sorry for the ginormous image
sorry for the ginormous image
Can't survive the wave of minions attacking me while also running away from the stab of doom.He has a pattern of attacking and warping; when he attacks, run away, when he warps, attack.
Can someone help me fill out my squad, currently in chapter 10:
I have the following three S characters who I am currently using, plus Kusach for healing:
Sha'plar the Witch - sword
Zuzu the Shadow - sword
Bahamut - Mage (got him in my 4th run, feelsgoodman.jpeg)
After that I have the following A characters:
Samupi - spear
Metupi - bow
Ka'pori - sword
Parhl - bow
S'napi - bow
And B characters
Ba'gunar - sword
Ra'prow - spear
Ma'curi - spear
Zan - sword
Grace - archer
Bahl - sword
I have been rocking Samupi and Grace to round out my team but currently debating if any of my other characters are worth building up. Thanks
All elements? How do you pudding time??
You know what I'd like to see in this game? The ability to change jobs mid-battle. You can already hold a character's icon to bring up their stats, so it would be easy to let you select another job type right there. Even if it counted as a turn, it might be worth it.
The rates from Hunting Zone 1 to 2 are pretty dramatic, but does anyone here have experience with Hunting Zone 3?
Got enough mats to get Palpa's second job, looked at the wiki and went NOPE!
It's slowly turning into a habbit to first thing in the morning check TB and make sure I use up some of my full stamina. Oddly enough focusing on the game seems to help me wake up easier.
I think you may be confusing Time Devourer (10-10, weak to light) with Toxoid (13-8, weak to darkness)Trial and error I guess. Also it's darkness. Lightning may work too, I suppose, but I've never tried it.
Each hunting zone seems to drop rare loot more often. Most people seem to suggest to ignore hunting zone 1 and wait for HZ2.Is there a difference between the loot dropped between Hunting Zone 1 or 2? Does the drops get rarer or is it about the same?
Haven't tried since I failed because I lack all elements.
you could do what i did this last weekend... via hunting zone 2 repeatedly do the coin creep for about 60k and spend it all on the gold pact. You should get at least one of the elemental mages.
U get decent mages for pudding time.How far along into the story are you and have you actually gotten something worthwhile from all those coin rolls?
Wow Chapter 20 is rather profitable
Thx! It was super-easy. Sad that the Monster Strike code doesn't work too with the US vers. but whatever.Famitsu Ethereal tip
I think you may be confusing Time Devourer (10-10, weak to light) with Toxoid (13-8, weak to darkness)
Thanks for the tip! I leveled up Ethereal and a beast in a pinch using a lvl 21 Grace. I saw that the difficulty of the battle increased proportionally the higher the level my chars were.I did some more testing, and it seems how much exp you get per kill in metal zone is based on the level of the highest member of your party.
It doesn't matter what zone or what the level is, what matters is that higher max level = higher exp. moreover, it seems to be linear. In other words, if you replace your highest level guy with someone whose level is twice as high, you get twice as much exp.
U get decent mages for pudding time.
Trial and error I guess. Also it's darkness. Lightning may work too, I suppose, but I've never tried it.
Just did pudding time 2 and got 8 fucking items WITH a boss kill. Shit sucks.
You can't.Keep getting wiped by 11-10 boss. Even spent an energy to continue just to beat him and he still killed me in two more turns. How do you even attack a boss when he's in the corner?
ok, I have been pudding time all day and I haven't gotten anything but rings. So very frustrating.
How far along into the story are you and have you actually gotten something worthwhile from all those coin rolls?
I don't think you really need elemental attacks for pudding time. Atleast for example Zuzu's thousand swords skill isn't elemental and that hits puddings, pretty sure his mega/giga sword do as well. Seems more like it is skills in general that hit puddings.
Mega and Gigasword can miss on the pudding. Any attack can hit puddings but physical attacks just have a high chance to miss, I don't have Zuzu but it sounds like his skill is a special case, since it does 1000 damage always.
A whole day of farming pudding and 0 animatons so far. This thing really hates me.
It's really random.I'm convinced that animaton has the lowest drop rate out of all the items besides the legendary items. I get everything else besides it and it sucks cause I'm gonna need 3 to get Bahamut's 2nd job :/
I'm convinced that animaton has the lowest drop rate out of all the items besides the legendary items. I get everything else besides it and it sucks cause I'm gonna need 3 to get Bahamut's 2nd job :/
It's really random.
I got 12 Animatons, but can't get Orichalcum to drop when I need it.
all ive gotten is 2 animatons today >.>
idk man but something is different about Pudding Time this week than last. I used to regularly get 18+, with anything below 15 being exceedingly rare. I've only gotten over 10 once today out of about 6 runs.
Our luck sucks. I refuse to admit they would change it without telling us![]()
Well the rates could always be based on other factors. Like lower rate the more you have, or shit like that.
I've had pretty good luck today, I'm only getting like 12 prizes a run, but they have been great drops. I got Czekras and Sha'plar to job 2.
Wonder if it is going to be worth picking up a bunch of Caladbolgs.
Because of monster strike I forgot to log in yesterday.
I have to start all over again for the log in bonus right?