Nope, we are on PST time now and it said 6 PDT.
Decided to put some money into the game. Not because I had to but because I really want to support mistwalker. They did a great job with this game.
I did the same ($10), I didn't get anything from it. However, my purpose for doing was to support Mistwalker more than trying to get a pull. I am actually quite happy with my team.
Never even checked because I'm not going to spend money, but how far does $10 get you?
I wonder if they'll wait out a bit before releasing Bahamut zone 3.
Going from level 20 (zone1) to 35 (zone2) in a week is doable, but if the last one is ~50 might take a while for new players to catch up.
My body/team is ready. Got Bahamut to 40/35 in his 2 jobs so far and have the materials for his third.I suspect the next Bahamut dungeon will be about a 45 difficulty. This doesn't translate exactly to a level requirement, but it seems relatively close. So basically you'll want a party of people in the 40s somewhere. Low 40s is probably doable, but you might have trouble if you're dipping into the 30s with some of your guys.
Hah, I should give it another try. I got demolished there early this morning so I've spent the day at metal zones.
You have three SS ranks!
Two of them are mages!
I tried 18-1 and scrapped by. Slow rolling it is ideal but the enemies won't walk on spikes on their own volition so I had to eat a whole lot of damage to get across the spike river without dying when the enemies excitedly rushed over for a welcome Lateral Slash. Don't feel comfortable going across with my current team.
... On the plus side, three of my mains are Spears so with a large enough chain, I'm one rounding enemies again. Boy, that was some trial when I was in the chapters with mostly bow users.
Are you me?Just beat 18-7. Each stage of 18 is as annoying as the last, and not having SS mages or Levitation makes for a painful experience.
Are you me?
We are the lizards.Are you me?
terrabattlex just posted an "Advanced Movement Guide". It's pretty neat the kind of tricks you can pull
is this an official guide on the wacky movement the game sometimes makes you do? haha oh wow. nice to know though
terrabattlex just posted an "Advanced Movement Guide". It's pretty neat the kind of tricks you can pull
What in the actual fuck? This has to be a bug.
Terra Battle X is a fansite, I think.
oh crap you're right. i didnt see the X.
but holy crap lol this is amazing.
this movement is insane.
it seems that the last position you held before landing on a monster cell is the one that will be the 2nd character's new position. which explains the times i went crazy and my characters seemed to jump 6 cells in the opposite direction.
How does this even work?!
In this image:
Has anyone tested whether it will work if the unit on the bottom right is not there? Basically just moving through units with no swap. Imagine for example a solid vertical wall of units that covers the board, no way around them. Could you just teleport from one side to the other side using this?
In this image:
Has anyone tested whether it will work if the unit on the bottom right is not there? Basically just moving through units with no swap. Imagine for example a solid vertical wall of units that covers the board, no way around them. Could you just teleport from one side to the other side using this?
You should be able to, it's the same theory as this image except going through more enemies:
Looking at this picture again I wonder if the pill would swap, meaning we can do this with the energy pucks too?
Edit: Looking at the image again, it the very first three moves (left, down, left) already does this. So maybe it's possible, but as someone else said there just has to be an open path from your entry point to your exit point. Weird.
Nope.Uh...20 isnt the end of the plot. I was tricked!
(Okay seriously, the plot isnt over, why was I told it ends at 20 multiple times)
Depending on where you are, Sampui might have better versatility since he covers all three weapon types. I have Sheena and honestly, all I'm using her for is Control Time+2 (which Sampui appears to have also). There's also the issue that it's going to take forever to get her third job since it's gated in Chapter 20 and I'm languishing in Chapter 18. Her best skills are at level 65 so she's not going to be noticeably more helpful then anyone else in her weapon type until late late late.I run Lewto, A'merpac, Ma'curi, Koko, Samupi, Kuscah.
I just drew Sheena. I'm thinking I drop Samupi since Sheena covers sword?