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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT| The Man Who Sold The World

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I did this for all the other MGS games and am curious if anyone else did/does this- Do you restart when you set off the alarms? I do this all the time and I think it's to the detriment of the enjoyment of the game but I hate having the alarms going off and having to kill everyone.


I did this for all the other MGS games and am curious if anyone else did/does this- Do you restart when you set off the alarms? I do this all the time and I think it's to the detriment of the enjoyment of the game but I hate having the alarms going off and having to kill everyone.
You don't have to kill everyone, regaining stealth can be a fun challenge in the game.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Quiet drinking her shower was super weird


Hated mission 12.

Helicopter couldn't land. What a stupid game of cat and mouse.
I said fuck it and started shooting rockets at the thing. But it did ignore me.
So i made it to the landing zone and the helicopter actually picked me up. Fuck.


Alright, done for the day. Just cleared mission 10. Have done around 6 side ops, too. Having tons of fun, but can't help but wondering when the 'Metal Gear' part of this game will kick in.

The gameplay is fantastic, but I have a lot of complaints that I fear will only get bigger with time. Then again, I can be positive and state that two of my biggest concerns have proved unfounded.

-I thought fulton-ing would wreck the game for me. I still think it's stupid, makes no sense and is too easy a way of removing tranq'd guards from the battlefied, but it doesn't actually bother me at all and seeing a soldier with a high rank and plotting to capture him does lead to great gameplay. So I was wrong about this.
-So far Mother Base is doing a great job of automating itself. I haven't spent too long babysitting it at all. That's what I was worried about. So that's great.

On the negative side:
-Each mission is more like an extended side op. Why is the premise for each one so dull? 'Oh there's a special engineer we need to extract.' Really? That's the basis for a one-hour mission? Each of these missions should be plot-based and have something interesting to it, add to Kaz or Boss's character development. Introduce more about the villain. Anything. So far I've been playing for 10 hours and since the prologue almost nothing of any importance has happened at all.
-A lack of memorable set-pieces. This is linked to the above, but if you asked the standout moment since the prolouge I couldn't give it to you. The other Metal Gears had memorable moment after memorable moment. Like the Bridge in MGS3, or the fight against the Gru team. All in the first two hours.
-The open-world isn't used brilliantly... It's cool at first, but eventually you realise that it would be more fun to have each separate base as it's own (large) level and get rid of the helicopter rides and traipsing around on horseback. Huge levels = great idea. Even more extra space connecting them: not really necessary and ties you to one type of environment.
-The tapes. I was told there would be story in the tapes. I've listened to them all so far. Where is the story! It's just Kaz and Ocelot droning on about backstory rather than anything that really pushes this narrative forward. Kaz is way overplayed in this game. I reckon 80%+ of the dialogue I've heard so far has been delivered by him. So far the story comes across like this is Kaz's mission of revenge with his personal army Diamond Dogs and his mute, mentally challenged assistant and errand boy Snake whom he pretends is a legend.

I actually think (so far - and it's still early days) that Ground Zeroes was superior in a lot of ways.
-The plot was actually tied into the mission itself, with small in-mission cutscenes to show what was happening. This has only happened once in 10 missions in TPP. (Mission
6 before the skulls appear
-The side-ops were what normal missions in TPP are, but were more varied and inventive.
-Because it wasn't open-world the visuals were better (like they were in the prologue here, to be fair) and the level design was, imo, tighter.
-The lack of fulton-ing, 'resource hoovering', travelling from point A to B or base management made it a purer stealth experience.

I'm enjoying my time a lot. But if people are saying that this is the good half of the game then I am definitely feeling a little nervous.


Question about Mission 6:
I've been wandering around this underground spring for an hour. What is a honey bee, and where is it?

Honey Bee is a guided rocket launcher and you can get it's location by saving a prisoner in the caves.

The Honey Bee is at the the end of the cave behind a box.


Thinking about picking this up but I haven't done all the special stuff in Ground Zeroes to rescue all the POW's yet. Should I do that before starting this? Or does it not really have that big of impact?


Who does that anyways. Same with the toilet sounds and toilets.

