My alarm went off and it forced the app to close.Got disconnected from that last run. Hope you managed to continue and get a drop at least!
My alarm went off and it forced the app to close.Did it not let you finish it solo? Thanks for your help but I was unlucky today.
Doh, I hate it when that happens! It kicked me out when the host disconnected, I think only the host player can continue alone when the other players disconnect? Not sure.
Yeah bad luck today, which is why I only like doing runs for myself on bonus days, haha.
I had to turn off email notifications ever since co-op happened.
iOSWhat OS do you guys use that this happens?
What OS do you guys use that this happens?
I'm on Android, but random stuff triggering in the background or another app triggering can definitely cause Terra Battle to close sometimes. Co-op is extra sensitive too, because if your screen goes to sleep you can get disconnected too, lol.
Yukken gets an amazing boost in attack when recoded; plus, more confusion is awesome. Won't ever beat S'naip in a damage war, but she's more useful.I don't know who to recode next... atm I'm going for Yukken, but I'm not sure how good she is. My other bow user is S'naip, is it worth trading him in for her? I also have olber, but I also have Odin for a spear user. I also have all 3 dragons and Jennish, but I already have Zerro and I'm not sure if another mage will be that good. Any suggestions?
I don't know who to recode next... atm I'm going for Yukken, but I'm not sure how good she is. My other bow user is S'naip, is it worth trading him in for her? I also have olber, but I also have Odin for a spear user. I also have all 3 dragons and Jennish, but I already have Zerro and I'm not sure if another mage will be that good. Any suggestions?
I don't have any powerhouse so for me running 20-1 is not that great, I run it with 4-5 characters and each gets a level at best. it's also so boring :_(Well, I still use Metal Zones to level characters to lvl 60+, just past that 20-1 is probably the most efficient way to level a character right now. Bahamut Λ is at lvl 76 right now and I want it at lvl 80.
For me 20-1 is 250 k exp guaranteed for 25 stamina and each run takes ~7- 8 minutes. I imagine it might be slightly more difficult if you don't have a powerhouse SS/Λ mage to carry the team...or Gugba.
recode Yukken, she's great. and goddamn I wish I had all those characters.I don't know who to recode next... atm I'm going for Yukken, but I'm not sure how good she is. My other bow user is S'naip, is it worth trading him in for her? I also have olber, but I also have Odin for a spear user. I also have all 3 dragons and Jennish, but I already have Zerro and I'm not sure if another mage will be that good. Any suggestions?
if a guest in co-op brings TH characters, that TH doesn't work unless they are able to stay at level 65+. (maybe Alika Z will change this) iirc chapter 26 doesn't let you do that, so unless the host has TH you can't get any.
Yukken gets an amazing boost in attack when recoded; plus, more confusion is awesome. Won't ever beat S'naip in a damage war, but she's more useful.
I wouldn't count Olber as a "spear" unit but more as a defensive unit that should probably be in every party. Could probably ditch a full-time healer alltogether with him in your party.
Yukken Λ was rather underwhelming in the beginning, but she does have one of the highest single pincer damage in game, shes also one of the few characters with +2 sec time, which is nice.
Jennish Λ and Zerro Λ would work well together since they could feed eachother capsules for that +10% matk boost + Olber's capsules. I rarely use my lambda mage to move though since I need to make pincers with physical high DPS characters, so I kinda feel that boost skill has gone to waste a bit.
Got my Bahamut Λ to lvl 80, eager to find out how useful meteor actually is.
17630I'm game if you're around.
What level is that Bahamut? Doesnt seem good at all.
I am close to recoding it. Level 72/80/80 now.
How do you even level up that Z level so fast?
My Pizfer still stuck at 72. After so many runs of 23-4.
For Olber, I can't seem to find how useful he really is. Maybe I'm using him wrong but I can't see him replacing A'misandra lamba as a healer. I'll give him a shot once I get Yukken, Jennish, and Odin to lamba 80.
