Is anyone else still having connection issues? I still can't go online.
has anyone made a bionic arm falcon punch montage yet? it must be done.
Wait wut? How do you customise weapons ?afaik the easiest and fastest way to get a tranq sniper rifle with surpressor is by developing a tranq sniper rifle and an dmg sniper rifle with surpressor and then adding the surpressor to the tranq sniper rifle via weapon customisation.
I didn't even know you could make it to the tanks before they start to move. I sneaked into the village and found some documents that marked the tanks and the colonel on the map, and when I did they were already en route to the base. I ended up finishing the mission by ambushing them with missiles after they passed by me, destroying one because it stopped to try to fight me, and then chased after the other through a sandstorm. Still managed to take them out before they reached the base, but I wasn't able to take out the colonel non-lethally because he got caught up in all the explosions
Wait wut? How do you customise weapons ?
Man, this game is getting on my nerve like FF14 does with the percentages bullshit. I failed 2 95% success chance missions in a row and 3 overall already.
You need a master gunsmith. Do side ops.Wait wut? How do you customise weapons ?
I am 50+ hours in, if it's here I don't see it.did something similar, except instead of using missiles, I found an enemy mortar, so I quietly cleared everyone in the area that could see me, aligned the mortar target to the road, and waited. Tricky part was timing the shot on a moving tank, but I managed to kill the 1st tank in 1 shot, stopping the 3 tank convoy. 3 or 4 more mortar's took out the other 2 tanks (and the colonel), all the while they never "spotted" me and went to combat mode, just regular alert mode. Felt Good.
At the time, didn't have the fully upgraded fulton, but now I want to do that mission, spawn a large truck and block the road, hang back a bit and wait for the tanks to stop. Then quietly fulton each one from the back tank to the front. I hope to succeed.
Side ops, you'll open a strand of ops that make it evident what they lead to. Opened it last night, and I'm not at 20% done.
fultoning resource containers and hopping on is he best way to end missions,Wish you could do the same with trucks.
Finished episode 12. Wow, that's some real Metal Gear awesomeness. I think the more mundane military wetworks most of the missions are really help set the crazier story missions apart. When stuff gets crazy, it really feels special. The most important part is that ALL of it feels so goddamn fun.
Now I just have to clear episode 9 and a few leftover sideops, before taking on episode 13. Feels like the chapter is coming to an end now.
Wait wut? How do you customise weapons ?
Yeah you have to be on top of them and hold triangle/Y to do it. You can also fulton out a vehicle with people in it.Wait this is a thing?
S ranked the prologue like a boss and earned heroism points out the wazoo. Now I have to wait 13 hours for the game to download.
According to a codec call his judgement says it better not to. It came off to me as we programmed his ai a certain way and he has to stick close. He can't seem to trigger an alert though. Guard will see him, but they never get suspicious as a consequence, so it doesn't matter.Why doesn't D-Dog stay when I ask him to? I tell him to stay and then one minute later he's sniffing my arse when I'm crouched in the bushes trying to use stealth.
Just completed mission 9 (was awful, just like 8) and i still haven't foundQuiet.
Ocelot also told me to come back to MB and Kaz contacted me there, telling me tohelp Dr. Emmerich disert the soviet (a side mission appeared at the power plant after this conversation). DD is all grown up as well and ready for the field. Where the fuck is she?
Wait wut? How do you customise weapons ?
This is killing me.I've decided to just stop fucking around and try to progress through the story over the upcoming weekend. I just finished Episode 21 and I still feel that the story is going nowhere.
I'm around mission 40 now, and these main levels are just so repetitive. All we're doing is either extracting someone, killing someone or blowing something up.
I did the legendary gunsmith ages ago, got nothing else apart from that.Master gunsmith, after you finish story mission 13 the legendary master gunsmith extraction missions should pop up as side ops.
Reached mission 25 and I just want to finish the story now.I'm around mission 40 now, and these main levels are just so repetitive. All we're doing is either extracting someone, killing someone or blowing something up.
This has to be the only Metal Gear game where going in guns blazing is more satisfying than stealth.
I did the legendary gunsmith ages ago, got nothing else apart from that.
A few people were discussing it before, but can someone send me a picture of the reflection in the helicopter? I'm curious and don't wanna wait until I get home from work. I'm assuming it's not a spoiler or anything since you can see it early on/whenever in the ACC, right?
I'm playing the game full stealth, what the hell am I supposed to do with guys with helmets?
Yea I dont have weapons in the customise option. And I dont have any side quest pertaining to that on my list apart from legendary gunsmith.Oh if you did all 3 of those then just go to the mother base tab of the idroid while in the ACC and you should see a customize option and weapon customization should be the top option.
It's in the menu where you can modify your chopper and stuff.
Adapt and survive. Now you're going to have to avoid them, shoot them in the face, or cqc them.I'm playing the game full stealth, what the hell am I supposed to do with guys with helmets?
I'm playing the game full stealth, what the hell am I supposed to do with guys with helmets?
hey I just had a few questions if people would answer if you can.
is there a way to stop mother base from auto assigning fultoned soldiers, when i fulton them they are already placed in a group, is there a way to keep them in the waiting room and then assign them myself when I am done a mission?
I'm playing the game full stealth, what the hell am I supposed to do with guys with helmets?
You be a man and you punch that guy in his stupid face. Codename Bear all the way.I'm playing the game full stealth, what the hell am I supposed to do with guys with helmets?
There are like two 100% unique missions after 3I'm around mission 40 now, and these main levels are just so repetitive. All we're doing is either extracting someone, killing someone or blowing something up.
Yea I dont have weapons in the customise option. And I dont have any side quest pertaining to that on my list apart from legendary gunsmith.
Nope...among the completed quests I only have one legendary gunsmith in the list.Wait were you using "return to ACC" from the pause menu after you finished the 3 legendary gunsmith side quests? (extract the legendary gunsmith yet again should be the last one)
Because it didn't formally unlock for me until I manually extracted by calling a chopper and leaving.