When really, just give me that gameplay please, the rest is some painful fluff when you're doing every side op, you probably waste half your time playing by the end doing mindless things that shouldn't be wasting your time.
Eh, let people enjoy their games. It's enjoyment, not work where you have to be done by tuesday.

I did this for all the other MGS games and am curious if anyone else did/does this- Do you restart when you set off the alarms? I do this all the time and I think it's to the detriment of the enjoyment of the game but I hate having the alarms going off and having to kill everyone.
You can be fine. Just run and hide. Sometimes I go even offensively and circle around alerted bulks of enemies. There are a lot if non-lethal tools you can use to safe the situation.


Ōkami;177539018 said:
You don't have to kill everyone, regaining stealth can be a fun challenge in the game.

I guess I just don't feel like a Big Boss if I get found out in any way.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Don't drive so close to outposts? I can't fathom why people are having issues getting spotted anywhere over ten meters away from someone. Get out of the car, crouch, pay attention, etc.

I'm not, but given I'm smacking into rocks and other shit that Diamond Horse would run over while traveling 3000M to the next Operation, it's a little "why am I using this dog when the Horse will let me travel without having to find a car AND allow enemies to be alerted to my presence?"

Quiet and the Walker will probably be the real MVP of the "Buddies"

"Extract the Highly-Skilled Soldier"

*scans target*


*D's across the board*


I know that feeling. I need A+'s to jump my team levels, but can't really find any.


I did this for all the other MGS games and am curious if anyone else did/does this- Do you restart when you set off the alarms? I do this all the time and I think it's to the detriment of the enjoyment of the game but I hate having the alarms going off and having to kill everyone.
Cut that shit out. It's much more fun. I'll restart if I have a,specific plan of action I want to execute, but in general if I get caught I just let it rock.
I did this for all the other MGS games and am curious if anyone else did/does this- Do you restart when you set off the alarms? I do this all the time and I think it's to the detriment of the enjoyment of the game but I hate having the alarms going off and having to kill everyone.

I do that in all stealth games. I'm addicted to getting that perfect stealth run.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
When does this supposed "bad half" of the game start? On mission 18 now, and so far it's still really fun.



Missed this too.

I like this game, but I keep seeing people say "wow this game led me to do pointless stuff for 5 hours it's that addicting!" and I'm just reminded that an absurd amount of my time is spent going from the air base->side op drop zone-> horse ride over->GAMEPLAY OF NOTE->horse back while calling chopper->base

When really, just give me that gameplay please, the rest is some painful fluff when you're doing every side op, you probably waste half your time playing by the end doing mindless things that shouldn't be wasting your time.

You're playing wrong.

My game goes like this:

Turn game on

Spent 5-10 minutes buying/upgrading weapons and equipment, developing more of Mother Base, sending my combat units on missions.

Pick a side op or mission

Begin, 10 seconds of loading at most, 20 second Heli dropoff

Land, look at Quiet, and get the thumbs up <3

Open my Idroid, and check out the Area of Operations

Come up with a plan of attack, usually sending quiet to scout at any outposts on the way.

If it's far, order a vehicle dropoff of having looked before hand, already had a vehicle in the loadout menu.

Aproach base, discretely

Quiet's already spotted a few peps and I can use the intel team's info to find the majority of the rest

Mark anyone with A ranks or higher, cause, yeah my staff is that good.

Take out enemies strategically, , but if someone suspects something, have quiet take them out.

After a few downs, they usually figure something is wrong and go into suspicion mode. At that point, I've made enough of an opening to begin my infiltration

I run at the base and tell Quiet to cover me, the thrill of watching everyone go nuts over a sniper while I get up behind and knock them out with my stun weapons

Find the target, extract

Find all A+ soldiers, extract, and then call the chopper.

Takes maybe 2 minutes to travel anywhere, if not bring a car, or use boxes. If it's taking you longer than that to get somewhere, then you need to go into free mode, and just go from outpost to outpost, and take out AA radars.


Speaking of restarting, question about Mission 12

Near the beginning you can see the chopper land on the roof of a building, is there a way to ride to the other base or something? I tried a couple times to get there in time but it seems like it just flies away once you get close.


