Binged this entire show out of nowhere yesterday, and I really liked it. I wish we'd have gotten to see more 100% Mob, but I get why we didn't.
One thing I really noticed was that the art on this show is really awesome. It changes between almost a watercolor feel, into classic paintbrush strokes, into normal anime type art, into OPM type drab faces. And then when Mob goes 100%, it's very psychedelic.
The characters were great, and that alley fight scene was amazing. It's a shame we didn't get more of that type action throughout. I'm very interested in seeing how S2 plays out.
I don't think its a spoiler but people wanting more action then the second season will provide that in droves and should blow everything we've seen in season 1 out of the water with ease. The villains are way better as well.
Webcomic/Season 2 spoilers:
The boss of Claw is one bad mother fucker but Mojami Keiji will probably outdo even him because of what he attempts to do to Mob