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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT| The Man Who Sold The World

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A couple of questions... Might be something obvious I'm not seeing.

2. How do you see the skill of each person you capture in the motherbase staff log? I was alerted to something about troublemakers causing trouble if they are alone and now I'm paranoid haha.

Go the Staff Management and press Triangle to filter the display


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
hey I just had a few questions if people would answer if you can.

is there a way to stop mother base from auto assigning fultoned soldiers, when i fulton them they are already placed in a group, is there a way to keep them in the waiting room and then assign them myself when I am done a mission?

Also i just unlocked DD as a grown up wolf, I was wondering about his commands etc. When I tell him to stay, he stays for about 5 seconds then continues to follow me and desnt seem to stay put. Also is there a way to make him bark early on, only commands I see so far are :wait, keep them busy and DD call. is DD call a bark command, or do you unlock it the more you level him up?



at least stuff was happening constantly in PW.

I mean, stuff is happening here, but it's spaced pretty far apart, and also Big Boss is like a deafmute or something.

Also Miller has been cartoonishly angry so far but, let's be fair, he's an angry dude

Miller basically decides everything for you, which is hilarious. BB is a gun and Miller points him at whatever he wants.

I've not once heard BB interrupt Miller and tell him something along the lines of, "no, we need to do X differently." You'd figure that would happen since BB is supposed to be this mastermind behind OH/Zanzibarland once MGS5 finishes and we get to MG1+MG2's timeline. But he's a brooding quiet mansoldier.

Sutherland really feels like he's phoning it in. It also sounds like he and the other maincast VOs weren't in the same room during recording sessions because his energy is always so flat. That and he mispronounces unfamiliar words right after Miller says it, sometimes! ("Hamid" is one word I've noticed this happening.)

I'm really waiting for the plot to pick up and for BB to make some of his own calls because it's been really annoying being Miller's lapdog this entire time. I get that all of this is probably narrative hooks for the game's open world design, but I feel it really could've been done in a better way that could make BB a participant in plot decisions.

EDIT: Yes, I'm listening to all of the tapes. I just finished main mission 6. 16 hours total time.


Is it actually possible to do mission 8 without missiles? Those tanks are tough. Luckily my R&D department got to the right level in the middle of the mission and I was able to get them through a supply drop. I went in thinking C4 and a grenade launcher would be enough, but nope
That is enough.

Just need to be smart on how to use it.


Neo Member
If reviews are anything to go by, this MGS isn't going to be remembered for its excellent story?

This also

<fake spoilers lie below>


-I just got to mission 7 and
Darth Vader just entered
-(Mission 7 spoilers)
Darth Vader is totally in MGSV what


-Okay, so I just got to
Darth Vader in mission 7 and
mission 7
I realized
Darth Vader was the antagonist.

The difference is you're giving context so that someone doesn't accidentally click it too early compared to someone halfway into the game clicking your endgame spoiler because they assumed they'd be safe.

Good advice!


Quick question

How do you develop more FOBs so I can send more than 2 combat units out at once?

Is this the micro transaction stuff?


about the medical bay
how the hell is pax alive. Is it some very clever video editing. Pretty sure I saw her dead in ground zeroes. It was a mind fuck. After that guy spoiling bout Paz I thought she was a clone or something. How is she alive or is kojima just trying to change story

Didn't the scene show
that Paz didn't actually blow up and it was an enemy RPG that caused the explosion?
Seems pretty straightforward to me.


Concerned about dinosaur erection.
Need a Quiet question answered.

Is it true you need the Butterfly mark to keep her as a buddy beyond 45? How do I complete her story if I keep her around?


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Anyone else feel like
's voice actor was a really lazy/pandering choice? It just seems like they could've gone with someone else.


Miller basically decides everything for you, which is hilarious. BB is a gun and Miller points him at whatever he wants.

I've not once heard BB interrupt Miller and tell him something along the lines of, "no, we need to do X differently." You'd figure that would happen since BB is supposed to be this mastermind behind OH/Zanzibarland once MGS5 finishes and we get to MG1+MG2's timeline. But he's a brooding quiet mansoldier.

Sutherland really feels like he's phoning it in. It also sounds like he and the other maincast VOs weren't in the same room during recording sessions because his energy is always so flat. That and he mispronounces unfamiliar words right after Miller says it, sometimes! ("Hamid" is one word I've noticed this happening.)

