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Metroid Prime Blast Ball |OT| Ridley is too big to fit in the BlastBall arena

Manually aim below the ball before it's dropped and you can knock it over their heads quite easily before it's even near the ground, though sometimes lag takes effect of the physics and it doesn't work well.


Are you insinuating that Other M is a good game? Please don't. And yeah Prime Trilogy is good, but it's not new games.

Did you read the reviews? Or see some of the threads here extolling its quality? Story aside, many like its gameplay quite a bit.

Prime Trilogy is a remaster, right? Those are often considered new releases.


I'm wondering about two things now:
1. Will progress very over to the full game?
2. Will online be disabled for this software or is that only for the US version?

Considering that the demo players will be able to play with owners of the game for the couple of weeks that the servers are still up, you would have to think that save data will carry over to a purchase. I guess we won't know for sure until it happens.


Did you read the reviews? Or see some of the threads here extolling its quality? Story aside, many like its gameplay quite a bit.

Prime Trilogy is a remaster, right? Those are often considered new releases.

Prime Trilogy isn't really a remaster since Prime 1 and Prime 2 were in 480p already. It literally just added the motion controls and got rid of the gamecube controls.

And yeah I've read Other M reviews, impressions, and played it myself. That game is utter shit.


So the Ridley and Flower skin are flipped between NA/PAL?

Found this on Miiverse (UK player):

Did you read the reviews? Or see some of the threads here extolling its quality? Story aside, many like its gameplay quite a bit.

Prime Trilogy is a remaster, right? Those are often considered new releases.

There's no arguing with TI82. He craps on everything. And is a master troll with his "I am just stating my opinion which is negative 99.99% of the time because I love Nintendo games!"


Prime Trilogy isn't really a remaster since Prime 1 and Prime 2 were in 480p already. It literally just added the motion controls and got rid of the gamecube controls.

And yeah I've read Other M reviews, impressions, and played it myself. That game is utter shit.

Utter shit is not an objective statement. You're entitled to your opinion, of course, though. What is your opinion of Metroid Blast? To me that is one of the finest entries in the franchise.

I think PT does count as a remaster by usual GAF criteria. It did more than you said.

Metroid Prime Trilogy includes many of the changes introduced in New Play Control! Metroid Prime and New Play Control! Metroid Prime 2: Dark Echoes, as well as the PAL versions of each individual game. These include, but are not limited to:

-Three difficulty settings: Normal Mode, Veteran Mode, and Hypermode, the latter replacing Hard. Normal in the first two Primes is equivalent to the new Veteran. The Normal is an entirely new "easy" mode, and Hypermode is the Hard difficulty from both games. All -Corruption difficulties remain unaltered.
-Customizable control options similar to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, which carry over to all three games, but not to multiplayer.
-A Bonus Credits system similar to the one introduced in Corruption, allowing the player to unlock extras such as music or image galleries. This is also how the Fusion Suit is obtained in Prime. The player receives Orange Credits and Purple Credits for defeating bosses in Prime and Echoes, respectively, and Silver Credits for completing certain tasks, like escaping the Frigate Orpheon or collecting a Dark Temple Key.
Widescreen and 480p support.
-A reworked menu interface with a stylized Arm Cannon interior background, Mii system for game files, files that include all three games (as well as details on location and current power-up status), and connected control options between games on a single Mii file. Individual title screens are removed in favor of this.
-A reworked HUD in Prime and Echoes, it now only displays the current beam/visor in use rather than all obtained, as in the New Play Control! titles. Also, all gauges, the radar, map window, and beam/visor icons become transparent when the cursor passes over them. The Scan Visor has an altered Sight Window as well, although Scan Points are still present in Prime.
-The Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Multiplayer returns with Wii controls, but does not support Wi-Fi.
-Doors in Prime and Echoes open faster, although doors in Corruption open much slower.
-Bosses in Echoes are less difficult, in response to common criticism about their difficulty.
-Higher texture quality and resolution is present in Prime and Echoes. Both games now feature bloom lighting as well (which is very noticeable during the Thardus battle in the former game).
-Several altered songs, including those for Flaahgra (fixing the looping issue that was present in the original version of Prime, the theme now plays in full), [1] Luminoth Key, Dark Temple Key, restoring an Energy Controller, Dark Trooper,[2] Bryyo, and Korakk Beast.[3] In addition, a new version of Meta Ridley's theme from the trailer was put in the gallery and the Impact Crater music was added to Echoes.
-The Boost Ball glitch that can be exploited on Meta Ridley has been fixed and is now ineffective.
-In the original version of Corruption, Admiral Dane says "Damn! They're targeting the planetary defense system!" during the briefing scene. In the Trilogy version, the word "Damn" is replaced with "No!" This was also the case with the European version of Corruption.
-Certain special effects from the first Prime were removed due to technical problems. For example, water surfaces no longer ripple in reaction to weapon fire or character movement (although the water will still splash), and the arm cannon is no longer affected by the type of beam it is charging. For example, in the GameCube version, embers would rise from the cannon when charging the Plasma Beam and ice would form over the cannon for the Ice Beam (the sound of this remains, but not the visual). It is commonly believed that the charge effects were incompatible with the many new angles of the arm cannon introduced by the Wii controls. Possible reasons why the water ripples had to be removed are less obvious.
-In Prime, a graphical glitch was introduced on the Arm Cannon when using the X-Ray Visor: Samus's hand inside the cannon is no longer affected by recoil.
In Prime, the elevator animations used when loading a new area are shown at an incorrect aspect ratio, regardless of widescreen setting.
-In Corruption, there is a data room on the way to Generator B (the only generator Samus does not visit during her first trip to Norion), which has a panel that reveals a code when scanned. Each column provides a hidden message when typed in the Transmission console on Samus's Gunship. The messages were present in the first version of Corruption, but the terminal in the data storage was inactive, and no hints to the messages existed.
-Due to the change of certain logs in this version, the logbook was mildly shifted out of order, resulting in certain scans recorded as other things.
-In Corruption, when Samus destroys a Leviathan, it can be seen exploding and collapsing as she leaves it. This was present in the PAL version.
-In Prime, after the Omega Pirate has been defeated, the number of Fission Metroids greatly increases in the mines, as in the PAL version.
-The Omega Pirate can be defeated easily by using Power Bombs.
-In Trilogy version of Corruption, the Piston Hall no longer contains Sky Puffers (seen in the PAL version), and the rotating gate obstruction (seen in the original NTSC version) is replaced by an energy field. This is due to a Secret World in the original game.
-Many of the Sequence Breaking techniques in the games have been fixed in an attempt to discourage speedrunning. This was done at the suggestion of Kensuke Tanabe.
-Attempting to press the Home Button during a cutscene in Prime or Echoes will not bring up the Home Menu. However, this can be done in every cutscene in Corruption.
-In Prime, a female voice saying "Data received" plays after scanning or receiving a hint, as in the PAL version.