Here's a question for team make-up in the support area: if I have Sheena with Caper and Ritual, is there much purpose in running a Green-Staff character? I picked up Palpa (obviously) and Eileen (PoT pull) recently but I see no reason to use them since I've power level Sheena to 65 in J2. The only thing I may need to swap Eileen in for, if necessary, is her Levitate on J2.
Also I've been using Lunaken for a while but until J3 (not there yet)... he feels pretty useless (only having Mega and Giga spear) aside from being my lone Spear character. My two physicals that may benefit from his Evasive Arts J3 are already tanks (Sheena and Maralme) and Piz'fer has auto-regen and revival, so I'm thinking of dropping Lunaken when I next get a better unit to replace him with.
I've reformed my/a team and gotten pretty far on my blitz to catch up now, feeling pretty good.![]()
I think you're best suited to decide how many heals you need in your party. I'm guessing you still run a dedicated healer in your party?
For the most part green characters seem rather worthless to me. I would never use Palpa, for example and would pretty much always take a damage dealer over her.
is he? I thought some DPS chart that someone posted made clear that Bahamut lambda is one of the strongest if not the strongest mage in the game right now.That bahamut was lvl 80. He is no match for lambda mages, but it can carry another character through 20-1 in a 2 character team with a 240 k exp result, that's good enough for me.
oh, I thought it was the same level as the difficulty.It's the difficulty level +5. So if ch 26's difficulty level is 62 then guest characters will be rounded down to 67.
And yea, I imagine 20-1 would be way more of a struggle if it wasn't as easy as just killing everything on screen with 1 turn. Getting one level per run still sounds great.
is he? I thought some DPS chart that someone posted made clear that Bahamut lambda is one of the strongest if not the strongest mage in the game right now.
That bahamut was lvl 80. He is no match for lambda mages, but it can carry another character through 20-1 in a 2 character team with a 240 k exp result, that's good enough for me.
I level Z characters to lvl 50+ via arena metal zones using metal tickets, then it takes ~1 day of MZ 5 to get them to lvl ~63 and after that it's just 20-1 with a 2 character team, which gives me ~1 level per run.
Alright, the saga is over.
Got 100% Bahamut Λ, Odin Λ and Leviathan Λ.
Bring on Ch. 32 +++
I had them around 45% SB from previous times they were up.What. How?
Don't get counterattacked.Any tips for the boss of 30-10?
Probably 80+; Baha will still probably 1 shot most your dudes depending on rank.What a recommend level (J1/J2, mostly) for Bahamut Ultra? lol
What a recommend level (J1/J2, mostly) for Bahamut Ultra? lol
oh my god is it really mantle helix farming day what a great day to be alive
Don't get counterattacked.
Probably 80+; Baha will still probably 1 shot most your dudes depending on rank.
Just ran one Metal Zone 6 and found out one little trick. S/L makes the Mirrors spawn in a different location which could help a bit for positioning your characters.
Bahamut Ultra is tough fight. The mobs and the boss deal quite a lot of damages and are quite resistant.
You'll need a team with a dedicated strategy.
Either you manage to make several lines with Grace using her -20% Dragon Def (at Job 3 lvl 65).
Else you use a lot of Ice characters and stack Anti-Fire capsules/Fire shield. Nevertheless, you'll also need level 65+ characters.
Record Keeper is already doing a rate up, low price pull event.
You move, Mistwalker. And that Guaranteed S/SS thing don't count.
Dunno if people here are aware but I thought I might share -- The lower the chance to use the skill the higher the chance is to gain skill boost. So if you're only interested in raising SB it would be smart to switch out all those 60% - 80% skills and replace them with 30% ones. SB also triggers in multiple phases with the first one being attack/buff skills, second phase being remedy/heal skills and third phase being counter/capsule skills. Characters that have skills from 3 different phases gain SB much, much faster.
I've been having a really easy time getting Rikken's SB up.
I'm sitting on 9 Mantle Helix, been farming them just because and to deplete my stamina. It's fun to demolish the 30-8 boss with Z class mages. Kinda breaks the whole boss battle when I can kill all the minions before the boss even gets its first turn.
30-8 video
Hah!!Mistwalker's "move" is to actually develop content that's worth playing. Something RK will probably never do.![]()