I'm really waiting for the plot to pick up and for BB to make some of his own calls because it's been really annoying being Miller's lapdog this entire time. I get that all of this is probably narrative hooks for the game's open world design, but I feel it really could've been done in a better way that could make BB a participant in plot decisions.

EDIT: Yes, I'm listening to all of the tapes. I just finished main mission 6. 16 hours total time.

The thing is I could buy if storywise this is BB basically operating on automatic (like if he was more or less catatonic) cos yeah horrific brain injury + shrapnel, except they never actually go down that path of referring to it that way or anything. Like, yeah, he acts like he's got serious brain damage, especially compared to how he was before, but so far it hasn't played into the plot in any way.

Also disappointed with mellow Ocelot, but that's a separate matter. And who knows if he's not going to quadruple-cross me somehow.


About Mother Base locations,
are there more doors that open outside of the one in the Medical Strut? I found other doors that make a sound but I don't know if it's that just an alternative to just a painted on door or if they will actually open up later.

Also was Kojima's claim that the GZ save transfer would do something never done in games before end up actually being anything? Staff members and some costume are neat and all but not worthy of all the hype.


By the way, do A-rank or higher soldiers show up outside of missions? I need to fight my compulsion to fulton every single little outpost I go past and it will help if you tell me I don't need to bother except inside missions.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You guys weren't kidding about using the Stun Pistol in Mission 11. Probably the highlight of the year for me.
Diving between ruins to avoid Quiet's snipers shot was pretty intense
. Skipped a "main story mission" and did a side-quest that triggered further story missions. Whoops?

Diamond Dog isn't as useful as Diamond Horse, IMO. Mostly because driving around with Dog is a "please be alerted" sign unless I'm missing something about driving around undetected.


About Mother Base locations,
are there more doors that open outside of the one in the Medical Strut? I found other doors that make a sound but I don't know if it's that just an alternative to just a painted on door or if they will actually open up later.

I think 100% yes. We just don't know
the conditions required to open them


How do you utilize the posters on your cardboard box?


I see what you did, but I agree, Miller and Ocelot sound the exact same.

...maybe if Ocelot retained a Russian accent.
I like this idea. Every one of those tapes being acted out in screen is way too much cutscene


Andd 21% done. Not bad for three days, but erg, this'll be two more weeks.
Enjoying overall. Just unlocked from the 2nd areas sub quest chain
gun customization.
This feels like it could completely break the game if used correctly. Weird :/

Not like uh, this game is particularly hard, since deaths are usually a result of you being impatient in a gun fight and going for a shot when you should wait to heal.
If reviews are anything to go by, this MGS isn't going to be remembered for its excellent story?

This also

<fake spoilers lie below>


-I just got to mission 7 and
Darth Vader just entered
-(Mission 7 spoilers)
Darth Vader is totally in MGSV what


-Okay, so I just got to
Darth Vader in mission 7 and
mission 7
I realized
Darth Vader was the antagonist.

The difference is you're giving context so that someone doesn't accidentally click it too early compared to someone halfway into the game clicking your endgame spoiler because they assumed they'd be safe.

Thanks for repeating it. People are being really stubborn about this.

If you dont mark what part of the game your spoiler is from Ill skip your post.


Diamond Dog isn't as useful as Diamond Horse, IMO. Mostly because driving around with Dog is a "please be alerted" sign unless I'm missing something about driving around undetected.

D-Horse is for travel, D-Dog is for infiltration. That liltle pup is a freaking aimbot cheatsheet for marking fools.


You guys weren't kidding about using the Stun Pistol in Mission 11. Probably the highlight of the year for me.
Diving between ruins to avoid Quiet's snipers shot was pretty intense
. Skipped a "main story mission" and did a side-quest that triggered further story missions. Whoops?

Diamond Dog isn't as useful as Diamond Horse, IMO. Mostly because driving around with Dog is a "please be alerted" sign unless I'm missing something about driving around undetected.

Don't drive so close to outposts? I can't fathom why people are having issues getting spotted anywhere over ten meters away from someone. Get out of the car, crouch, pay attention, etc.