There's a list here, too, unsure if it's identical:


(Of note, the New Play Control! releases of the first two games was JP-only.)


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
So the Ridley and Flower skin are flipped between NA/PAL?

Found this on Miiverse (UK player):
Metroid Blast lovers represent.

Man, I know there's zero chance for that, but FF/BB's aesthetics and mechanics have grown on me to the point I'd love to see a wiiU/nx remake, with a proper gamepad too.

There's no arguing with TI82. He craps on everything. And is a master troll with his "I am just stating my opinion which is negative 99.99% of the time because I love Nintendo games!"
Just imagine if he didn't love them..

Just had the idea that it's tied to beating the Challenge thingy? Has anybody done that? I lost in round 4 and ragequit :)
Zero-ELEC said he did a few posts ago, but he mentioned nothing of credits.


Utter shit is not an objective statement. You're entitled to your opinion, of course, though. What is your opinion of Metroid Blast? To me that is one of the finest entries in the franchise.

I think PT does count as a remaster by usual GAF criteria. It did more than you said.


There's a list here, too, unsure if it's identical:


(Of note, the New Play Control! releases of the first two games was JP-only.)

Nintendo Land I wasn't crazy on but the only minigames we played when I had it were mario chase and the luigis mansion mode. My group got so bored we never picked it up again.

As for the trilogy, it really is just minor changes. It's not a full on remake just like you said, a remaster, so I wouldn't consider it a new game at all.


Nintendo Land I wasn't crazy on but the only minigames we played when I had it were mario chase and the luigis mansion mode. My group got so bored we never picked it up again.

As for the trilogy, it really is just minor changes. It's not a full on remake just like you said, a remaster, so I wouldn't consider it a new game at all.

Sorry, I think we've got our wires crossed. I wouldn't call it a remake at all, just a remaster. Those terms aren't usually used interchangeably on GAF from what I've seen. No offense intended, I think the terminology is just something we're each meaning differently.

The two minigames you tried in Nintendo Land unfortunately are two of the three shallowest modes and two of the three most lacking content. The SP and co-op MP games in NL have an unbelievable amount of content otherwise for the most part, combined, and especially the co-op MP games in and of themselves..


Whenever I try versus it stays in warm up because someone appears to be stuck in standby, what's up with that


Sorry, I think we've got our wires crossed. I wouldn't call it a remake at all, just a remaster. Those terms aren't usually used interchangeably on GAF from what I've seen. No offense intended, I think the terminology is just something we're each meaning differently.

The two minigames you tried in Nintendo Land unfortunately are two of the three shallowest modes and two of the three most lacking content. The SP and co-op MP games in NL have an unbelievable amount of content otherwise for the most part, combined, and especially the co-op MP games in and of themselves..