Starting to understand the complaints about mission fatigue and Kojima being stingy with the story. At main mission 22 and I still have no idea whats going on, and there has been no metal gear revelations. Maybe I just need to mainline some story missions as side ops seems to be filler right now.


When does this supposed "bad half" of the game start? On mission 18 now, and so far it's still really fun.

Once you reach Chapter 2
the game pretty much ends and you are supposed to redo Chapter 1 missions in higher difficulty.
Enjoy Chapter 1 as much as you can.


I'm not, but given I'm smacking into rocks and other shit that Diamond Horse would run over while traveling 3000M to the next Operation, it's a little "why am I using this dog when the Horse will let me travel without having to find a car AND allow enemies to be alerted to my presence?"

Quiet and the Walker will probably be the real MVP of the "Buddies"

I know that feeling. I need A+'s to jump my team levels, but can't really find any.

D-Horse is great, you just gotta drive properly, bruv. Also, like I said in another post, why are you not destroying the AA Radars? That gives you more helicopter spots AFAIK. Then just exploring gives more as well I think.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Once you reach Chapter 2
the game pretty much ends and you are supposed to redo Chapter 1 missions in higher difficulty.
Enjoy Chapter 1 as much as you can.


Cut that shit out. It's much more fun. I'll restart if I have a,specific plan of action I want to execute, but in general if I get caught I just let it rock.

I do that in all stealth games. I'm addicted to getting that perfect stealth run.

Lol. Still confused as ever.

Not sure if spoiler so really glad I've been playing with headphones because-
i would have missed finding that puppy in that first mission if I didn't hear all that yelping nearby my drop off point
How do I tell if a Solider is highly ranked or not? Do they wear different things? Is there an upgrade later to show rank? I want to fulton the best!

Tell me you are lying.

Pretty much. That's about the only major negative about this game however, they give you a few missions to replay on a higher difficulty BUT once you finish atleast one you are given a new story mission as well as side ops that are important to the story. It's still worth going through them because the story beats are great. Don't come close to the boss missions though as they are frustrating.


Eh, let people enjoy their games. It's enjoyment, not work where you have to be done by tuesday.

I uh, do, I just don't really want to waste my time because there is no fast travel option >_>

I'm not saying it's how I always play the game, but it makes the fast side ops feel very time consuming for very small things.

Quiet drinking her shower was super weird

Again, I'll keep saying this until people learn how to spoiler tag correctly, this is a bad way of spoiler tagging, as no one has any context on your spoiler, and as such, you'll see many people clicking it hoping they have context on the statement.


Pretty much. That's about the only major negative about this game however, they give you a few missions to replay on a higher difficulty BUT once you finish atleast one you are given a new story mission as well as side ops that are important to the story. It's still worth going through them because the story beats are great. Don't come close to the boss missions though as they are frustrating.

I was more worried at the
"the game pretty much ends"
statement. lol


I've just woken up and this is ruining my Friday.

Don't let that happen. At the end of the day, those are just opinions. Play the game by yourself from start to finish and you may have a completely different opinion.

This game will EASILY become the most divisive game in the series. Forget MGS2 and MGS4. This is the game that will actually separate the fanbase.


Holy shit..with how much of a zombie Big Boss is through most of the game, the
Quiet in the rain
cutscene seems so fucking weird.


How do you unlock that one? Fill her relationship level?

I had her maxed out and went back to MB after
saving the 2nd runaway Child
, I'd guess you need her as your buddy too, since it starts with BB noticing it's raining while they're flying back to MB.
One small thing I wish the game did is not always starting the helicopter music from the very beginning of the song. Sometimes I just want to hear the chorus of Rebel Yell.


4 missions done, having fun..only B grades, except for the first mission, that I somehow got S.
The frustrating thing is in GZ you could almost run up on guards with your gun drawn and they'd freeze...TPP they often turn around right before they would freeze. Also, hiding behind corners waiting to grab or hold up sometimes going into reflex if things aren't just right.

Is DD pretty much unmissable? I snagged him almost automatically.
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