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Mistwalker/Hironobu Sakaguchi's Terra Battle |OT| Season 2 has been unleashed!


which of the 3 dragons would be the most beneficial to upgrade first
I only have Leviathan so far, but he's awesome. I don't think you can go wrong with any of them just looking at the stats, it mostly depends on your other characters and what kind of team you want to build.
They're all badass, but I'd suggest starting with Bahamut (for meteorrrr!) or Odin if you need that crazy spear damage over fire.
It'll just be leveling and more leveling next week and beyond until they decide to drop a new patch! *cough*
Well at least we know it's coming. Most of the content info is out there.
It would be bad at this point if they had shown nothing. :O


They're all badass, but I'd suggest starting with Bahamut (for meteorrrr!) or Odin if you need that crazy spear damage over fire.

Well at least we know it's coming. Most of the content info is out there.
It would be bad at this point if they had shown nothing. :O

Its today. I can feel it in the winds!


that puzzling face
I have completely run out of money.


On the other hand the game is trying to tell me something...




Pulled Koko on a random pull urge with 5 of my energy, lol. My random pulls have been on point recently, lol.


So I grabbed all the materials to recode Odin, leveled all his jobs to 80, and one of the monster to 50. I was still missing the last monster but it didn't occur to me to check where it dropped, so now I cannot recode him.

Luckily for me, Olber needs the same materials as Odin so at least my efforts weren't wasted. Before I recoded him, I tried my luck at the Pact of Fellowship incase I get more skill boosts for the monsters needed to recode and ended up pulling Seiryu.

He doesn't seem that great (I have Zerro already and another dark caster doesn't seem that great). Eventually I'll grind out his job levels but the Mangled Horn and Sentinel Flame has a really low drop rate. Should I just farm the materials for Jennish recoding? It seems like he would be better for now and would make the weekly challenges a breeze.


Oh, I found the mirrors fairly easy to avoid. They only do a 3 tile column and it's easy enough to place Z mages so that they hit most units but still avoid the column counter.


Took 3 tries with the item bonus to get the last Mantle Helix I needed from 31-10, but finally I can recode Leviathan, the last of the dragons! Also used the rest of my stamina to do a few Weekly Challenge runs, and got my time down to 1:12. Hopefully this is enough to get the energy. :)

Both Odin^ and Bahamut^ are at lvl58 now, should be able to get them past lvl60 by tomorrow, then it's going to be a looooooong road to lvl80 while I start leveling Leviathan^.


Took 3 tries with the item bonus to get the last Mantle Helix I needed from 31-10, but finally I can recode Leviathan, the last of the dragons! Also used the rest of my stamina to do a few Weekly Challenge runs, and got my time down to 1:12. Hopefully this is enough to get the energy. :)

Both Odin^ and Bahamut^ are at lvl58 now, should be able to get them past lvl60 by tomorrow, then it's going to be a looooooong road to lvl80 while I start leveling Leviathan^.

I don't envy this, lol.

I am busy trying to grind up Marilith for her ^ (and then I have to do it again for Koko, apparently) and she's a sloooow leveler. At least I got 100% on the starfish for the recode to give her a good boost on SB. I can't imagine how long it take to actually sit down and grind an SS/Z from scratch.

I level Piz'fer and Sheena from the very beginning so the whole thing felt smooth and painless, but sitting down to level Koko is going to be a chore without content over which to do it simultaneously, lol.


I got Levi Λ and Baha Λ almost one month ago and they're still around level 75, I'm going to cry if pvp level cap is 90.


Neo Member
I'd like to give away my account to someone that's worth a damn, perhaps someone new to the game that's really into it, or a vet that's been stuck with crappy pulls, or perhaps someone who is trying to bring a co-op partner up to speed. Is that a thing I can do here?

Talking Jennish, Czekras, Koko, Daiana, Suoh, Amina, Gaiga, Bahl, Ma'curi, Grace, Kuscah, Daiana, all the stoned 'upi kids, some other decent units, all around 70, most units with all 3 jobs, et cetera. 102 stamina, 20 energy. None of the new hotness, though, as I stopped playing around the end of Season 1.

Just not into the game like I was months ago, and would like to see the account find a good home.


Thats a really nice account!
Koko and Jennish recoded will be able to stay top 5000 at weekly challenges. Especially with high SB.
Recode the 3 dragons for better chance!


We're gonna get a new patch and content this week, right? Right?! :(

They didn't even bother to give us an event last weekend. SBing characters has been my sole reason to boot up the app.


they usually release new updates every 4 weeks (so far at least). so we should be due to a new update this week.

how big it'll be? no clue. They'll probably not release everything at the same time though. We'll probably get the new /\, and either pvp, the new dragon boss or chapter 33.


The update might be this week or next week. This is definitely going to be a big one, so I can see them delaying it by a week if things aren't 100% ready yet. They'll also probably want to have a stream close to the new patch to detail the PVP mode in particular. They haven't announced a stream yet, so there won't be one this week. I could see the patch being dropped this week with the stream next week though.