I don't have Nintendo Land anymore so I couldn't try them myself but I'll take your word for it


I don't have Nintendo Land anymore so I couldn't try them myself but I'll take your word for it

Thanks. If you're a fan of Zelda and Pikmin as much as of Metroid, I think you'd enjoy all three co-op games in there quite a bit. I hope you get to try them sometime.
ok, when you get into a laggy match the physics are so random, I was shooting an uncontested ball and every time I hit it, it moved towards me instead of away.

Sometimes hitting the edge of the ball to spin its direction doesn't work either, makes defending extremely annoying.

I keep wishing that the speed boost was actually the default speed.

the lightweight ball needs to be default IMO, the regular ball is a pain to do much with.


Thanks. If you're a fan of Zelda and Pikmin as much as of Metroid, I think you'd enjoy all three co-op games in there quite a bit. I hope you get to try them sometime.

Zelda I love, one of my favorite series of all time especially the 2D Zeldas. Pikmin I really only liked Pikmin 2, the first was annoying with the timelimit and the third had odd controls


Just had the idea that it's tied to beating the Challenge thingy? Has anybody done that? I lost in round 4 and ragequit :)

Zero-ELEC said he did a few posts ago, but he mentioned nothing of credits.

Oh, yeah, credits play after beating challenge. You also get a skin. (I got "Polka Dot", might be different in other versions.)

And yeah, I got "Spades" when scoring within 5 seconds of start, not Kraid. So the skins are different.

Consensus is this is fun, correct?

Game's fun, yeah. Though the control take a bit to get used to and can be a bit cramp-inducing on smaller 3DSs. Still worth a download if you can, see for yourself.


Oh, yeah, credits play after beating challenge. You also get a skin. (I got "Polka Dot", might be different in other versions.)

And yeah, I got "Spades" when scoring within 5 seconds of start, not Kraid. So the skins are different.

Kraid?! oO

I got camouflage!

paint job rewards (PAL)
  • Win your first match = camouflage
  • Score within 5 seconds = shark
  • Score 3 goals in one match = lightning
  • Ran 10km = flower

Consensus is this is fun, correct?

Yes. Definitely!
i'm 90% sure I got kraid from a 5 sec goal, if it wasn't that it could have been another but there's no way to check without clearing data and restarting my file.


ok i'm looking right now, kraid was first win, 5 blocks got me the star skin not ridley, flower was 10km distance, clubs for scoring in 5 seconds.

So it's definitely randomized, then? I mean, I got:

  • "Fire" - First Blast Ball win
  • "Flower" - Performed 5 blocks in a game
  • "Polka Dot" - Beat a Challenge
  • "Spades" - Scored within 5 seconds
  • "Ridley" - Ran over 10 km


Does his best thinking in the flying car
I'm glad to hear people are having a good time with this

The game doesn't really appeal to me, but if it has Metroid on it, I want it to be enjoyable for fans


So it's definitely randomized, then? I mean, I got:

  • "Fire" - First Blast Ball win
  • "Flower" - Performed 5 blocks in a game
  • "Polka Dot" - Beat a Challenge
  • "Spades" - Scored within 5 seconds
  • "Ridley" - Ran over 10 km

Definitely randomized.
For me I got Ridley for first win, and Lightning for scoring all 3 goals in a game. (NA)


Cool, downloading now.

Also it's really annoying to see that it is still literally impossible to have a thread about this game without incessant bitching and moaning about it not being a traditional Metroid game.


I keep getting into lobbies that say "warm up: waiting for host" but the matches never actually start?? Five in a row now

edit: "the server is currently undergoing maintenance" bah
Ha, I had no idea this was released. Glad to see people are enjoying it.
Question, though: does the online community seem decently robust for a new release? I guess most wouldn't know how to tell, but I'm curious.
Everything's getting maintenance today.

Splatoon, Mario Maker, Smash, MK. This is nothing special.
They really need to give a heads up (in system, I know they have a website) it booted me while playing Splatoon, and it keeps happening mire and more often. There was also maintenance last night and I couldn't play Smash. So annoying.


My stats:

Goals - 25 (0.83 per match)
Assists - 18 (0.60)
Blocks - 37 (1.23)

I have more wins that losses but 4-5 disconnects just before the maintenance fucked my rating from 1100+ to below 1000.

I wouldn't say I'm defensive like the stats might suggest but I definitely like the support role. I'm staying near the center for most of the match and wait for the advantage before committing forward or stall them if they catch us off guard.


Played it for a bit, I'm not really interested in Blast Ball itself, but I loved the training for Federation Force. LOL at the people who complained Federation Force had nothing to do with Metroid Prime: as said pretty much everywhere, it plays exactly like Metroid Prime, with gameplay refinements and team elements added. The hold R + gyro à la Splatoon adds tons of subtlety to aiming and combat, and the use of heal elements is interesting. The combat against holo pirates was already more nervous and fun than combat in the original game.
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