Anyways quiet is Fantastic. First mission with her convinced me I needed to alter my play style and then I sent her to the opposite side of the base, marked everyone and we both unloaded death from over 150m away. When an enemy used a mortar it was a race to leave my current perch and find out where the shells were coming from. I Play so differently every mission. GOTY


You can get the scene immediately after the medical base goes up? I tried and went into the door with the blue light but there was no where I could go beyond it

You need
to complete the Wandering Mother Base Soldier side op first


I know I keep saying it but good god this fucking music!!! (obviously don't read the YouTube comments). Who is Ludvig Forssell seriously? Why have we never heard of him? Also if he's writing stuff like that, I need BioWare to hire this man for Andromeda.

I was going through the music tapes and really liked "A Phantom Pain". Feels like a song that came straight out of the Metal Gear Rising soundtrack.

Did one of the wandering soldier missions and it says I got a photo. Where can I view these?

If you open up the iDroid and check under Mother Base -> Database -> Documentation, there's a category there called "Mementos". You can also view posters you've collected here as well.
You can get the scene immediately after the medical base goes up? I tried and went into the door with the blue light but there was no where I could go beyond it
Did you click the entry button to the other door inside?

I also did one of the wandering soldiers side ops before I went to the base if that's important.


I wish I could smack the helicopter pilot. It shouldn't take 5 minutes to go from one platform to the next in mother base, but he does all kinds of looping around for no reason at all. Stop wasting my time, game.


I wish I could smack the helicopter pilot. It shouldn't take 5 minutes to go from one platform to the next in mother base, but he does all kinds of looping around for no reason at all. Stop wasting my time, game.

Could be done for streaming/loading purposes.


I wish I could smack the helicopter pilot. It shouldn't take 5 minutes to go from one platform to the next in mother base, but he does all kinds of looping around for no reason at all. Stop wasting my time, game.
Why are you using the helicopter for that? Get in a box and use the instant travel per delivery system.


I wish I could smack the helicopter pilot. It shouldn't take 5 minutes to go from one platform to the next in mother base, but he does all kinds of looping around for no reason at all. Stop wasting my time, game.

Use the orange platforms near the helipads to travel around. Get into your cardboard box, wait a bit and prompt should pop up they lets you move to each platform. You can also find these in the game proper but you need to activate each by taking the invoice next to them.


Use the boxes.

Use the orange platforms near the helipads to travel around. Get into your cardboard box, wait a bit and prompt should pop up they lets you move to each platform. You can also find these in the game proper but you need to activate each by taking the invoice next to them.

I see. Thanks.

Why are you using the helicopter for that? Get in a box and use the instant travel per delivery system.

Because that's totally not obvious and the game doesn't mention it at all.


I see. Thanks.

Because that's totally not obvious and the game doesn't mention it at all.

Welcome to A Hideo Kojima Game.

If everything was explained, we wouldn't have people learning neat things about MGS games to this day, including things like the fact that in MGS2, you can use the same box trick to get around faster by using the conveyor belts in the shipping room on the Big Shell.



Because that's totally not obvious and the game doesn't mention it at all.

Missed this too.

I like this game, but I keep seeing people say "wow this game led me to do pointless stuff for 5 hours it's that addicting!" and I'm just reminded that an absurd amount of my time is spent going from the air base->side op drop zone-> horse ride over->GAMEPLAY OF NOTE->horse back while calling chopper->base

When really, just give me that gameplay please, the rest is some painful fluff when you're doing every side op, you probably waste half your time playing by the end doing mindless things that shouldn't be wasting your time.


Where is the zoo in my mother base???

I had to restart my game after I stupidly assumed the game used cloud saves on Steam and I'm wondering this too. I managed to get back where I was but for reason the zoo is not unlocked for me this time. I spent forever capturing a bear, I want to see that bastard locked up!


Missed this too.

I like this game, but I keep seeing people say "wow this game led me to do pointless stuff for 5 hours it's that addicting!" and I'm just reminded that an absurd amount of my time is spent going from the air base->side op drop zone-> horse ride over->GAMEPLAY OF NOTE->horse back while calling chopper->base

When really, just give me that gameplay please, the rest is some painful fluff when you're doing every side op, you probably waste half your time playing by the end doing mindless things that shouldn't be wasting your time.

It's not a perfect solution but for non-mission stuff you can instead just trigger a checkpoint (usually by just running into another zone), going into the menu and select return to ACC. Still not great since you should be able to just travel the map by heli but it's faster than calling a heli and sitting through all the dumb animations.
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