at least stuff was happening constantly in PW.
I mean, stuff is happening here, but it's spaced pretty far apart, and also Big Boss is like a deafmute or something.
Also Miller has been cartoonishly angry so far but, let's be fair, he's an angry dude
Miller basically decides everything for you, which is hilarious. BB is a gun and Miller points him at whatever he wants.
I've not once heard BB interrupt Miller and tell him something along the lines of, "no, we need to do X differently." You'd figure that would happen since BB is supposed to be this mastermind behind OH/Zanzibarland once MGS5 finishes and we get to MG1+MG2's timeline. But he's a brooding quiet mansoldier.
Sutherland really feels like he's phoning it in. It also sounds like he and the other maincast VOs weren't in the same room during recording sessions because his energy is always so flat. That and he mispronounces unfamiliar words right after Miller says it, sometimes! ("Hamid" is one word I've noticed this happening.)
I'm really waiting for the plot to pick up and for BB to make some of his own calls because it's been really annoying being Miller's lapdog this entire time. I get that all of this is probably narrative hooks for the game's open world design, but I feel it really could've been done in a better way that could make BB a
participant in plot decisions.
EDIT: Yes, I'm listening to all of the tapes. I just finished main mission 6. 16 hours total time.