, I was wondering why I would get stunned by someone while running pass them, nearly standing back-to-back. I wasn't sure if was AOE or good ole' fashion lag.

Pretty wicked K/D btw.

Yea, that's why the stun knife is great but also annoying. I know that I've obviously rolled away from people before but they still hit me with it. Nothing like doing a roll thinking you got away only to fall flat on your face ><

Edit: There is one counter though if they mess up or are too slow. Instead of getting up and crouching after they throw you on the ground just roll away. I've had guys miss me before when I rolled away and managed to kill them.

Also, stun knifing 3 guys that just ran into your magazine is pure gold.

And yea..playing me in TSNE with even 1 good team mate is pretty lethal for most opposing teams.

Ephemeris said:
Fact: A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal.

True that. I'm going to miss the foxunit emblem when we merge. I'm 39 kills from being positive on my overall K/D ratio too. It won't be long until I've surpassed my deaths and moved into the positive.


I still have about 80 kills to go to pass my death kill ratio. Slowly getting there. And almost have level 3 CQC and Knife!! Right now I'm leveling my Assault Rifle to level 3 and Mono/Narc to level 2.:D I think my runner is almost level 3 too.


I'm slightly above 1:1 for my K/D ratio.

In the 7 hours of the game I've played I have 260ish kills and around 240-250 deaths I think.

Halfway to lv.2 knife!


Nice guys. I have completely abandoned assault and sniper after getting them to lvl 3. It's all about run 3 and knife 1 now (though I have run 2 and knife 2 atm cause I'm close to getting knife to lvl 3).

Seriously, don't ever underestimate the ability to run fast. I also find that even without the assault skill equipped I still get plenty of kills. You just need to be easy with the trigger.

Oh and, 2439 kills to 2473 deaths. I don't really do a whole lot of killing in TNSE (most of the time) so my kills go up slower. But I don't die nearly as much either.

My favorite combo though for tdm type games is assault/sniper 3 and monomania 3. I like being able to see my opponents through walls so I can see what their next move is. It really helps for lining up shots when sniping too.


I never knew you could get a fox/foxhound ranking. The only people I've seen who have them so far are people who played for hundreds of hours, I wish I had that much free time


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Guled said:
I never knew you could get a fox/foxhound ranking. The only people I've seen who have them so far are people who played for hundreds of hours, I wish I had that much free time
It was added a couple of days ago along with the titles water bear and hound (& Team Sneak & HS Only).


1stStrike said:
Nice guys. I have completely abandoned assault and sniper after getting them to lvl 3. It's all about run 3 and knife 1 now (though I have run 2 and knife 2 atm cause I'm close to getting knife to lvl 3).

Seriously, don't ever underestimate the ability to run fast. I also find that even without the assault skill equipped I still get plenty of kills. You just need to be easy with the trigger.

Oh and, 2439 kills to 2473 deaths. I don't really do a whole lot of killing in TNSE (most of the time) so my kills go up slower. But I don't die nearly as much either.

My favorite combo though for tdm type games is assault/sniper 3 and monomania 3. I like being able to see my opponents through walls so I can see what their next move is. It really helps for lining up shots when sniping too.

I've been going with Running lvl 2 and Pistols lvl 2. Halfway to Running lvl 3. Currently I'm working on Trickster for planting items for traps. It's too bad when teammates don't listen to you, they run into a claymore that you've planted. Annoying really. So I've sorta given up on thoses for now. Been sticking with mags, placing them right on the edge of corners and that sleep bomb. Ohhhhh that sleep bomb is sooo nice to use. C4 is a great item to use during the KO matches with the frog and duck. Pre-emp their capture point, then set off one C4 at a time each time they try to take it. Extremetly constructive. Once in a while though I'll go with that combo ya got to with assault/snipes and monomania. It helps others as well as long as your SOP is up with everyone.


@Wasabi: Nice sloth rank. I wish I could get -something- lol. Why in the flying fuck haven't I gotten the snake rank yet? lol look at my play time combined between sneaking and team sneaking ><

@Ccrook: To each their own! That's the great thing about the skills..they allow for a lot of flexbility without making anyone overpowered. Though, it's amazing how I used to suck at cqc and now I'm pretty pro at it. It's even more demoralizing for people to be thrown on their back, stunned, have their weapons stolen then stabbed in the head then shooting em with a gun.


I haven't seen any dedicated NeoGAF servers in a couple of days. I hope one pops up tomorrow for the limited time I'll have to play.
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