Things we know will be in the patch:
- 4 new Z recodes
- Chapter 33

These are confirmed for this month's update. The Jade Dragon event and the Risen Eidolon fight might also be part of the patch, we'll see. When Co-Op first launched they went to 2.0.0, so with PVP being added we might see it jump to 3.0.0 this month.


I can see them delaying pvp for a week or two while giving us the new lambdas, ch33 and Jade Dragon this week.

+a 10x pull event, either the + one or the 2x gold one.


I decided to get all my golds to 100% SB. It's not as big as an endeavor as SBing 30 silver characters and it would ensure that all my next gold pulls would be non-dupes. Gave me something to do during this quiet time....wouldn't really recommend it tho, haha.

I've finished up
A'misandra Z
Alika (With the +40% from DNA recode)
Gegonago (With the +40% from DNA recode)

Now I just have a team of 6 left -- Ellvern, Palpa, Pupru, Gatz, Djugan and Sha'plar. All of them are at 50 - 70%. With some hardcore SBing for the next few days I should be all done with them too.

Don't think I'll be up for doing any more SBing after that.
Incoming Visceir burnout.

Seriously though, grats if you can stomach it.
I usually suggest people to avoid it.

It's worth the patience in a way, but the odds at gettting sick at even checking out new content is high since you'll be bored at the same common mechanics.

but I guess it's the same with every mobile game of this genre.
decided to a single pull just as a way to break the monotomy.

got Y'apkar. who!?

dat sideboobage doe...

he got a thing for humans.


^ Are you just running 1-5 non stop?

1-4, less movement and easier to set up pincers and avoid 1 tile area pincer/attacks wiping out nearby enemies.

I've usually done it while listening to podcasts or watching tv shows/web series that I would be doing regardless of SBing so it hasn't been that bad.

I started out with a team of Gegonago (+10% frequency) Puprupu (+30% freq to staff users) and A'misandra Z (chain all) with other capsule/heal units that gained SB really fast so the beginning was super easy. I usually got ~15 - 20% SB and things moved along fast.

Now this last team is only the slower SBers left and I usually get like 5 - 7% SB, so it takes a while. It's way too much of a time sink and I'm feeling slightly guilty for putting all this time into it, but I might as well finish things up.
1-4, less movement and easier to set up pincers and avoid 1 tile area pincer/attacks wiping out nearby enemies.

I've usually done it while listening to podcasts or watching tv shows/web series that I would be doing regardless of SBing so it hasn't been that bad.

I started out with a team of Gegonago (+10% frequency) Puprupu (+30% freq to staff users) and A'misandra Z (chain all) with other capsule/heal units that gained SB really fast so the beginning was super easy. I usually got ~15 - 20% SB and things moved along fast.

Now this last team is only the slower SBers left and I usually get like 5 - 7% SB, so it takes a while. It's way too much of a time sink and I'm feeling slightly guilty for putting all this time into it, but I might as well finish things up.

70% is the max needed for 100% skills goign off doe right?


70% is the max needed for 100% skills goign off doe right?

That depends on the skills, Gugba's Tremor is 10%, Gaiga's death is 15%, those would need higher SB to proc all the time.

My main reason to max out SB was to clear them from Pact Of Truth, to make sure I don't pull any more dupes of them.


meh, I did 1:33 with them.

rank #5210

fuck dis

rank wasn't updating so I couldn't see it until it was over. oh well
I did a 1:28 run on the final day that just made the top 5000. The weekly challenge has gotten way more competetive. I need to level those Z mages.


Have a 1:14 time for this week's new challenge. Feeling pretty good about it. Also tried Metal Zone 6 for the first time today after hearing all the horror stories. It's.... really not that bad at all. Good exp distro, lots more enemies, and the mirrors only have a 3 column retaliate, which can be avoided with good placement unless you're super unlucky. Haven't tried the King yet. I guess the rebalance they did after the initial complaints worked out well. 38 stamina is also way better than the 45 stamina or whatever it originally cost.


Got to finally try out a Metal Zone 6 with King just now. Didn't get a perfect result, but still ended up with well over 500k exp. Pretty decent. Seems like a pretty good way to get Z units up to lvl70 without supergrind.

(Of course it helps that I have a lvl90 Samatha^ and a lvl75 Lewto^ to carry units through this, lol.)


Got to finally try out a Metal Zone 6 with King just now. Didn't get a perfect result, but still ended up with well over 500k exp. Pretty decent. Seems like a pretty good way to get Z units up to lvl70 without supergrind.

(Of course it helps that I have a lvl90 Samatha^ and a lvl75 Lewto^ to carry units through this, lol.)

But getting anything to 80 for recode is a super grind! Been grinding Marilith for the last two days to get her to 80. :(

... But it will all be worth it when I have said subpar hero on my team!
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